Game 5 Stanley Cup Final: Oilers at Panthers

by Lowetide

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Today the msm asked McDavid if he was tired and to paraphrase his response was:

“I’m not tired at all”.

Reminds me of Mohammed Ali telling unbeaten champion George Foreman: “This is the wrong place to be getting tired”; half way through during their title fight in Zaire.

Last edited 9 months ago by hunter1909

McDavid has set the single postseason assists record.

Bouchard has set the single postseason assists record for defensemen.

Edmonton is the first team ever to win game 5 “away” after having gone down 3-0 in the series.

McDavid has 11 points in the Cup Finals so far. The record is 13.

Consecutive 4-point games has never been done before in the finals.

Rewriting the history books, just like the old times.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

The Paul Maurice post game interview was so satisfying hahaha.


On the Perry/McDavid powerplay goal, when 97 splits the defense, he does a series of quick stick moves but doesn’t seem to be contacting the puck. Was he letting the puck advanceon it’s own and using his stick to chop/deflect the defensemen sticks? Looked like it, pretty brilliant if he was.

Professor Q

He always does! Along with using other body parts to gain more separation and protection.


I rarely post, but c’mon the name Connor is going down in oiler history. Mr.Brown has put forward everything that he needs. The other Connor is good at hockey as well. Please take this as it is, these guys are heartbreak kids.

I was on whyte for game 6 in 2006, it was the most insane thing really in my 26 years. Well I’m 44 now (watch the game with friends and my better) and these guys are making this cooler. I’m sorry I don’t have great stories, but this is amazing.

broberg, janmark, brown and skinner are just giving me hope.

let’s go oil!!!


I agree I was there as well 18 years old man takes me back



despite all my rage

i’m still just a rat in a cage

Johnny skid

that is perfect.

Munny 2.0

Besides being 4-0 in elimination games this playoffs, Old Soul Skinner is now 9-0 in games four to seven of a series.

He’s 25 years old.

Some fans don’t like him.

Professor Q

He’s a sophomore who was a runner up for the Vezina at the same time as the Calder, yet is treated like a 10 year veteran with mistakes in his game by media and some fans. All the talk is on Shesterkin and Oettinger.

Professor Q

Not quite sure why that was down voted when I was agreeing with you and basically saying the same thing. He’s young, is good when backed into a corner, has a few mistakes in his game that he can improve on, and has been decent to elite in the regular season minus a few stretches.

I think he finds his game if he sits for Campbell last year against the Golden Knights and the Oilers win that series. But then again, maybe that learning experience was also what he needed for this season.

Last edited 9 months ago by Professor Q

Before game 4, I removed my profile photo “Edmonton Oilers Horror” and tried for over an hour to replace it.

The photo I was trying to replace the old one with was of something big, silver and shiny.

Even if I can’t add a new photo, I know that I did exactly the right thing 😀😀.

Enjoy this ride friends! Even a lot of Calgarian co-workers have joined me on this Oilercoaster ride!

It’s been so fun and I am so privileged to be a fan of this team..

Last edited 9 months ago by €√¥£€^$
Dee Dee

I’m blaming the symbols in your name for the bug.


Draisaitl looks like he is auditioning for the Walking Dead. Which is saying something given the last few playoffs.

Zero blame directed his way given his past performances.

Rafa Nadal

He must’ve had a setback with his finger/hand or lower back. He’s lost a step and is struggling mightily.


Yeah, he’s hurting. Not moving at all, which makes his passes easy to pick off. These long breaks may help, I hope we see the real Dr(ai) in the last two (!) games.


I won 740 on the oil tonight. Let’s go boys


The Oilers have only won two games in this series. Wild. Feels like more. I guess we have dominated enough of the play to feel like it should be more. Kinda feel like this team has already proven to the world that the Edmonton Oilers are ELITE and can compete with and even out-compete the best of ’em. Two more wins is all we need now. Two more wins.

