Fight Song

by Lowetide

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Miles of keys have been hammered in angst at Kenny’s moves, buuuuuuuut here we are coming back to Edm. down 1 game in the SCF with the engineers crawling all over the roof at Rogers trying to figure out how to keep it attached on Friday night. There isn’t one path, and it wasn’t a straight line, but he’s got them in a spot to win it all.


The OIlers are here because AND in spite of Holland.

Scungilli Slushy

Agreed, I have it 80% Connor and Bouch, 10% Skinner and 10% Holland

People have been vastly undervaluing how much of this is Connor M and the level he has risen to

All the players are playing their role as best they can, but I had a look at NST for the game. I won’t mention any more. 8 points in 2 games is what has driven it, and other guys getting it across the line when they have a chance

Scungilli Slushy

People have been vastly undervaluing how much of this is Connor M and the level he has risen to


Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

This is exactly right.

I have loved every second of this post-season.

But do not be fooled by two historically good individual playoff performances.

If this team is to remain a Stanley Cup contender, they need upgrades.

Scungilli Slushy

I have as well. But let’s understand who is making it happen

They will be a contender without upgrading but why not knock it out of the park?


Kinda feels like Ekholm, Brown, Janmark, and Henrique have helped some these playoffs no?

Scungilli Slushy

As said they all are helping. It couldn’t happen otherwise. But not recognizing the stats and why they have come back doesn’t for me allow narratives to start that aren’t true

Holland hasn’t been horrible, but he had an all time great in his pocket and all of the others except Brown and Ek

My nature is to rebut untruths

90s fan

Ok, but to give 80% credit to connor and bouch, 10 to stu and 10 to holland discredits the value of 20 other guys. Brown and Janmark have been invaluable. Ekholm, an essential piece. Broberg coming in and playing a valuable role…. I just think your percentages need to be adjusted.


— put another way there is 0 chance we are here without McD.

— In finance there is a term called “alpha generation”. None of the Oilers “alpha” or very little by order of magnitude has been generated but the portfolio manager.

— This is a hard concept to understand when assigning (out) performance.

— Yeah we’ve got some good guys and Holland gets credit for that. Just be careful about attribution. Happens all the time when evaluating PMs performance on portfolios

Munny 2.0

In finance there is a term called “alpha generation”. None of the Oilers “alpha” or very little by order of magnitude has been generated but the portfolio manager.

False equivalence. Argument by analogy really relies on the two components of the analogy being as similar as possible. Even then analogies make for weak arguments. Much worse in a situation like this when the two components of the analogy are only distantly related and all of the relevant components and context is missing..


— ok you convinced me: Holland was an exceptional GM…. My false equivalency just a brutal attempt. How could have been so wrong about this.

Munny 2.0

The false equivalence isn’t in the end judgment but in the tool used to get there. You are equating evaluating a GM based on hockey success with a PM based on portfolio success, as determined by alpha. In the most general sense you’re right, in that ideally we have some sort of system where we can rate GM performance from team-to-team. A kind of expected goals for GMs, notwithstanding that expected goals is a flawed predictor for skaters but it suits as an example for clarity’s purpose.

Where your argument falls is in demonstrating that we have anything like alpha for GMs. You don’t even posit a benchmark or put any effort into building the similarities on which the argument depends.

Whether or not Holland is a good or bad GM has nothing to do with the equivalency. It’s not equivalency of outcomes. Unless of course you’re goal-seeking the outcome.

Last edited 9 months ago by Munny 2.0
SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

Didnt you go all in on the Blue Jays and their modern management two years ago?

Hahahahaha dumbass.

Last edited 9 months ago by SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

He also added Janmark, and re-signed him – he is helping BIG time.

Also signed Skinner to his current value contract and Bouch to his current value contract (arguably the best in the league).

He signed Pickard – he had a short but MASSIVE role in where the Oilers are.


— yeah : McD is about to break some of Wayne’s playoff and cup records.

— All the things said about Holland and the roster construction under his tenure when the team was down 3-0 remain the same

— McD though doing all time great playoff performance and what 20 more points than the top Florida point getter

— It’s mostly having one of the greatest playoff performances

— Win or lose Holland is gone for cause. A better GM would have had a more competitive team over the same tenure of maturing McDrai: they will go down as one of the all time duos in hockey history.


