Here Comes The Sun 2024

by Lowetide

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Munny 2.0

Outstanding photo however unseasonal (wintry). Pretty AND interesting.

And one would have to name it “Sunrise” too so the hoi polloi don’t get confused. A metaphor unsignaled is a metaphor oft missed. (And yes you would call it Sunrise even if it was taken at sunset, lol).

Seasonal for the draft, this time of year, I think would be a picture of a flower blooming or something like that. Caterpillar maybe. I dunno. I’m more about pictures that move, and LT’s photography is very much still life. Probably useless suggestions.

This year is the least amount of Junior I’ve watched in some time. I haven’t been following the draft. With my parent’s health and all sorts of things going on, I had to make hockey less of a priority this season. Since I was sure from TC that this was a Cup-type season, everything but the games, Lowetide and a little non-game radio was forsaken.

I haven’t put anywhere near the draft research in that I normally do. For once, I don’t feel justified to give my opinion or agree or argue with LT’s, or any of the lists out there.

All I can say is “Good luck tomorrow, Oil.” The chatter at the urinal in the fancy stat bathroom is how can we wash the luck out out of player stats. The same applies as much to GM roster decisions, and coach’s line-up decisions and scouts drafting decisions.

A lot of the success tomorrow will depend on luck. One can obviously edge that in their favour with quality scouting and measurement, but one can never remove the “indeterminate-ness” of outcomes.

Three, four… eight, eighteen years from now, we will all forget the entire “luck” portion of drafting and employ 20-20 hindsight to stump for our own picks, or so-called “obvious” picks and fry those doing the drafting for their failures.

And part of is, we weren’t there at the meetings, hearing the arguments, what people saw, what the thinking was… nor does it behoove the team to expose those sorts of things to the public and thus other teams.

Holland quietly (and thus respectfully) removed the people who advised him wrong. Except for Schwartz, who apparently could survive an alien invasion or a meteor hit and still pull a paycheque. Maybe that changes this summer, who knows.

I didn’t think Holland would work for someone who was between him and the owner and could control his decisions, and that has turned out to be true.

Question is, how many of the good GMs would?

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Thanks for this.

I always love a Munny post because you think about and analyze situations in ways I typically do not.

The Jackson/GM situation is interesting. I think being the GM of the Oilers will always be a difficult job because of Katz’s relationship with so many former players. Many voices to compete with.

Also, and more importantly, I hope you are doing ok (relatively speaking of course) and have some of your own support. Relationships with parents can be challenging at the best of times.

Lewis Grant

This draft is insane to me. Sennecke at #3 reminds me of Kotkaniemi. Lindstrom at #4? Iginla at #6? My goodness that is a lot of risers/reach picks. Yakemchuk before Parekh, Silayev, Dickinson, and Buium?

Flames might be annoyed by not getting Iginla, but they make out like bandits with Parekh at #9. Zeev Buium, with his eye-popping numbers, goes at #12? Eiserman drops to #20?

Lewis Grant

And with the importance of having a first-round pick for the 2025 trade deadline, during the last year of Draisaitl and Bouchard’s value contracts….we had to trade away that flexibility for Sam O’Reilly?

Maybe we should have had a GM in place rather than letting the scouts run the show. Our scouts wanted Griffin Reinhart at #1 and eventually traded Joel Eriksson Ek and Brandon Carlo for him…


Stauffer is highly confidant the Oilers are going to do something substantial this weekend that does not include re-signing internal UFAs.

To me, this sounds like a Ceci and/or Campbell trade and I wouldn’t be shocked if McLeod is involved.

Stauff also thinks that Jamark will be back, Henrique likely not and Brown likely looking for term so not sure there.

Munny 2.0

Brown looking for term has to hurt the number he can demand, no?

At the same age, Cogliano (for eg) signed a three year 3.25 mill contract, but he was also coming off a string of three +30 point double digit goal seasons… and then never got anywhere near that during the nearly ten million dollar contract stretch. And he not only had wheels but was built like a fire hydrant despite short.

And true he also didn’t have the pedigree Brown does, but he had actual concrete numbers. There’s risk with Brown. I don’t think he can get a three-by-three despite the inflation since Cogs got his dirty-thirties deal (before Covid freeze).