Scungilli Slushy

One more!

Rafa Nadal

Exciting game, McDavid is something else. Drai looks extremely injured all of a sudden, seems a lot worse than in previous games. Their forecheck was also giving us fits in the 2nd and 3rd periods – any adjustments to be made? Nurse and Broberg got caved.


Anybody with Nurse gets caved.

Mayan Oil

Another milestone to watch… Bouchard has the most assists in a playoff year, passing Paul Coffey. He is third in points in a playoff year, with 32. Leetch is second at 34, Coffey first at 37. Can he catch one or both of them this year?

So now my ultimate wish list is win the Cup this year, 6 more points for Bouchard, 6 more points for McDavid, and 5 more goals for Hyman. If we win the Cup, I think we meet at least 2 or these 4 benchmarks… I would love to see at least 3 of them, if not all 4!

No point dreaming in Black in White… Technicolor and IMAX all the way!

Mayan Oil

It would be pretty cool for Bouchard to make the mark, with Coffey being in the room and all… as long as it doesn’t price him out of reach!

Last edited 9 months ago by Mayan Oil
Mayan Oil

That is points by a D in a Playoff Year to be clear…

Victoria Oil

I just want to win the F’ing Cup. The rest is gravy that is insignificant by comparison.

Munny 2.0

Connor McDavid first player in NHL history to record back-to-back four point games.


in the stanley cup finals

Munny 2.0

Yes sorry shouldve completed the sentence. Might possibly be imbibing this eve

Munny 2.0

Munny 2.0

Reply to  Munny 2.0

June 16, 2024 12:45 am

The four points also give Connor 38 on the post-season, passing Gilmour, Bossy and Malkin to put him in a tie with Wayne for fifth all time in a single playoff season. Only other player in that top 5 is Mario who sits at 44, second place, three back of Wayne. Connor needs 41 to be in sole possession of fourth place.

I said the above after the last game. With four tonight McUngordly has 42 and is in sole possession of fourth place with Gretz at 43, Mario at 44 and Gretz on top at 47. Second place is certainly not out of the question and first not impossible.

We are not worthy.

Munny 2.0

Vegas has him the Conn Smythe favorite by quite a bit.

Munny 2.0

I was told below this is a Disco Stu Final.

No singing the blues. Only disco. So we can keep on dancing and at the end of the day, celebrate good times…

Because we’ve got a One Way Ticket.

Last edited 9 months ago by Munny 2.0

Smokestack lightning is only called the blues because of the ethnicity and history of its creators. It’s a pretty aggressive song.

Munny 2.0

My Gord it is known as a “blues standard.” That it is a blues song is not in any way controversial. Till here apparently lol. Listen to the music. That’s a blues progression.

Last edited 9 months ago by Munny 2.0

. . . only because of his history. It’s bigger than just a blues song.


“more to read that make these eyes of mine cry.”

Late to the party again.

Love you LT.

Last edited 9 months ago by jtblack

This is just so exciting, y’all. Like… we are taking the series back home! The SCF series! The hockey Gords taketh away, and then they giveth back! Can’t wait for another epic game on Friday! What an absolute pleasure to be a fan of this team right now! It’s been a complete hoot!
High fives for all!

Skippy - the bush kangaroo

Too many comments for me to scroll through, but has there been much made of Mr Selke stopping skating on Browns shorty?

Admiral Ackbar

Came here to ask the same thing. That was truly bizarre. I wonder if he figured there was no way CFB would score. And then he did.

OEL quit on the EN goal too. Yikes. Those are serious mental errors.


Just think about those TSN Overdrive hacks eating crow for the rest of their careers.


Broberg is a big body out there. A couple of times I thought Desharnais was out on the ice.


Yep. Sneaky tough customer, that Broberg!