Can’t recall a GM being gone “for cause” after winning, or very nearly winning the championship


— you think he’s coming back?


I never said that. His contract is up and he’s not young but this makes it sound like he’s essentially being fired (“gone for cause”) which isn’t even close to reality.


I don’t think anyone, let alone many, underestimates the importance and value of McDavid. You sure talk a lot of shit.

Last edited 9 months ago by Sierra
Dee Dee

Winning the cup is a team game and requires EVERYONE to play their role, big or small.

A meager “1%” contribution can end up winning the cup for the team as Klima did coming of a bench he sat on for 4 periods to win the game in double overtime.

Every player on this team has contributed something be it large or small.


I think you are undervaluing how much having a good team is important to winning. Case in point is this is McDavid’s first Final, if hockey was such an individual sport that one player could be the cause of 80% of the winning he would be in the final every year as he is that good.

Holland has brought in, brought up (guided development) or signed every player on this team save McDavid and Draisaitl. The biggest factors 100% yes but 80% is asinine.



The OIlers are here because AND in spite of Holland.

Applicable to every Stanley Cup finalist in history.


Sam Pollock, Bill Torrey, Glen Sather.


All of them before the cap

Scungilli Slushy

The changes needed are the less expensive ones that are supposed to be easier

90s fan

I’m not sure its as easy to find available RHD that are both an upgrade AND less expensive. And I am not sure i have any issue with our forward group.

What team that we have played against have not had inneffective players on their roster? To have noone as inneffective is to have all 21 guys better then their 21 guys. It doesn’t work like that.


You could put Holland in your list as well. He built some excellent pre-cap teams in Detroit.


Imagine if Sather didn’t blow the 1982 entry draft by picking Jim Playfair

Scungilli Slushy

Not true

Scungilli Slushy

OP you are outed as the -1 downvoter on a lot of comments that have only one

Your more than capable of a proper response


Eff Off – I never use the voting buttons, ever.


I’m pretty sure that’s the case in every single team in sports in the history of sports. The GM makes good and bad decisions, just hoping that the good outweighs the bad.


Wow. I would read comments to gain knowledge and get different perspectives. Maybe it’s the summertime heat or the pressure of the Stanley finals, but these lousy comments, swearing at each other, degrading name-calling, are getting kinda stupid.

It’s LT’s forum, but other forums close comment boards down permanently because of this behaviour. My advice is for everyone to cool their tits, only post what you would want your kids to read, and perhaps learn to ignore posts and posters (I have a few I skip over).

If you try to argue or flame this post, fill your boots. It makes it easier for others to ignore posters on a go-forward.

Ice Sage

Rags were up up 3-0 on the hurricanes then it went to 3-2 before the rags won it in 6 in Raleigh.
Momentum means nothing, Oilers gotta play even better on Friday. Drai and Nuge, maybe Kane could answer the bell.


SN last evening posted this doozy

Bobrovsky since 3rd period game 3:
SV .756, GAA 6.43

I would settle if he’s somewhere in between the form from periods 1-8 and periods 9-15


This season, McDavid has played 99 games in regular and playoffs. He has 40 goals and 134 assists.

The mind boggles.

Scungilli Slushy

It’s a good thing Connor doesn’t have a different surname given the lack of sensitivity to people’s religious convictions around here


For your sake, I hope you never happen across Monty Python.

Ice Sage

The Oilers parody equivalent could be ‘The life of Ryan’


Every pass is sacred
Every pass is great
Should a pass be wasted
God gets quite irate


Every pass is wanted
Every pass is good
Every pass is needed
In your neighbourhood

Scungilli Slushy

A lot of the rebuttals in the comments are because some are making comments that come across as gatekeeper, and some are uninformed and not right

Other than the few outliers and intentional button pushers this is the best is it not?

Kudos Mr A I

If that’s your real name


On the horizon
A sliver of silver shines
McJesus gives hope


Derek Ryan didn’t play on the PK at all and was NOT out there taking defensive zone draws on his strong side late in the game.

