Slip Kid (there’s no easy way to be free)

by Lowetide
  • Goalies (2): Olivier Rodrigue, Connor Ungar
  • Left Defense (2): Ben Gleason, Cam Dineen, Noel Hoefenmayer
  • Right Defense (2): Phil Kemp, Max Wanner
  • Center (4): Lane Pederson, James Hamblin, Jayden Grubbe, Carl Berglund
  • Left Wing (3): Raphael Lavoie, Drake Caggiula, Matvey Petrov
  • Right Wing (5): Xavier Bourgault, Tyler Tullio, James Stefan, Jake Chiasson, Brady Stonehouse
  • Goalies (2): Stuart Skinner, Calvin Pickard
  • Left Defense (3): Mattias Ekholm, Darnell Nurse, Brett Kulak
  • Right Defense (3): Evan Bouchard, Philip Broberg, Cody Ceci
  • Center (3): Connor McDavid, Leon Draisaitl, Ryan McLeod
  • Left Wing (3): Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, Evander Kane, Dylan Holloway
  • Right Wing (3): Zach Hyman, Connor Brown, Derek Ryan

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Scungilli Slushy

2.5M over the cap. Who is going?

Scungilli Slushy

24 players

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

For those that wanted younger and faster on the Oil, today is not for you. For those who gave Holland grief for saddling the roster with vets that keep youngins down, today is not for you. Vets, vets and slow boots as far as the eye can see. The Oilers actually got older in the last 30hrs from last year.

There will be some growing pains for those who haven’t seen Jeff Skinner play – hero or goat, no middle ground with this guy, and he doesn’t defense. I am not in any way dissing this signing, merely providing context. He’s a flawed player with a nose for the goal. Love the bet for $3 million. Its nice to finally pickup one of Buffalo’s cast off’s. Skinner and Arvidsson should definitely help with the goal finishing. I’m not sure they aren’t a pretty severe downgrade defensively from Foegele and Kane though… we shall see.

Switching from an Oiler centric channel for a moment.

Two years running where the Oilers, clearly and obviously, get better in the offseason (tis why they were Cup favorites to start last season for those with short memories). And where the Pacific Division opponents… make many curious decisions.

The Nucks, may have run in place, I think their backend is weaker and it was weak last year, a few solid bets up front, but I still think last year was a fluke and regression will continue to bite this season

L.A. has gotten worse (I heart Rob Blake!), Vegas lost a lot of their COVID depth and have like five “Mark Stone’s” on the roster when it comes to health, Utah is not any better, Anaheim quite literally did nothing, the Flames sold more depth (Mangiapane for a song.. weird move) and the Sharks are still in easy out territory for another season but should be more fun to watch. Seattle made some interesting and expensive moves. They are firmly in bubble territory, with an oldish and slow roster, but that may owe more to L.A. and Vegas shooting themselves in the feet.

Can’t help but wonder if Adam Larsson wouldn’t be a deadline target should Seattle stumble. Last year on his deal.

A few of my other favorites – Can’t wait to see how the Avs get themselves out of their wicked cap problems. Nashville should be entertaining, not sure how well they’ll hold up defensively, but the swapover to goal scoring dynamo should make for interesting viewing. I’m not sure Dallas is any better, another year older for a lot of their players and no more Pavelski. Their defense wasn’t great last season and losing Hakanpaa won’t help.

Brad Treliving is the best thing to happen to the Leafs if you’re an Oiler fan. The term for Tanev is shocking. Hilarious and shocking. That backend is slow as molasses and is going to have a time getting the puck to their forwards. Boston could be in a real pickle, bled a lot of troops the last two seasons. Washington with a pretty epic overhaul, but is it the right mix of players? I’m curious but there are warning lights with every single one of their pickups. It could vault them into middle of the pack in the east, or be a flame out of Dubas’ proportions. I look forward to watching them.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

Edmonton was the best team in the west by a slim margin over Dallas once KK showed up. They need to come ready to play October 09, maybe skip the three-week too early captain skate this year, just show up and be professional and ready to go. Edmonton needs to take advantage of this field: I agree Vancouver runs in place – Jake is not going to move the needle significantly. Vegas were paper tigers all year last year. They ran .500 most of the season. Health and home ice: These are serious lessons from 24 and you win them in November not May.