(I use Cogs as an example because he was also an elite-at-the-time, smaller bottom-sixer and PKer with wheels.)

I think brother Connor will play a role in the number Brownie gives JJ. I think JJ himself will play a role. I think Stanley aspirations will play a role. I think big bonus money and being given a comeback shot will play a role. I’m going to say CB would sign with the Oil, despite the offers elsewhere, somewhere in the region of 2 x 2.0-.75, IF JJ can find the space. If he can’t, then it’s moot. He’s gone.

(I wonder if Bako was touched upon in the discussion about the future with Perry. I say this because from a cap structure and line-up-order pov, I’m not sure how both can be on the big team unless Perry is in the “Gagner” role).


Looks like the condition on the 2025 pick sent to Philadelphia is ‘top 12 protected’.


Not one team picking in the first round congratulated Florida on winning the Cup.


Finally get our O’Reilly! If he’s anything like Ryan O’Reilly that would be swell
We need cheap talent coming into the lineup just as much as rentals at the deadline


He was #32 on Mackenzie’s list.

Button’s comp for him is Philip Danault.


That’s a great comp.


Huh, exactly zero people on earth saw the Oilers trading up here. Well, except the Oilers.

Kid appears to be a physical defensive shutdown center with some offense.

The writeup from elite prospects:
O’Reilly is a relentless shutdown defensive centre with physicality, details, and a clever quick-touch passing game. Moments where he’s not perfectly positioned are rare, and his endless work rate allows him to impact plays many can’t. He checks the hands, ties up sticks, and torpedoes himself into opponents along the wall.

Looks like he was ranked between 31 and 68 by the various scouting services (and 35 by LT), so possibly a reach to move up to get him.

Oilers could certainly use the player type if he can actually play though.


Lots of love for him by the internet scouts; most thought he’d go higher than their rankings in the late first round. RH centre with a non-stop motor that already plays an NHL style game. Recently converted into a centre and played important minutes for a stacked team in London.

I wonder what the conditions on the trade are though.


Yeah, definitely some love for the player. His rankings did range from 31-68 though. Obviously will be cheering for him regardless.

I wonder what the conditions on the trade are though.

Wonder if the Oilers have the flexibility to use the 2025 1st at the deadline next year (or before) if they wish.

In that case the Flyers would get the 2026 1st plus maybe a late round pick as payment for the delay? Just a guess.


Or maybe it’s just top 10 protected or something.


Its top 12 protected but I believe this means the Oilers cannot trade either their 2025 or 2026 first rounder.


Someone updated that they can trade the 2026 pick, but if they do the 2025 pick becomes unprotected (which makes sense because they wouldn’t be looking to trade the pick if they were in range of drafting top 12).


Interesting – thank you.

Gerta Rauss

‘Rick (Pracey) felt very strongly we were getting a player that would fit our mold and we’ve got to start getting our pipeline going so we felt very comfortable making the move today’



Well, since they’ve pulled off one trade already, maybe a trade-down becomes more possible if they’re looking for more bullets?

Gerta Rauss

I agree with you now – when you mentioned this a couple hours ago I didn’t think they would trade their 2nd round pick and move further down

They might now


I like those comments

Gerta Rauss

‘Nothing imminent’

when asked about the Oilers UFA (Brown mentioned specifically)

‘Good discussions and optimistic about bringing all of them back”


Last edited 1 day ago by Gerta Rauss
Gerta Rauss

‘Our staff had him rated quite a bit higher than where he went”


The Great One


O’Reilly was very good for a rookie in the OHL. He’s played a major role for a top London team, playing in all situations. He’s a two-way center. He competes hard and has physicality. I’ve seen quicker skaters, but he can escape pressure and has good enough quickness for the NHL level.

O’Reilly has quality skill and vision and can create chances. He has a decent shot but I like him more when he’s making plays.

He has the potential to be a bottom-six center in the league.


And Pronman nailed it at 32!