Longtime follower, thanks LT, who rarely posts and have lived in FL since 81. Became an oilers fan in 84. Went to tonights game, and wow could not be happier with the performance of these oilers, especially considering their backs are against the wall. Met many great oilers fans who flew in from Canada for the game and had an absolute blast. My voice is hoarse from screaming, I’ll be hungover tomorrow for sure, and I’m tired as hell. But it was all worth it to see the potential hoisting of lord Stanley’s cup again in today’s hockey GOAT Conner’s arms. We’re happily going back to edmonton and can’t wait to see what happens next. Ae I screamed at least 500x tonight, Let’s go oilers!!! Let’s go oilers!!!


F yeah Sherp!

Munny 2.0

You have to go to game seven now.



Last edited 9 months ago by Boil-in-the-Oil

Coming home🤓🤓

Crazy Pedestrian

Oilers will be playing their 13th out of a possible 14 max home games in these playoffs come Friday. (Only home game not played was Game 7 vs. LA). Oilers fans got their moneys worth this season!


OEG probably will have raked in over a hundred million in gate from playoffs alone, not including watch parties.


As Jack Michaels would say, “the pleasure was all ours!”

Munny 2.0

Back of the envelope…

13gms * $1000 avgTik * 18,000 seats comes to just over $230 mill. Over a hundred million is certainly correct.

Last edited 9 months ago by Munny 2.0
Yukon Jerk

You forgot concessions and merch,
3-400 Million?


Edmonton with two full-power Conners is dangerous. If Draisaitl can come back on-line the Oilers will be nightmarishly dangerous.

Strapping Jocks

I love Leon almost unconditionally, but he not been good at all this series. Lots of lazy-looking clearing attempts.


Has to be hurtin.’

Strapping Jocks

I appreciate the down-votes, but please be honest. Last game there were at least a few times when Drai could have cleared it, and it stayed in due to his pass/attempt. He also got spun around very easily on the Panthers third goal.

He is obviously hurt and has diminished abilities, I just hope he gets some rest and recovers a bit before Game 6


McDavid had gone into cheat mode. 1 more game and the rest is destiny


When you come this far after a season this long and crazy – you only need two words when discussing the come-back – why not?

It’s going to be one long quiet flight back to Alberta for FLA and hopefully another long quiet one back to Florida for G7. The doubts are creeping in and the Oilers are way more adapted to this kind of travel. The longer this series goes the better.

Last edited 9 months ago by AsiaOil
rich tm

Excellent point. While the Panthers are used to flying (it’s 2:15 from Ft. Lauderdale to New York for instance), they are not used to these 6 hour flights and they take a toll.

We need to come out strong early. The fast ice in Edmonton is a chance to put them back on their heels and we need to take advantage of it.

Just. Win. One. Game.


Game 3 was the first time the Panthers left the eastern time zone since Jan…..


Panthers can enjoy the flight, the time change, the altitude and the dry air. None of that helps a team playing in the tropics, at sea level and in the same time zone constantly. I was a firm believer that the longer this series goes the more FLA will degrade. Let’s see how this goes on Friday. Right now it’s all smiles and chill for the Oilers flight – probably pretty quiet and grim for FLA – could be downright gloomy for them if they have to fly and play another game on Monday.


I much prefer the grumpy Maurice. When he is Mr chill funny man it comes across as so arrogant. Love that the Oil pretty much peed in his cornflakes!


Nice to see Zito throw a tantrum the media need to ratchet the pressure up on Florida in the next couple of days. Make these dirty effers sweat.


Maurice sounds like he has poop in his pants


Not sure what he can say there. They lost, but they were better than game 4. It would be kind of vanilla if he walked out after saying only that.


Maurice trying to play the penalty card bullshit.


We got a break on the too many men, they got a break on the Hyman call and the Bennett non call


And the Tkachuk dive was poetic justice


Unreal. What a team, what a performance. So many heroes, and yet so many terrifying plays. Ekholm was a monster. Brown. Bouch. And I think that McDavid guy is gonna turn out OK. Generational.