Not sure if he should be in the lineup based on the above? His “making the right play” is acknowledged.

Professor Q

Gagner’s moment? A man could dream…


He must be banged up I was all for Kane taking a seat for someone able body but if Ryan and Carrick are injured now what?

Last edited 9 months ago by Reja

A stunning, exhausting game last night.

Throughout the playoffs I have enjoyed reading Bruce Curlock’s tactical reviews at ON and was interested to see his effusive praise of “unsung heroes” Kulak and Perry. Given the limited support from the Drai line he reckons BK has been our best defence man.

Lewis Grant

Kulak has been remarkably good. Another sneaky good pickup by Holland.


I feel like I should have had a mid-day nap today.


Just caught up on the excellent Hockey Psychology YouTube channel – surprised I have not seen this before. Oilers, after losing three straight games under KK:

Nov 24 – Dec 12 8-0-0
Dec 21 – Feb 7 16-0-0
Feb 26 – Mar 5 5-0-0


Last edited 9 months ago by jm363561

Until 2031, the Capitals will have 15 million committed to Tom Wilson and PLD. Yikes.

Scungilli Slushy

Never underestimate how many GMs want big players first, regardless of the results

Like the Oilers chased Lucic prototypes and him, they long for the days of big Backstrom and Ovi




Phillip Broberg, 86, what a player.
Thrown to the wolves and the turtles a
Bent, but did not break.
Only a few months ago he was visiting the Gulls and playing well.
Now he’s playing for the cup!


And moves around quite well for an octogenarian!

Scungilli Slushy



I wanted Roy to pry free from LA to replace Ceci but that’s probably moot now with PLD trade.

Nation guys stealing my idea with Carlson as the target. Nurse traded.

None of this matters right now but it’s in the same vein as the draft, free agency, and whoever is gonna GM this team.

Will circle back in 1 week.

Rafa Nadal

Cap’s Carlson or Pen’s Karlsson?


Caps. He fits this window. Figure out the next window when he’s up in 2 and you know 97’s future. Nurse 7 more years will break eventually. Carlson 2RHD is championship calibre short term.

Rafa Nadal

Oilers rinse the LA Kings again next year in 4 or 5 even with that extra cap space from moving PLD. Book it.


Are they going to spend the 3 mil they saved on another goalie when the other 2 falter?


Pierre-Luc Dubois for Darcy Kuemper. The deal is one for one.

Last edited 9 months ago by godot10

Man I thought Blake was insane for not doing the buy out but apparently not


I think he’ll do better in the East or Washington is in a world of hurt with the length of his contract.

Scungilli Slushy

Buyouts are poison pills, it’s a cap efficiency contest. It’s better to try that route and hope to get lucky


Goalies are voodoo Markstrom went from negative value to a late 1st rounder in a half-year. This is why you don’t buyout Campbell if he regains his form we have a good tandem for 7.6 million. A G.M can also get creative we just seen it with the L.A-Was trade. Buyouts are for the weak and should be the very last resort.

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

Blake traded four 1st round picks from the late 2010s, who are all hitting peak, for Darcy Kuemper….



Rob Blake’s doing a heck of a Chiarelli impression over there in LA.

Imagine turning Vilardi, Durzi, Kupari,Iaffalo, a 2nd (Montreal 37 2024).

into a 34 year old Darcy Kuemper.

That’s unreal.

Last edited 9 months ago by Ryan

Especially when LA is in “win now” mode.

If LA replaced Blake with a GM who is looking to rebuild in 2-3 years when Doughty, Kopitar and Kuemper and their combined $23.25 million are off the books, this would be a great move.

The fact that Blake got PLD in an act of desperation to win now and compete against teams like the Oilers has me thinking he will just use the cap space from the trade to commit to another forward long term.

Last edited 9 months ago by Side
Death By Misadventure

HH are you going to stand for this? Defend your boy.

Last edited 9 months ago by Death By Misadventure
Scungilli Slushy

THEY ARE WIMPS!!!!!!!&!&

John Chambers

That may actually work for both teams.
Washington needs a competent Center to help Ovie get the record. Backstrom’s incredible career looks to be winding down, and his $9M in cap comes off the books next year. Dubois will bridge them while they’re semi-rebuilding.