Scungilli Slushy

Playoffs GF%

Foegele 22GP 34.62
Kane 20 GP 42.31

At least Kane was injured

Scungilli Slushy



we now have 9 forwards who have scored 30 or more goals in a season, lol. That’s got to be up there.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

Now, how many score 30 this coming year alone?

The record for most 30 goal scorers, one season, one team, is 6, which happened three times: Buffalo of 74-75, powered by the French Connection; The NY Islanders entering their dynasty in 77-78; and the Winnipeg Jets of 84-85. Brian Mullen, Doug Smail, and Thomas Steen were at 32, 31, and 30 consecutively to drag them over the line. Many Oiler teams have had 5 30 goal scorers in one season. But never 6. Is this the year of 7?

Locks: McDavid, Leon, Hyman
Hopes: Nuge, Skinner, Arvidsson

Damn even with this stacked line up its hard to imagine more than 6 players can score 30…. Kane if he is healthy and playing but its a matter of minutes at that point. Hold the phone….

Bouch? No, can’t be possible? Nah…

Bank Shot

Damn. A special day in Edmonton. We finally got to experience what it is like being a Bruins fan on July 1st.

The Oilers just went out and got every free agent they wanted, and at a reasonable price too!


A shame all those, quotation mark, “Who won free agency day one,” articles came out so early yesterday. Conventional wisdom says Nashville made a splash. You’d have to think with all the Edmonton value adds those articles would be premature.

Still, I would have liked to have seen big steps to fix the d core.


The forward roster certainly looks ready to do this:

comment image


Edmonton Oilers have no depth. They don’t stand a chance against the deeper teams like Dallas and Florida.

Munny 2.0



Ya, you basically need to get rid of legit NHL players, some of which who have actual SCF experience just to figure out our 4th line? Top 6 are a lock, not even factoring in Kane. Imagine if we VGS’d the season and he is on LITR and then back for playoffs?? Where would you even play him if everyone is healthy?
Best case scenario the third line stays Rico ‘The Janitor’ Brown (not a Tarantino character) for the whole season and just destroys matchups and PPs for a living.
4th line has right now too many options with players who can all play/deserve more minutes. Perry, Clouder, Hollywood, Ryan, Hamblin, Philp, Lavoie?

Dirk Dangler

Is there any interest in:


At least to start? Keeps the same top six as projected but only burdens Drai with one new winger? Nuge can be defensively aware while the other two build chemistry?

McDavid and Hyman play with each other well. And can keep the defensive side of things in check while Skinner gets comfortable and builds confidence?

Munny 2.0

So fun to explore. So many options. We got two shiny new toys today and bought the two short term rentals.

We’re all LT lying on the 70s shag carpet, feet in the air, rearranging our complete team set of hockey cards right now.

Last edited 2 days ago by Munny 2.0
Dirk Dangler

That’s such a great comparison! Shag carpet was before my time. Barely. The cards in our house got lined up between the spindrels on the main floor looking over the basement.

I’ll be kicking my feet in the air all summer!


I’m finding it hard to believe, we’re in heaven.


I’m stunned here. My Oilers fandom started for real during the 06 run. After that, I started following the games, draft, free agency, TDL the whole shebang. In that time, every single deadline, draft and offseason felt like one disappointment after another. Always striking out on the big name players, signing terrible contracts or making awful trades. Most every move was a net negative.

The Holland era somewhat turned this around. He brought some stability and respectability back to the team, even if his overall resume wasn’t great.

This offseason I was hoping to just bring back the same team more or less. I’m not too sure about O’Reilly, though I like the idea of borrowing the pick from next year (and the moves today almost cement it in the same range as 32). This free agency period is nothing short of a unicorn. We kept the important pieces, added some real skill, some depth, and mostly on value deals. I can’t f**king believe it.

