Game 3 2023-24: Oilers at Predators

by Lowetide

The Edmonton Oilers should be 6-2-0 or close by the end of the month. Two wins on the road against Nashville (tonight) and Philadelphia later in the week should set the world right.



  • On the road to: VAN (Expected 1-0-0) (Actual 0-1-0)
  • At home to: VAN (Expected 1-0-0) (Actual 0-1-0)
  • On the road to: NAS, PHIL (Expected 2-0-0) (Actual 0-0-0)
  • At home to: WPG (Expected 1-0-0) (Actual 0-0-0)
  • On the road to: MIN (Expected 0-1-0) (Actual 0-0-0)
  • At home to: NYR, CAL (Expected 1-1-0) (Actual 0-0-0)
  • Overall expected result: 6-2-0, 12 points in 8 games
  • Actual October results: 0-2-0, 0 points in 2 games
  • Oilers in 2023-24: 0-2-0, 0 points in 2 games


Whenever the coach puts 97-29 together we see a lot of angst and anger. How much value is there in running the two men together five-on-five. Here’s a look using the last two seasons combined:

  • McDavid-Draisaitl: 762 mins, 3.86 goals-60, 56 pct goal share
  • McDavid solo: 1874 mins, 3.17 goals-60, 57 pct goal share
  • Draisaitl solo: 1792 mins, 3.08 goals-60, 51 pct goal share
  • Rest of roster: 3496 mins, 2.27 goals-60, 49 pct goal share

When a coach goes to the McDavid-Draisaitl ‘Glimmer Twins’ cheat mode, the benefit is the Oilers have a better chance to score a goal while not giving up goal share. The risk? Getting shelled when 97-29 are at rest. Again, over the past two seasons, the team without the two impact centers is running 49 percent goal share and doesn’t score much or allow many goals.

I’m not sure it’s a grand idea, but the numbers suggest the risk is less than some believe based on the hyperbole. Now, in past seasons that was no doubt the case. Now? I think Woodcroft’s risk has merit. It is still a risk.


The Oilers are too good to continue this much farther, but the easiest fix is in goal. I think we’ll see someone up in the bullpen by game 8 if the .750 cruisers don’t find the range.

At noon today, Sports 1440, we have a stacked lineup of guests. Daniel Nugent-Bowman from The Athletic will talk Oilers, Lindsay Rowley will talk Preds and we’ll preview the game tonight. We’re at Sports 1440, noon to 2 today. You can reach me in the comments section, @Lowetide on twitter, or text us 1.833.401.1440 directly.

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Jack Campbell was the first star for me tonight – he was square to the puck all night, and really battled hard, making a number of outstanding second effort saves. Looked like a number 1 goalie tonight – he looked more confident as the game went on. Really hope he’s able to build on tonight’s effort. In fact, I would go back to him against Philly.

Gotta say I’m definitely eating some crow tonight regarding Woody’s new line combos. I thought he was going with McDrai because he was out of ideas. Turns out he was actually seeking to put Hyman – Nuge – Foegele together, and McDrai was what was left over!

Seriously though, the new second line played great, and Nuge is really off to a fast start. We all assumed regression for him this year, but while he still doesn’t have any hair on his chin, it seems that he has been able to put a little extra sauce into his shot.

I thought Brown looked more at home on the third line. He’s just not a first line RW, but he could be a great compliment to McLeod-Holloway – really hope that line can get it going at 5v5 soon.

That said, the Oilers have just owned the Preds for a while now. The team defense still needs to tighten things up.

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

Summary of Lowetide tonight

”yes yes yes they shit stomped a team that they normally shitstomp and sure ok whatever all our anger at Woody and his line combos blew up in our faces spectacularly but look, And LISTEN because we KNOW!This was a fluke.

This team can’t beat Vegas, David Staples told us so, Campbell is lucky, Draisaitl sucks at hockey and the only reason this worked is because Kenny and Woody have a horseshoe up their ass for the last three seasons and this is a damn good hockey team that keeps messing up our hatred and angst!”

Aside from that, well, good game and let’s see what happens Thursday 👍

Keep it up Champs! Y’all are basically HH but on the savage Oilers after every play front. Shitposting is still shitposting after all 😁


I remember the first time I had beer and then tried to post something…

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

Not beer, just the other side of the Angst. I’m here to make fun and mock the angst this season and lordy there’s been a lot of it the last few days so here we are. Its like HH but I’m actually an Oiler fan who’s quite cheery about their prospects.

I think it was LT trying to get Holland fired the second Jeff Jackson came around that tipped me or perhaps it was the incessant whining about a “zone” defense all summer? Definitely the latter actually. God it’s such a dumb idea I just can’t get past it. Kneecapping the teams biggest strength to copy Vegas… real original lol.

But don’t worry, I’m only here for game days now and really game days where folks are having a tough time coming back from the ledge.

I mean sure their record against the Preds the last five years would clearly have suggested Woody was right in loading up to get everyone not named McDavid off the schnide and the scoresheet kinda maybe sorta shows it worked to a tee but I don’t think there’s a single suggestion on the board tonight that this was an even mildly ok call…

Final score 6-1… but yup, team run by idiots and losers who don’t know shite. Oh and Nurse sucks!