As for the Kings they get out from under their mistake and get an improvement over Talbot in goal. Even if Kuemper isn’t worth his cap hit his buyout is more palatable.

Darth Tu

I’d not be surprised if the Kings were to bring back Talbot again next year on a similar contract to this year.

I’m not saying they should, just that I’d not be surprised if they did it.

Eh Team

To be fair to Blake, he realized what a screw-up the trade for DuBois was. Getting out of the contract is a miracle. Big cost to a lesson learned though

Toupée Shakur

So what your’re saying is LA still needs to find a starting goaltender….


And the Caps still need a competent center.

I like this, as it makes it less likely Ovechkin makes the Gretzky record.

Jethro Tull

*Caps acquire stats site*
*First move – trade for PLD*

“He’s due, trust me bro.”

Darth Tu

OMG. This cracked me up 😀

It’s even worse though, it’s a Salary Cap site. They know exactly what the PLD contract is.


The rumour is that the Capitals are buying up all the salary cap websites so that nobody can look up how terrible this trade was.

Ice Sage

Rob Blake, fingers tented, cackling: ‘At last, I’ve landed a tendy who has beaten those infernal Oilers mwahaha’

theres oil in virginia

Just want to say a couple of things:

Re: Connor Freaking Brown, if you gave up on him early in the year, it’s understandable. He struggled. It did not look like he was going to regain even half the form he has now. Hopefully, you were still pulling for him. If not, hopefully you’re pulling for him now! 🙂

Re: Leon, he’s injured, we all know that. He also puts a lot of pressure on himself. After the G4 win he said: ~I feel like I still have a lot more to give~. He’s a goal scorer and he’s not scoring goals. He’s trying to force it. Connor McDavid was forcing it early in the series too. He finally settled down. Leon can too. If he gets a goal (even like Connor Freaking Brown did – off the chest), oh buddy, look out!

Re: can they actually do this? Oh yes, they actually can. The margin is thin though, and that’s still a good team they’re playing. Enjoy every minute and revel in all the small things they overcome on the way. If they continue to play solid and squeeze the belief out their opponent, they’ll get it done. If they fall short, well, at least they left it all on the ice, and how much better do you feel about things now than if they had lost either of the last two games? What a season!


About Connor Brown, there were naysayers when his season started and continued to be a struggle for him. However, there were many pulling for him as evidenced by the standing ovation he got when he finally got the monkey off his back and scored. He has been a valuable addition to the team!


I may have posted something negative about the Brown signing, can’t remember for sure but I definitely thought it. Either way I take it all back.


Because the blog title today…


1942 Stanley Cup Finals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
——Toronto Maple Leafs 2 2 2 4 9 3 3
———- Detroit Red Wings 3 4 5 3 3 0 1

Toronto: Maple Leaf Gardens (1, 2, 5, 7)
Detroit: Olympia Stadium (3, 4, 6)

Toronto: Hap Day
Detroit: Jack Adams

Toronto: Syl Apps
Detroit: Ebbie Goodfellow

King Clancy (1, 5)
Bill Chadwick (2, 6, 7)
Norman Lamport (3)
Mel Harwood (4)

Some notable names in this series.

It should be noted that the Maple Leafs had home ice advantage and played Game 7 at home.

When the Oilers time comes, Game 7 will need to be won on the road.

This has never been done by any team in NHL history and will make the accomplishment even greater.

Last edited 9 months ago by Spartacus

Markstrom traded. DOD south incoming?


Flames didn’t even get NJ’s 1st round pick this year, but instead got a tope 10 protected pick in 2025 and a left-handed pylon for their defence. Conroy should be in the running for worst GM in the league.

Scungilli Slushy

mOaR BigAr

Mayan Oil

I love what Knobby and Coffey have been doing with this team. For those who posit coaching has minimal impact on a team, I present for your consideration:



In France every thing is the same, but just a little different. McDavid’s McDavid, but they call him Le McDavid.


— I felt that McD needed to be the best player for the first time in the Cup Finals as he had not been

— I think we know how that went.

— had a few buddies at game in Florida: some Florida fans some Oil fans. Game is electric

— Starting to look at game 7 ticks…..