Craig Button’s Analysis“Versatile and adaptable. Plays all situations with very good smarts and good skills, and competes. ‘Flexes’ in lineup well.”
Projection: Second Line Two-Way C
Comparable: Phillip Danault


The last pick they made from London worked out okay.


he has been praised all through the draft.. bouch is famous

Gerta Rauss

Sam O’Reilly

184 lbs
Right shot
Right Winger with the London Knights

Last edited 1 day ago by Gerta Rauss

For those who missed the graphic on Sportsnet after he was picked:

He played D until 2020-21.

This does not break my heart at all.

Gerta Rauss

Yes – apparently he played C last year for London as well

The kid seemed thrilled to be going to Edmonton

-sidenote – lusty booing in Vegas when Edmonton was announced as the trade partner


Maybe Basha from the Hat?

Gerta Rauss

Sam O’Reilly from the OHL


Nickname has to be Baba.

Gerta Rauss

He puts his back into his livin’


I’m sure he wasn’t picked from a teenage wasteland, good verbal on him.


At first glance, I kinda like that pick




Oilers acquire #32 for a 1st in 25 or 26.

Gerta Rauss

Oilers trade into the 1st round with Philly


Wonder what’s up with that….

Gerta Rauss

Conditional 1st in ’25 or ’26

Gerta Rauss

I’m wide open,” Holland said. “I think I could do any of the above

-Ken Holland when asked about

-accepting another GM job
-accepting a reduced role like a senior advisor
-retiring and spending time with his kids and grandchildren

Pierre Lebrun with an interview with Holland up at The Athletic


Not sure whether the Oilers pull off a trade-down since there’s no real GM, but an opportunity is there to cash #64 for a couple of 3rds if they so choose:

SEA: 73 + 88
NSH: 87 + 94
WSH: 82 + 83 (or 90)
UTAH: 89 + 96


For clarity, (OP), this is not my Twitter account.

Yesterday, someone went to great lengths to post a review of Holland’s work.

Here’s one from a different perspective on a Twitter thread.


Mathew Panchyshyn


I’ve noticed a trend

1. Holland is inept at drafting players other than big mobile D

2. He has considerably poor ability to sign bottom 6/bottom pair players

3. He dislikes keeping draft picks and overall has a very poor record with making trades

4. His signing ability is decent but his ability to find talent is poor

5. Holland prefers short term cap rather than long term sustainability. His inability to not bridge the likes of McLeod, Bouchard, and Nurse will hurt the team greatly, even tho the players themselves are great players.

His overall rating is a D+. This is well below the avg of C rank.


Sure, but we don’t know what we don’t know. What we do know is the Ken Holland is/was the GM of a team that was within 1 goal of winning the Stanley.


Will Yzerman pick Eiserman?

Victoria Oil

Not sure why Anaheim didn’t trade down 5 or 6 places if they wanted to pick Sennecke. I didn’t see him on many top 10 lists.LT had him at #17.

Taking him at #3 was a head scratcher.

Last edited 2 days ago by Victoria Oil

Maybe no one was biting. They aren’t the only ones either; interesting draft.


comment image
Edmonton Oilers
Welcome back, Picks

The #Oilers have signed goaltender Calvin Pickard to a two-year contract extension with an AAV of $1 million.


Great signing. Such as solid, reliable performer.


The NHL role model for Ottawa’s pick at #7 (Carter Yakemchuk) is none other than Old Man Bouchard.


Utah screws Calgary by taking Tij, Son of Jarome at #6. Love it.


Celine Dion should narrate more things.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the Vegas pick is announced by Elvis.


One BU alum drafts another.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Also: godot10–look at woodguy’s twitter. Broberg needs to play on the left side.


I’ve loved every minute of Kanes time here but would be pumped if they found a way to move his cap space. I feel like Washington was the place

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

It would be cool if the Oilers made some cool sexy trades to get some sweet sweet cap space and then used said cap space efficiently to improve the roster.

A boy can dream!


It’s all a boy can do.


I am confident the Oilers will have opened up cap space for Monday and I think by trade.


Just a heads-up that Round 2 kicks off tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Innisfree time.

Last edited 2 days ago by Tarkus

It’s a bit of an off year for swedish prospects, a lot of predictions has zero swedes in the first round which would be the first time since 2010. Don’t have the time for a full write up but here are some thoughts. With the lack of a true top prospect driving up the hype I think a few swedes are getting a bit underrated, there’s no real sure bet, though I’m pretty sure Freij makes the show, and as mentioned no true star prospect but a few guys who could make everyone go “how did he make it to that round” in a couple of years.