Its all about not too high, not too low and enjoying the ride 🤙

Fun Fact through three games the Oilers have given up the same number of goals as the Brad Treliving Leafs! Whose stated goal this offseason was to be better defensively! (See small sample sizes can do wonders!)

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

A niggling thing though?

How is the PK this bad all the time? A lot of time is spent whining about 5v5 but pulling the team into the top 10-12 on the PK in the league would shave roughly 15 GA off the tally. Single largest area to cut down GAs actually for immediate benefits.

Coaches find a way to crack that nugget and we’re cooking with nitro. Personally, I’d drill everyone until the cows come home on PK. I’d run the top PP unit against the PK lines and each Goal Against in practice is one less minute you get to play the next game. Doesn’t quite work with defense but you get my drift.

Coaches need to be tougher here cause if you can play top notch defense 4v5 your life should be easier with another body at even strength. It’ll benefit everyone if they can figure this out.

We wait.


Only on gamedays?

Let’s hope so.


I’m hearing there’s a announcement coming later this morning from the City of Edmonton announcing the release of funds and go ahead to break ground on the Kenny Holland statue next to Gretzky.

rich tm

Will post some of this tomorrow too. Was at the game tonight and Jack Campbell had a great game. Was behind the goal he defended for 2 of 3 periods and he appeared under control, very efficient movement in net and may several great saves that were the difference tonight. Very nice to see him bounce back.

PS: Leon Draisaitl is the real Mayor of Nashville.

Last edited 11 months ago by rich tm

Thanks for this.

Good for Soup.

keep it going now!


Funny how none of the scores so far were good indiators of the balance of play.
Guessing XGF:XGA was not 6 1 tonight.


NST has is 2.99 – 2.97 for the Oilers.

Of course, Connor only played 17 minutes, the last PP used Erne, Ryan, Broberg, Kulak, etc.

The Oilers essentially backed way off in the 3rd.


If it wasn’t for goaltending Oilers could’ve lost the game


Nurse another casual 25 minutes. Once Ekholm is back up to speed reduce that and watch him thrive (more).

Connor 17 minutes. Leon 21. seems to have taken away the PPTOI and PKTOI from their recaps.


The Jack Rathbone era in Vancouver has come to an end…..
First Erik Karlsson, now this? The Pens odds for winning the cup are going to.skyrocket. Book it.


Was it another case of the kiss of death?


Oh yeah. There are a few other casualties here as well:

“Harpers Hair
 Reply to  leadfarmer
 September 17, 2021 7:18 pm

You may want to consider Jack Rathbone, just the latest product of the Harvard D factory, Danila Klimovitch, a 6’2” Podkholzin clone and a couple of later round picks, Jett Woo and Jonah Gadjovich who are coming along nicely before jumping to silly conclusions.”

Bank Shot

Canucks are going to be stacked when all those super prospects pay off.


There’s no need to be silly is there?


1) A win. They needed a win.
2) Great game by Campbell. Poor goaltending could have sewered this one before it got to 6-1.
3) The offense came alive. The goals went in, including 4 at 5v5.

Not a particularly great game aside from the score, but no doubt everyone is happy to get a lop sided win. I know I’m happy to see it.


Holloway with zero pp time. Arguably our best player the first 2 games. Explain this to me. Reward Erne ,Janmark etc Woodcroft does not reward him in any way. Puzzling to me.


Fire Woodcroft! Send Schwartz to a gulag! Trade all of the organization’s goaltenders! (Am I too late for this party?)


Campbell is giving a lot of primo rebounds out tonight.

It’s comical how frequently Derek Ryan gets damaged and the refs don’t call anything lol


PP3 and PP4 (Erne, Broberg, Ryan, Kulak) make appearances.


Woody was obligated after Connor’s gripe with Vancouver last week

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

Jaw Woodcroft to Lowetide particpiants

”Tell me again what you guys know about Winning and strategies for winning?”

There will be a time and that time may never come where Lowetidians recognize that the Holland-Woody combo is the best thing to happen to the Oilers since Sather.

It’s ok, we all need something to gnash about during a regular season. But, calm your tits and let the Boys play hockey. They know what they are doing 😉


Campbell is making a lot of big saves tonight. He still doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence for me, he plays like a throwback 90-00’s trendy before the age of technical 6’5ers.

Just keep telling myself that Ranford\Cujo\Roli did pretty good

Gerta Rauss

Just caught up on the PVR – nice result (thus far)

Let’s put in a solid 3rd period and keep the goals against at 1 – getting Campbell going is a big damn deal for this club


Is it just me or is Jack Michael’s hyping that McDavid goal a little too much? I wouldn’t pit that in his top ten.


The d-man play was “more worse” than Connor’s pla “was good”.


Jack Michaels hyping something too much? Never…

(Your analysis is correct – it was lovely and smart but doesn’t rank in the #97 highlight reel)


I doubt it’s in the top 50.