— That young kinger who was whispering in my ear and tugging at my heart:

Game 4: lock at home : check
Game 5: kitchen sink and tight to win at home: check
Game 6 at home : fireworks (TBD)
Game 7: Florida reeling (TBD)

— Glad the young kinger still occupies “space” in my head and heart.

— We will see.


Last night’s game was a sportswriter’s dream with so many different storylines and the drama woven around them.

  • Florida had to feel the collar tightening after the shellacking they took in Game 4
  • McDavid’s prediction that they will drag the Panthers back to Alberta for Game 6
  • Connor Brown’s redemption after struggling all season with rehab and expectations
  • Tkachuk tries to show leadership by emulating Messier and calling a Panther win
  • Tkachuk does show leadership with effort and scoring
  • Panthers fall behind, then throw everything at Skinner and fall short
  • Bouchard solidifies his bonafides as a legit star in his own right
  • Tkachuk gets called for a dive and negates a Florida powerplay
  • McDavid backing his prediction with results that have fans checking to see if his play is enhanced by CGI. That assist on Perry’s goal will be living on in highlight reels for decades
  • The outstanding hustle play by Tkachuk to deny the empty net goal being swiftly corrected by McDavid
  • Bill Zito grinding his teeth in the final moments, then going ballistic and throwing a water bottle when McDavid scores

I see that final interaction between Tkachuk and McDavid to be symbolic of their individual playstyles and more importantly, how the two team’s different styles are affecting the direction of the series. The Panthers went up 3-0 in the series with a big helping of dogged checking and hard work, much like how Tkachuk dove to keep the puck out of the empty net. The Oilers have come back with superior skill and firepower, much like how all the hustle in the world by Tkachuk wasn’t enough to prevent McDavid’s final score.

This is what it’s all about as fan, you won’t see better drama anywhere.

Rafa Nadal

Keys for Game 6?


It’ll be a memorable game. Suspect the Oilers will give it everything they have.

Admiral Ackbar

Goals in their net, keeping them out of our’s. I’m amazed how the tides have turned. Ceci/Nurse are an adventure though. They’ve got to be making quicker decisions. They just look like they don’t know what to do…

Last edited 9 months ago by Admiral Ackbar

Nurse played with Broberg and Ceci played with Kulak last game.


And they are both glaring liabilities on both D-pairings.

Scungilli Slushy

Having looked at NST I’m not sure playing Bro RS with Nurse is ideal. Maybe with a season Bro could get it down but the shot shares were bad, Bro at 18.18SF% Nurse at 33.33

I’d give the kid a year at 3LD and let him get his reps in. I like Kulak but the cap calls. 2 new RD and a better back up to solidify the back end. Unless Kulak Bro can take turns on the 3rd pair at RD. Get Nurse the right right partner and he’d probably be better


Nurse has positive goal share over last two wins. But 25-86 do not look good by expected goals. After a horrendous game 3, I thought he might get a scratch. And wondered if they would go


Admiral Ackbar

I know. They’re providing adventure to two separate pairs.

rich tm

They don’t really change from game 4. With the faster ice, you can stretch it more easily with longer passes. Center comes down low to help break the puck out and beat the Florida forecheck. Create more rush chances. Make Florida pay when they take penalties.

Just. Win. One. Game.

Admiral Ackbar

What would you rather:

Going to a Game 6 facing elimination having just lost a game 5?


Going to a Game 6 facing elimination having just won 2 in a row?

And its a home game!


The former – sorry.

The Panthers still need to “just win one game”.

Beating any team 4 straight is hard (with bounces, and officiating and goaltending and the like) – let alone a truly elite team.

I’m not saying they won’t. Obviously the “vibes” and “feels” may favor the Oilers but needing “just one win” as opposed to two is real.

Admiral Ackbar

I’m implying that momentum is a thing. In either scenario, you’re facing elimination the rest of the way. It’s the sequence. If you’re here, how much does ‘how you got here’ matter? I think that being on a winning streak is the better of the two (unless overconfidence is a risk).


I don’t think it means much at all to be honest. We’ve seen time over time over time, this playoff and in playoffs past the how a prior game was played means all but nothing for how the next game plays out.