13-19-28 might be the biggest development of the entire playoffs. Imagine if Drai can dig deep and have a couple Playoff Drai games.

(Ceci was terrible in the 1st but seemed to stabilize. Holloway and Broberg survived.)


Props to Sean McIndoe, aka Down Goes Brown, for being the only Athletic contributor to pick the Oilers to win tonight.

Despite being a Leaves fan, he’s been picking the Oilers just about every game since halfway through the Dallas series (and maybe even before then).

Toupée Shakur

I have no idea who this person is, but I commend him….


He’s probably the funniest hockey writer there is.


Very entertaining writer


is brown pisani?


Connando Brownani


is too funny


I don’t think they’re the same person, but he’s certainly chanelling some of the spirit of Pisani, Tikkanen and McTavish.


Didn’t Pisani score 14 goals in that run? I’m glad Brown has come alive, but he’s going to have to have a big coupe of games to catch up to that legend.


Brown emerging as a classical Oilers hero.


He’s Mike Peca.


(1) Stuart Skinner holy doodle;

(2) Evan Bouchard, you have surpassed my expectations, at least defensively. What a game.


Friends, we’re playing at worst the 2nd best team in the NHL. I might argue they have the best team, but we have McDavid.

In the same way nobody asks Zach Hyman “how?” they just ask “how many?” we just did what 3 other teams in NHL history have done.

Give the team some goddamn credit here.


Best team of yours has got itself stomped the last 2 games.


Can you imagine if Leon was healthy on the PP and to maintain a formidable 2nd line?

Funny Bissonness

I want to see them pull it off for many reasons. One of the reasons has become wanting to see how Knoblauch reacts. He’s just so calm all the time. So far.


If the Oilers can win game 7 he’s going to pop his cork.

Ice Sage

Unlauch his knob????


Hopefully he’ll keep it family-friendly.


He was pretty jacked up after they won game 6 against Dallas.

Munny 2.0

Is this actual innuendo? I’m impressed, OP.


That was one of the best games I’ve ever watched.

Strapping Jocks

I would rather repeats of Game 4, but I’m not throwing this one to the curb either.


Connor F’in Brown my friends. Nicely working on his Pisani mode and the 3rd line is exactly what you need in the playoffs. If he keeps this up then who cares about the regular season – you resign this guy.

One of the best moments of the year was the crowd reaction after his first goal. Sure a bunch of twitter losers yelled at the top of their lungs all season long about how they hated him – but the large silent majority of fans made their voices heard loud and clear that night. Players remember this stuff and it made a huge difference to Brown knowing the fans support him thick or thin. Enjoy the thick for another couple of games (I hope).


It would be awesome if the crowd could start-off with a “Brown! Brown! Brown!” chant during the warm-up to Game 6.


Oh how he was hated most of the season. Gotta believe Knobby was frustrated (we fans certainly were), but kept playing him, all the faith of a blind-man… remarkable patience, now the payoff! Thank you Connor#2

Toupée Shakur

How many of us hoped he would at least eventually come up big and earn that bonus in the playoffs?

He is delivering in spades.


The thing about Connor B. is he’s using his brain. Bob comes out far, and on both of the last two goals, CB was patient and got behind him.

and be fair….there was a small minority that said he’d do something in the playoffs that we’d all remember….he started getting chances after all.

Mayan Oil

3 goals for Hyman and he tes the all time Goals in a single playoff record.


Think he still needs 4 more (he just got his 15th) and Kurri and Leach each have 19.

Mayan Oil

I thought it was his 16th? I stand corrected. Still a possible.

Just J

Knobby won’t say it. “We have the opportunity to… We’re going back to Edmonton to play game 6”. I hope Tocchet’s enjoying his Jack Adams award.


The symbolism of what happened on the empty netter will stay with me forever. In the playoffs against Calgary (*spits.*) in 2022 Connor scored the OT winner in G5, eliminating the Flames and convincing their core players they couldn’t win, starting the exodus that has set the franchise back one hopes for their own decade of darkness. Connor had a dominant series. At the time I remember the Turtle complaining that the Oil were a one man team.