I personally think Växjö Lakers D, Alfons Freij has definite first round quality, complete D with strong skating, some offense and a type of player who tend to work very well in the NHL if developed well, his lack of a truly eye popping stand out skill has him lower than he should be, think he’s a good bet at getting the drafting team a quality top 4 D a few years from now with a reasonable chance at top pairing, that’s worth a pick in the 20s even without much pazzazz in his game.

Leo Sahlin Wallenius, another D from Växjö, also has qualities in his game that could see him end up in the first round, great skater but some chaos to him, a lot of people hold him higher than Freij, I think there’s more risk to him and bot convinced on the higher reward, certainly talented, how good he ends up depends on if the chaos is due to youth or a faulty processor.

Modo C Lucas Pettersson was the highest ranked Swede on Bob McKenzies last list, he’s 6’0 and is a very swedish type of C, solid distributor, two way guy, pretty complete skillset, good wrister that NHL teams will be frustrated over him not using enough, another prospect lacking a real edge skill for scouts to drool over.
Djurgården C Linus Eriksson is a similar player type to Pettersson, less offensive upside but more pro ready at this point and I think he’s in a better spot as far as development goes so think it’s hard ro say who ends up the better player.

Simon Zether, RC, from Rögle feels underrated to me, not overly flashy but with real skill, played well in the SHL in a minor role, strong two way player. His skating needs work but he keeps up in the SHL and I think a lot of scouting reports are knocking him too hard on it. Will it be a major strength? No. Will it kill his ability to be an efficient NHLer? Don’t think so. I also think there’s room for improvement with better leg and core strength. I think he could end up the best swedish forward of this draft.

Speaking of best forward. Alexander Zetterberg has an incredible offensive skillset both as a playmaker and a shooter, smart player who’s ok defensively. Problem? He’s 5’8 and just an ok skater. If he can get faster and stronger on pucks he could make a scout look real smart. Will go the NCAA route which is perfect for him.

6’3 forward Charlie Forslund might be the most intriguing swedish prospect this draft. He came out of nowhere and established himself as a quality player with Falun in the Swedish third tier against men where he went PPG after starting the year with the U18 team. Never made any regional camps for his age group, the guy just popped this season. Apparently he was a one man show at the end of the year and if his trajectory continues the way it has this season he’ll be in the NHL in two years…that kind trajectory is ofc unlikely but a guy to keep an eye on no doubt. Power forward, will play for Mora in the second tier next season, good move imo. Håkan Andersson type of pick.

Massive, 6’7, D Gabriel Eliasson is obviously on a lot of teams radar, has the dreaded “good skater for his size” to him but at least isn’t a terrible skater, average puck skills, what’s interesting with him is that he comes with a lot of physicality, think Markus Niemeläinen, so not at all a friendly giant and he’s a september birthday, very much a project pick. Could see him go surprisingly early. Will also join the NCAA though not until 25/26.

Jack Berglund is a big C who had a strong U18 WC but limited offense. I like forwards Oscar Vuollet, smart player but has physical limitations, could see him grind his way to the NHL. Valter Lindberg can play C/W, like Vuollet from Skellefteå, got better as the year went and I like guys who shows a strong in season trajectory, nice skillset overall. Yet another Skellefteå player is overager Frans Haara, I liked him already in his draft year, there’s something to his game that hasn’t quite taken off yet and when it does there’s a real talent here imo, RHS D-man, like him as a late round target. Melwin Fernström can shoot the puck, has hands and smarts, needs to improve his skating and consistency. Liam Danielsson, like Fernström from Örebro, playmaking righty winger, smaller player who has a skillset that needs finetuning and his skating needs to improve but I think it’s doable, I feel like I’m the only one who likes his upside, late round pick where you need to be smart about development path.

That’s all I have time for today, there’s a few more guys worth mentioning, if the Oilers pick one of them I’ll be sure to drill down on his abilities. Unless it’s a goalie I don’t do well on goalies…

2022 goalie pick Samuel Jonsson will stay with Karlskoga of the swedish second tier btw after an injury plagued year. Hopefully he can establish himself at that level next season.