Funny Bissonness

I doubt it’s in the top 304.

Elgin R

Looks like Sabres will get a point tonight, so the Oil are the last team in the league to get points to start the regular season. Have to remember that stat when McDavid hoist’s Stanley next spring.


Looks like a win. Thank God that Erne fight didn’t cost us the game. 🙄
I think the Oilers were miles better Saturday night, but 4 goals on lucky bounces, and a hot goalie, can cover a lot of sins.
Other than Campbell and the Nuge line I haven’t seen a whole lot to get excited about yet.


Feel free to respond to posts directly………….

cowboy bill

Adam Erne has 2 hits, a shot on goal and a fight. That’s exciting and we still have the third period to go.


and has been on the ice for 1 shot for and 10 shots against……

cowboy bill

Do you make this stuff up or what ?


No, that was just a fact.

He is now at 1-11 shots in just over 7 minutes at 5 on 5.

Decidedly Skeptical Fan

You just can’t get that kind of production from a rookie.


Nice to see some O and some saves.
Now park the Ferraris in the garage for the night


Nah – keep going.

99, 11, 17 and the rest kept right on going.


Love the fire wagon hockey but it only works if you have a athletic goalie. Campbell is getting is mojo back great statement game. The boys need to play a boring let the Preds shoot from exterior and give lots of ice time to the bottom 6


Haven’t noticed Kane at all tonight?


Adam Erne – not a one-timer guy. Hahaha

cowboy bill

It was a good shot and a good save .


It was in slow motion.

I have seen children shoot harder.

Ignore the commentary and watch.

Last edited 11 months ago by LMHF#1

Scoreboard is telling me Nuge is #1

Last edited 11 months ago by DevilsLettuce

Nuge, Hyman and Foegle are clicking!


Woodcroft is a genius!!


Nice to see Foegle bury one even though it’s garbage time (or should be garbage time).

cowboy bill

It’s nice to listen to Jack Michaels for a change.


You know the Oilers have had a poor start to the season because we’re in the middle of game 3 and Draisaitl only has 4 goals.


Wouldn’t mind the third line joining the scoring…..


They did just have a nice shift, there’s potential there


Of course all the rebounds finding Oiler sticks tonight. Could have used a few of those on Sat


It’s execution. Not bounces.


Drai on the PP!!!!!!


Making a statement tonight


Mike Palmateer save I love it.


You’re a bum, Nurse. The game after your stupid mistake and you do that.


Great goal for McDavid but he is very off right now – in all zones – that was a terrible first shift of the period by McDavid – a poor play at the blue line to get walked, running around, takes a penalty.

Goal against.


HH kiss of death strikes again
poor Saros what did he ever do to you


And pulled for second period.


Misses the 1st, sees the score, refuses to turn game on. I’m not jinxing it.


Oilers PDO on the season up to .909 now (still 32nd).

Campbell was good that period.

cowboy bill

Canucks lost.




Since part of the blog conversation today is to post Sarros’ traditional numbers.

For tonight we have:

GAA: 8

SV%: .636


I am not for trading for Saros, but if he were goaltending for the Oilers he would not have to face Draisaitl! -).


I am sitting here a bit puzzled. Preds seem to be playing hard and tenacious and yet we are up 4-0. Go figure???

cowboy bill

Preds are getting goalied.

cowboy bill

Campbell is keeping them in the game.


Yea great first period by him.


McDavid struggles starting to disipate!


McDavid making sure there’s no energy for Nashville from the fight – whoa


That was a really beautiful goal. Hyman with the dirty work, Foegle and Nuge with the pass and finish.


Ya, Erne, you team is up by 3, why not give the opposition team a chance to gain some “juice” or “energy”.


Fuhr and Lowething in Vegreville

I personally have zero problem with him not turtling and answering against a bigger guy, especially when not putting us a man down.

You seem to have a personal vendetta against the guy, through no fault of his own.

I too disagree with Lavoie being waived, however, Erne is now an Oiler and not playing terrible.

Regardless of managerial decisions that I might not agree with, I personally will cheer like hell for him for him contributing positively and not seemingly pile on and magnify and call out his every play.


I have no vendetta against the guy but I have an opinion on his abilities and impact he can have and, to this point, he’s done nothing to change it.

I’m actually surprised it took him 4 periods to fight and I’m glad he’s willing to drop them generally but that fight had zero opportunity to help the team and had an opportunity to help the Preds.

Nope, he’s not playing overtly bad but he was on the ice for 1-11 shots half way through the third – no context for that stat but I don’t think he is helping the 4th line drive play the right way to this point.


Maybe 100 points for Nuge wasn’t a one-off?

McDavid like pass by Foegele.

cowboy bill

Three point night already for the Nuge.


Well the Nuge line is clicking!!!!!


McDavid STRUGGLING – in all zones.

Bouch gives props to Jack for bailing out McDavid and Connor skates to the bench.


Well he looked pretty good on that goal!!!!


So back to game 1/2 lines. Guess that was the plan all along??


And back again.


Great effort Oilers.