I’d rather be when the Panthers are today.

Toupée Shakur

Weight of the world on FLA now…. Visions of an all-time choke job (slam)dancing in their heads. 2 days and a long flight north for the doubt to soak in even deeper.

On to Game 7 #3!


Meh, I don’t know about that. They still have a one game cushion. That’s a psychological impediment to playing all-out. They know they can play careful, and as long as they have a 50%+ “winning style” they have a good chance of winning in game 6 or 7. Not saying it will happen, just saying this is the kind of thinking that creeps in, if unintentionally.

Toupée Shakur

I dunno… For the Panthers that endured getting stomped by Vegas last season and for the ex-fLames that have seen this comeback/McD story before, I’d be very surprised if doubt isn’t creeping into the minds of some, if not many, of them.

Panthers were 1st and goal at the 1 yd line. Stuffed twice. 3rd down coming up. Odds are still stacked against the Oil completing the goal line stand, but….

Chelios is a Dinosaur

Amazing game, amazing series, amazing playoff, amazing season.

Some discussion of Barkov giving up on the Brown break away, I also really can’t believe how quickly OEL gave up on the McDavid empty netter.

Bill Zito blowing a stack; Maurice keeping the lid on the pot but just.

Isn’t that supposed to be what “Finals Experience” takes care of? Oilers are the poised team right now.


I saw that with OEL as well. But I saw a replay with from behind the net view. OEL was behind 97 so I dont think he saw that Chuck swept the puck away and probably assumed it had gone in.


yeah Maurice’s line about learning some lessons we should have learned by now or something

General McDavid

Moses parted the Red Sea.

McJesus parted the Red D.

Strapping Jocks

Gold. Pure Gold!

Jethro Tull

Hey there people, I’m Connor Brown,
They say I’m the cutest boy in town,
I penalty kill, my skates are shiny,
I tell all the Panthers they can kiss my heine…

Toupée Shakur

Zappa! Brilliant!

God, I love this place….

cowboy bill

I thought it was Jethro Tull?

Toupée Shakur

Nope. That’s Frankie…

EDIT: I just got yer joke, Cowboy. Well played. Lol

Last edited 9 months ago by Toupée Shakur

Watch out where those panthers go and don’t you eat that yellow snow.


Man I had too many pops last night. What a game.


I’ve already informed my boss (who is also an Oilers fan) that if they win Game 6, I will be taking Tuesday off. He is considering doing likewise.


Good call


The series is 3-2. Florida is up 2-1 in the power wins category. All situations goals are 17-15 EDM.

5v5 Goals – 11-10 FLA.
PP Goals – 3-1. Opportunities 21-16 EDM. 
4v4 Goals 1-1.
SH Goals 2-0 EDM.
EN Goals – 2-1 FLA..

EDM Goal scorers: McDavid (3), Holloway (2), McLeod (2), Janmark, Foegele, Ekholm, Broberg, Nurse, Henrique, RNH, Brown, Hyman, Perry

FLA Goal scorers: Rodrigues (4),Tarasenko (2), Luostarinen (EN), Verhaege, Mikkola, Ekblad (EN), Reinhart, Bennett, Barkov, Tkachuk, Ekman-Larson 

13 different goal scorers, 10 forwards and 3 DMen, for the Oilers. 11 goal scorers for Panthers (8 forwards and 3 DMen).

Amazingly still no goals from Drai and Bouch.

cowboy bill

Florida only has one power win, Game 2, only reason they won games 1 & 3 was because of Bob the goalie.


Just using Scungili’s criteria


Markstrom to the Devils. Guess he just wants to get farther away from Connor, who can blame him.


Calgary fans must be delighted. Next season they will have a buffet of teams with former Flames players on them they can cheer for as those teams fight for a playoffs spot.


Making a deal during the Final is rather dickish behavior – especially with the context of it being the Flames.


Barn fight!

After school!


I thought the league embargoed transactions–or at least announcements thereof–during the Finals?

Sharks also claimed Goodrow and traded for Dellandrea from DAL today too.

cowboy bill

Markstrom also had the chance to sign in Edmonton.