Texier to the Blues for a 4th. And he’s quickly extended.

Scungilli Slushy

That’s a shame


And extended at $1M more than LT had in his “possible” line up a few day ago.


Cam Dineen extended on a 2-year/2-way deal (league min in the NHL, obviously) – coincidentally on the same day Michael Kesselring gets a new deal at $1.4MM…..


Would’ve been great to get Kesselring back in Edmonton. I’ve read that Marino is likely to be moved. Is he a good fit?


Feels like there are RD available this offseason, doesn’t always happen. Hope we get a decent one. Broberg isn’t the long term fit at 2RD and it’s a risk to run him there without a backup plan next season. I like Desharnais but he isn’t a good 2RD plan for a full season. Wanner is a great prospect but still just a prospect, could always be some freak issue that comes up. Wonder if it’s possible to get Marino with some retention. If McLeod is available, maybe Jersey would like to unite the brothers.


Marino didn’t want to come to Edmonton after being drafted by the Oilers. Would he be happy coming now?

I don’t think the other McLeod brother is going to be playing in the NHL next season.


Not sure Marino was against Edmonton. He was turning Pro from college and Chia who drafted him was leaving. Also he was behind Larsson, Bear, Russell, and Benning on the big club. Made some sense to move on.

Last edited 2 days ago by TheGreatBigMac
The Great One

There is considerable speculation Marino could be a target for Vancouver.

Jim Rutherford and Patrick Alvin have a relationship with him going back to Pittsburgh.


I don’t think Michael will be playing hockey for the Devils (and likely not even qualified unless the league is granting these teams some sort of “protection” to keep these guys’ rights).

Scungilli Slushy

Marino is like Justin Schultz at his best in style, probably better. In other words a tall skinny non physical player. Schultz had more points in less GP, but were talking mid 20’s

Good puck mover, but he isn’t that offensive and not suited to play teams like the Panthers – rough playoff hockey. In fact the Panther’s smaller D group couldn’t have handled the Oilers if they were healthier I think, but they didn’t have the juice (or for some temperament) to exploit them


Sounds like a 2-year deal for Pickard is about to be finalized.


mmm. He earned a two years, I just wish it wasn’t with the Oilers. Hopefully the 2 year is extra thought when considering claiming waivers. Really want to run Skinner – Rodrigue. We’ve seen Pickards best. I’d like to have a back up that has the potential to steal the net for periods of time.

rich tm

Who’s to say at the end of June it won’t be Rodrigue? Let him earn the spot and if not, so be it. Just curious, is your concern that he would get claimed on waivers?

Chelios is a Dinosaur

Pickard didn’t do that for you?


I would expect Rodrigue and Pickard to battle for 2G during camp – Picks likely taking the spot opening night but Rodrigue getting NHL games.

The other day, Stauff alluded to bringing Picks back AND signing Copley as the organizational 3 which was interesting to me…..

Gerta Rauss

2 years x $1M AAV per Seravelli

Last edited 2 days ago by Gerta Rauss

Great signing! Rodrique can be considered after Oilers have 100 pts, run him hard with Condors.


Any interest in Zadorov? Appears he will test FA. He has a lot of what we kinda need… big, physical, pretty good (?) hands… potentially too expensive?

Last edited 2 days ago by Boil-in-the-Oil
Rafa Nadal

He will get $5-6M per year. Way too expensive for the Oil.


Will he though? Or is that more of a media/agent driven narrative? Maybe the GMs are smarter than we give them credit for. You’d think Rutherford would have already signed him if it was for 5 million a season.

He’s been a pylon for most of his career up until his age 29 season. To me, he’s more of a Gudbranson-type that peaks in his UFA season, and then the next team who signs him for too much and too long immediately regrets it.

Scungilli Slushy

I think you nailed it. He was the worst regular D on the Dys and 5th on the Flames at PuckIQ. He had 20 points. He is a 3 pair and I would say 3.75M is about his limit, someone might pay him that for his truculence


Atkinson being bought out.

Does he have anything left? I dont know much about home except he had a few solid years.