Fast forward three years and the Turtle makes an incredible play to deny the Oil the game clinching empty netter. He winds up in the net, sees Connor trailing the play and then watches helplessly as the Captain seals it.


brings a tear to the eye.

Lewis Grant

It’s like poetry.

Just J

Funny you say that. I’m eagerly awaiting his post game comments to see what he says about Connor this time. He’s not sleeping tonight.

Toupée Shakur

He made a similar “We’re not about individuals here” comment leading up to today’s game too, before essentially stating they would win tonight. I saw the fear in his eyes and heard his wavering voice as he said it…. He didn’t believe a word out of his own mouth.


0 pts and -4 for Barkov in the past 2 games. Bobrovsky another game to forget.
Is there even a credible Conn Smythe candidate left in Florida?


refs making a pretty good case for it


He’s taken a beating in this series.

Ice Sage

It’ll be 97 regardless of outcome.

Lewis Grant

I had a post ready to raise that possibility. But I don’t even want to talk about series outcomes. Focus is on Game 6. One game at a time.

Mayan Oil

If Connor gets another 5 pts in the remaining games, he moves into a tie with Gretzky for most in a playoff year. 6 and he’s #1. WIn Friday and it is doable!


He’s the type of super human that could score 7 at home. Sam Gagner smiling on.


He could get 5 next game.

Crazy Pedestrian

At this point, win or lose, McDavid for sure wins the Conn Smythe.

Lewis Grant

There’s only one objective I care about. And I’m pretty sure there’s only one objective that Connor cares about.




Skinner “we put ourselves in a hole, and we’re going to keep on digging. . . until we find our way out”.

Interesting hole that you can dig your way out. 🙂

Last edited 9 months ago by delooper

Chief Wiggum: “Dig up, stupid!”


damn it you beat me to it. I use this phrase all the time in daily life.


I often try to dig up, but it usually works out the other way.

Just J

The Stanley Cup will be awarded in China.


Ekholm quietly flattening Bennett is one of those Sam Pollock moments – sam swings a deal for Eks the next day by offering a slightly declining Jimmy Roberts, plus a 2nd round draft pick struggling in the AHL. And a washed up Serge Savard.


We talked about it yesterday and some posited that, after Bob stole game 1, Skinner was going need to make an impact in a game the Oilers win where they might not have been the better team. That game was tonight.

Top line was going. – McDavid Supernova and Foegele with some big plays.

3rd line awesome – more than made up for their goal against.

that was it upfront.

Bottom two pairs both crushed tonight.

First pair up and down but they are an elite pair so we’re still very good overall.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Agreed about the bottom pairs. Broberg looked a little slow and got out muscled several times. It’s ok. Onwards and upwards.


Broberg may benefit more than anybody else from the three days between games


Nurse, no plus games prior to Broberg. Nurse, no minus games since Broberg.


Nurse Broberg might be the story of the playoffs.


It was ugly, but they didn’t break. Anybody who didn’t play with McDavid’s line mostly got caved. Nurse and Broberg found themselves out there with the 4th line against the Bennett line a few times, and the Bennett line was cooking today.

Didn’t help that Bouchard’s mental mistake accelerated the momentum change in the game (apart from when McDavid was on the ice).


5 on 5 they were outplayed but some of this was score effect. Overall he was the better goalie and helped them win a 50/50 game


Which isn’t taking anything away from Skinner but I don’t think he stole it. He was excellent under pressure

Toupée Shakur

Well hot damn! We got ourselves a series folks. Draggin’ ’em back to Oil Country, kicking and screaming. Woo Hoo!

My personal Oilers goal/victory song!


Bobrowski and Skinner’s stats on the NHL playoffs stats page are rapidly converging.

Collision imminent!