John Chambers

Skinner would be supplanting Markstrom and fans would be craving to get rid of the Swede’s contract.

cowboy bill

Sure, He would no doubt be Skinner’s backup. I doubt they would have needed to buy him out, like Campbell. It’s neither here nor there. It’s funny how things work out.


Markstrom would still be viewed as a star tender if he signed in Edmonton, McDavid and company broke him for his sins.

Fuge Udvar

TSN was reporting that on the Perry from McDavid goal it was Bouchard that was changing. Nurse was supposed to replace him but he saw McDavid steaming up the ice so he yelled at Perry to take to take the change.

I haven’t heard anyone else talk about it. But if it’s true what an amazing heads up move by Nurse

Wonder Llama

Yes, it was mentioned in the abc/espn coverage.


Ferraro caught it live between the benches. Why he isn’t a coach or GM somewhere, I assume it’s because he doesn’t want to be.


Ya, Rishaug mentioned that on his podcast last night.

Epic by Nurse – really!


I think the most obvious sign that 29 isn’t right was displayed late in the 3rd period where we couldn’t stop the parade of defensive zone faceoffs. Henrique was taking every single one and getting beat clean. That’s usually Draisaitl’s assignment closing out games, regardless of which side of the ice the faceoff is on, and he couldn’t go.


I’m sorry Connor Brown


That’s been a long time coming.


Give me your lunch money


I’ll admit to not knowing much about Carter Verhaeghe, other than he’s apparently an overtime and big goal witch. He’s having a tough go. While Connor was racking up 8 points in the last two games, Carter was going -9 in the last three games. More please!


Warren Foegele has the best facial hair on the team.

Foegele, Brown, McDavid, Kulak – they all have the same beard – I love it.

Nuge’s isn’t quite there…….

Mayan Oil

For such a young man, Bouch looks like a 30 year old normally. With his impressively hirsute playoff growth, he looks like a frizzled 35 year old… and plays well beyond his years as well!


I read the NYT obit of Willie Mays last night. At the end they refer to a reporter asking him who was the best player he had ever seen. His reply, “that would be me” (something like that) said it all


 Today is not one of those days. As I look across the names who played last night, and reflect on their recent performances, a flood of adjectives appears in a gigantic word bubble.

The Nuge winning Stanley is going to make me cry. Watching a man go to hell and back moves you, unless you’re heartless. What a game last night. What a series we’re witnessing.

My heart warms for Nuge – seeing Nuge putting on the hat after Game 6 in Dallas, joy on his face made me realize what he’s done for this organization and what he’s been through since his draft day and what he means for this city.

Last edited 9 months ago by OriginalPouzar

Credit Ryan last night for posting last night. I enjoyed it. If it works of course. If it takes you to a swedish member enlarger….honestly, its not mine.

Despite all the rage
Im still just a rat in a cage


I’ll be in the building on Friday night. I think its my first playoff game since game 6, SCF 2006!

cowboy bill

I’ll be in the basement watching with my dog.


Me too. But two dogs. To make it extra entertaining I might put diapers on my chickens and bring them in to watch the game, as well.

Last edited 9 months ago by delooper
Wonder Llama

Mrs. Llama, after dancing her Connor Brown shortie dance: “If anything happens to you, I’m marrying Connor Brown.”

Jethro Tull

***This just in***:

Dallas Eakins does NOT approve of Bill Zito!


Well done.


He’s here!

He’s there!

He’s every-fookin’-where!

Connor Brown!

Connor Brown!

He’s Mike Peca-ing his way into Oilers history.

Admiral Ackbar

Every team needs a Roy Kent!

Mayan Oil

And Skinner being a goldfish!


Hey all,

daily reader of this magnificent blog, not a frequent poster. That being said, just wanted to give a huge shoutout to LT for guiding us through the highs and lows of this Oiler run. Regardless of the result, it’s been an absolute pleasure to witness this alongside all of you. LFG Oil!!!!


That name. That name!


What a wonderful hockey game and thrilling series! Game 6 awaits…


I’ll bet that when McDavid was a pee wee he’d sit up watching 1980’s New York Islanders playoff videos for fun.