Would he be worth a call? 4th line better Gagner?


Always seemed to kill it against us.


Tying in with the Roxy Music theme of today’s post:

There’s a singer/songwriter named Linda Thompson who, with her husband Richard, were popular some decades ago.

She has since lost the use of her voice but still writes songs for guest vocalists to sing. Her new album that just dropped is wittily entitled Proxy Music. The album cover is also quite whimsical.


— we don’t know what we don’t know and who knows maybe by tomorrow it will be moot but it isn’t optimal for the club not to have a GM.

— Fortunately we have few draft picks and it appears Jackson isn’t going to do anything other than be custodian untill new guy comes in

— This is the 2nd big move that Jackson makes. This one has massive implications: he nailed the hiring of the coach so hopeful he brings in a progressive relevant current and respected guy.

— No nepo no “cup winner he’s in” no OBC. He will have cast a wide net.

— No clue who it will be but confident it will be a good one.

— My only reservation would be that he picks a guy that he thinks he can control more because that’s a temptation and trap in his current role.


To the older gents. How much was the SCF I’m Edmonton in the 80s and 90s for tickets ?


I bought the 11 game plyoff package in 1984 for $235 from a friend. Very lucky and hard to believe. I remember walking be someone waving five $100 bills in the air for a ticket in game five and not one person stopped to even give him a glance. We all knew the oilers were gonna win that night.

That was a lot of money in those days and I’m sure someone sold him their ticket.


Rick Pracey was on with Stauff yesterday but he also had a one-on-one with Gregor and here is one answer I enjoyed:

One thing that I think is really important is environment. You may look at 20 teams in a CHL league for example. They’re not equal, the player in one situation is substantially different than another, a player’s depth on a team might be different, he might be playing with 10 NHL affiliate players, where another prospect might not have any, so we do a lot of work looking at environments, looking at quality competition, quality of linemates, quality of matchups, time on ice, zone charts, even just to understand their usage. If you can get the environment right, you have a chance with the player, whereas if you get the environment wrong, chances are you don’t have any luck getting the player right.


Some speculation out there that DeBrusk could be someone the Oilers are looking at.

When looking at offensive/skilled forwards, for me, its always important to see how reliant they are on the PP as they are unlikely to see much PP time as an Oiler.

Jake only had 10 powerplay points this past season.

He was also used on the PK for Boston – he was the 5th among forwards in PK TOI/G (but only 10 seconds behind the 2nd).


DeBrusk is interesting because he’d be good for the right price, had a good playoffs this year (5G/11P/53hits in 13 games) but had a “down” year compared to the last two in traditional and fancy stats. If it’s a “buy low” deal, he’d be excellent.

Scungilli Slushy

I’m less concerned about how high production is and more about is the player a playoff type player

If Jake plays two ways and likes the physical game and can score at evens and likes to get inside he’d be a good help. Have to be able to do things are hardest


I agree. He’s just over 1 hit a game in the regular season but the 53 in 13 games this spring made my eyes pop out a little bit. He’s not exactly ideal for the two-way role but I do believe he’d buy-in to a winning system and would be worth it at the right price. I do suspect he’ll get a bigger offer somewhere else though.

Scungilli Slushy

They can’t really add a bigger salary unless they move one out.


I really like him, and feel like it’s just a matter of time before he plays for the Oilers (but I thought the same about Drew Stafford too).

My only issue with DeBrusk is that I feel like his contract is always going to be higher than his actual value. Likely due to other factors that have nothing to do with hockey like his name and the style of game he plays. This team can’t afford any more players whose cap hit is higher than it should be.


Debrusk is essentially Foegele

Foegele is cheaper.


LT, how many this year are “Top-10s” to you? It’s a strange year for me with a lot of both high risk/high reward and low-ceiling player types. I see only 5 this year, being Celebrini, Levshunov,Biium, Silayev and Parekh.

Second question, what’s your thought on us taking a mid-round goalie? Pronman seems to think it’s our area of greatest need and I kind of agree with him as there’s crickets after Rodrigue.


Pracey essentially told Stuaffer they are likely to draft a goalie.


It appears Stamko will test free agency, how amazing will it be for Oilers to snatch him. Our top 6 will be amazing.


Stamkos wants to be paid a lot of money for a long time. Otherwise, he would have just signed a team friendly deal to stay in Tampa.


I’m a bit confused. Why are players from the KHL allowed to play in the NHL?


There isn’t a transfer agreement but that doesn’t prevent an individual from signing with whichever team they prefer so long as they are not under contract in the other league (and sometimes that happens anyways)


I have a feeling the original post was alluding to global political issues and not individual player contractual matters – I think.


Now don’t get all knickers-in-a-knot on me… Firstly, hand injuries are notoriously difficult to work or play through, like hip or groin injuries. These injuries can and have ended careers. Secondly, spreading out cash versus paying a few players LOTS of money (e.g., Toronto). Okay… If you agree to this, why not trade Draisaitl. Get a top 5(?) pick that could play now, two good developing players (hello.. cupboards are bare) and a bottom 9 player. If I were the Oilers GM, I would consider it. You? LT… would you?

Last edited 2 days ago by coops
Rafa Nadal

The problem is you lose any trade with a player of Draisaitl’s caliber going out the door. A top 5 pick in the draft might not be an impact player for 3-4 years from now when McDavid is 31 years old. Losing Leon also hurts their historic powerplay (probably by a decent margin too).


Good point. I think the top 5 in this draft may be defence. We would probably need to replace Leon with a winger. I worry about an aging, expensive core.


Kane might be a trade option – but with an injury, his value might be a bit low?


Kane also has a full NMC

Rafa Nadal

Our core will age and will be very expensive. It’s also our only chance at Stanley. Six years from now we will have to accept that the team is on the downturn. Hopefully the team has a cup or two to show for it.

Strapping Jocks

That’s why to me, these past two years have been so heartbreaking and disappointing


You only consider a drai trade if he wont resign… and even then, may be worth keeping for another run.

He is a franchise player. Even celebrini may not ever be close to drai let alone any other player in this draft…

Scungilli Slushy

Where the Oilers are drafting there isn’t really a BPA. What they need are grumpy players with enough skating skill and size. And more RS players especially centres

I still consider smaller players wasted draft picks unless they are supremely talented. It rarely works out, especially for the Oilers. And after the top 5-10 those players aren’t there

Draft for what works in the playoffs (you take Johnston over Bourgault all day – the numbers looked similar to me – because size), and make sure that there are also enough G prospects that have a chance in the system

General McDavid

There is no such thing as ‘BPA’ imo. It’s a false construct. The term is actually a proxy for what is essentially just a consensus ranking exercise.

It’s a groupthink crowdsourcing effort to project 18 year old talent 5 years into the future. The relative success rate of these forecasts outside the top 5 picks tells you everything you need to know about the validity of the process.

Scouts perform an essential function as data aggregators and quality control of same, but to anyone who extols the accuracy of BPA, I have two words in response, Tom Brady OR Nik Lidstrom if you prefer a hockey example.

Scungilli Slushy

I have said that outside of the top usually 3 players in any draft BPA is a crapshoot. Maybe some drafts there isn’t one really. The consensus in the top 5 in the draft hasn’t always served us well

The other problem with BPA is it’s based on taking that player (highest value player available) and using them to get what you need. It’s just the NHL doesn’t work like that, it’s hard and rare to make those deals. Draft the best available for what you need as best as you can tell, within reason


Cam Atkinson on waivers today for buyout purposes and noone else (i.e. Campbell or J. Skinner).

The Great One

Ryan Suter bought out by Dallas.

Waivers are not required for any player who has a no movement clause.


If Campbell is bought out, it will be on the last possible day as they don’t have a GM and a buyout isn’t necessarily the best option (trade or trade with retention being cheaper)


I would suggest that the trade with retention would be the best option depending on what sweeteners the Oilers would have to add.

I would presume there would be some valuable futures out along with retaining salary.


Yeah, a 50% retention would end up being almost the same over three years (buyout cap hit 1.1, 2.3, 2.6) and this would also prevent the potential embarrassment that Campbell signs a cheap deal and puts up a .915 save percentage for a new team.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

Y’all are talking draft already? I still got the Oilers in 9!


Shoutout to Trogdor the Burninator!

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