Last edited 9 months ago by hunter1909

You know, you’re probably right. When my youngest was in Grade 1 (4 years ago), there was a Connor McDavid biography book from the Scholastic Book Fair which we bought for him. I remember the pages describing his minor hockey days; when other kids would head to the pool or hang out after tournament games, he just wanted to watch more hockey. Apparently (according to the book) he was made fun of by his peers for being so obsessed.

This actually jives with an interview Nuge did a few years ago, where they asked him about other Oilers (McDavid’s) outside interests. Nuge just answered something along the lines of “Hockey. He’s a hockey player, that’s what he is.”

cowboy bill

No, He was watching those 1942 Leafs make history in black & white.


When Conner Brown scored that shortie, I literally scared the crap out of one of my dogs from screaming at the top of my lungs. What a time for 28 to arrive. Reminiscent of Pisani in 2006. That goal is burned into my brain for eternity.

Can they actually do this?? As a mid-westerner(ND/MN), I have watched the Vikings break hearts when the hopes are the highest. It’s hard not to think that game 6 is gimmie, given the atmosphere that building will have. Please Oilers, don’t be the Vikings….



Last edited 9 months ago by JimmyV1965
Elgin R

The Oilers are NOT the Vikings and will win the SC this year! However, FLA Panthers are the NHL version of the Jim Kelly Buffalo Bills!


As I sit here reading this post in my Vikings hoodie, I can relate.


The Winnipeg Jets are the western Canadian equivalent of the Vikings.


Nah, the hopes and expectations have to be higher. Actually, the Maple leafs seem pretty close. Sky high hopes, subterranean results…


Can you go back to posting each line and D pairing’s possession numbers instead of getting all emotional?


This is just made me laugh.

Come on LT, focus man, focus!

Jethro Tull

I feel whoever downvoted this didn’t get it. Not to put words in your mouth, Scruffin, but I read this as sometimes, we sifted through those stats for a glimmer of something shiny.


I feel you. I have a question, that would be nice to validate. But with one (or more) games to play trusting LTs lead to just enjoy the moment.


Panthers play with a lot of Force. Every check is harder, every slash is harder, every elbow to the face and crosscheck to the ribs. I didn’t understand the intensity until I have seen it. It is because of these battles they try to force their way to net front and will the puck in. It works for them, but tiring.

Edmonton has much more skill, but it was stymied for 3 games due to the intensity of these battles. Its difficult to get space. Each series Edmonton has had to adapt, credit they have the roster to adapt. Last night was, as expected. very difficult. Middle was covered more on breakouts, and wingers were pulled back into the zone. Only option at times was the flip out to relieve pressure. Or icing.

I think Edmonton had to start beating them in these battles. Then Edmonton can get into their skating game, the rush game, and special teams. Panthers can headhunt all game, but the refs are onto them, and force alone will not get them enough goals. I think they just learned this.


IDK if the refs are onto them at all. Skinner was knocked down twice last night when the puck was out of our zone and both infractions were not called.


Agree. The best positive comment I can make regarding the officiating… the “diving” penalty called on Tkachuk was so very deserved… likely could have called that same penalty 3 more times, but getting that one recognised was almost surprising (in the most positive way).

Strapping Jocks

Skinner’s spinerama was a bit too theatrical for the refs I think

cowboy bill

Panthers need to stay out of the box.

Admiral Ackbar

Yeah, they use force, but the dark side of the Force.

“Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda

Hopefully that suffering is a response to ‘you know what’.

Last edited 9 months ago by Admiral Ackbar

This was the best sportsnet intro last night. The music was pure awesome. Amy Lee baby

cowboy bill

We even got to see Warren Foegele’s facial hair.


That closeup on Skinner’s eyes was intense… super focused, ready to protect the twine and get ever closer to the promised land. SKINNER, principal for the ages.


OK, that was pretty damn epic.

Admiral Ackbar

Good gord that was magnificient. I used to despise that song. Perfectly utilized here.


Excellent intro! Video from game 4 is a good start, nice edits put together with a great song. To (mis)quote LT: Music!

I’ll still be posting/linking their Dallas Game 5 intro in the Game 6 game-day-thread (as done for games 4&5). Don’t Stop Me Now…