Obviously we need to replace Ceci and get cap compliant After today I not only expect to see it happen, but it might even be a really good move upcoming.

Last edited 2 days ago by Someone
cowboy bill

Now they need to hire a GM to sort all this out. It seems that if you throw enough mud against the wall some of it just might stick.

cowboy bill

No wonder JJ needs to hire an experienced GM.

Funny Bissonness

Wow. A week ago, the aspect of this offseason I was most excited for was it’s brevity. What a day!

Elgin R

Yeah, yeah , yeah we had all heard of Jeff Skiner, knew he was good and saw him a couple of times per year. I just watched highlights and OMG this guy could score 50 with Leon. Can’t wait.

Funny Bissonness

Despite not being the fastest, he’s one of the most technical skaters in the NHL. I love watching him skate. He was in figure skating for years before he was in the NHL. There’s some great YouTube compilations of him doing figure skating moves while playing hockey.


Wow! What a day. Now we know why Kane wasn’t on LTIR, they were saving it for next year. Add Kane for game 1 of the playoffs. Jackson already has a better record than Holland in FA with the Oilers

Professor Q


  • F Connor Brown to 1-year, $1M contract
  • F Corey Perry to 1-year, $1.4M contract
  • F Adam Henrique to 2-year, $6M contract
  • F Mattias Janmark to 3-year, $4.35M contract
  • D Troy Stecher to 2-year, $1.576M contract
  • G Calvin Pickard to 2-year, $2M contract
  • F Jeff Skinner to 1-year, $3M contract
  • F Viktor Arvidsson to 2-year, $8M contract
  • D Josh Brown to 3-year, $3M contract


  • F Noah Philp
  • D Noel Hoefenmayer
  • D Connor Carrick
  • G Collin Delia


  • F James Hamblin
  • D Cam Dineen


  • F Dylan Holloway
  • F Raphael Lavoie
  • D Philip Broberg
Professor Q

Plus, more to come! Including trades, I think.

I could have missed some, due to the flurry of everything going on. Not a bad start, though.

cowboy bill

Where there’s a will there’s a way.


Health pending, what kind of numbers is the 2nd line capable of putting up?
Without a needed subtraction for compliance, this line up is staggering.


Nuge – McDavid – Hyman
Skinner – Draisaitl – Arvidsson
Janmark – Henrique – Brown
Holloway – McLeod – Perry/Ryan

Kane is as good as gone IMO (not loving that prospect, but it seems inevitable and necessary cap-wise), but that’s a lineup that keeps the pressure off McLeod and Holloway, it keeps both Ryan and Perry fresh. If they can LTIR Kane by some miracle, and he’s back late in the year, then we could have a 4th line that rivals more than a few 2nd lines in the league. Yikes!


There’s basically no point to preseason games this year. Roster is set with almost everyone from game 7 of the Finals returning + Skinner and Arvidsson. There are no open roster spots for rookies to audition for. Just play a couple of tune up games and keep everyone fresh and injury free to start next season.


I see 4RW as possibly open at times this year for Lavoie, maybe Borgeault, to step into and at least get a few reps in the NHL. But you’re right, there is no doubt as to who goes where for the start of the season. This could be the first time in decades where we can reasonably foresee set lines playing together throughout the year and building some solid chemistry together.

Munny 2.0

There’s always injuries. Except this past year. But usually there’s always injuries.

Lewis Grant

It’ll be reminiscent of Slats at training camp in ’85 telling the prospects: “Boys, you’re fighting for two, maybe three jobs.” Just told it like it was. Most of you are not going to be on this team.

Elgin R

Time to replace the overpriced Bobby Nix burger with 5 sliders called the Jackson 5.


Tell JJ he only has to work a week before the TD and a week before July 1. Then give him a raise. Then ask him if he wants lifetime on-demand access to the Fantasyland Hotel Theme Suite of his choice. Keep this man in the “interim GM” chair. Damn his protestations to the contrary.

Then again maybe the discounted cap hits are due to the late June run. Anyway, he didn’t screw it up and that’s something.

Last edited 2 days ago by striker

Would have been happy if they just kept Janmark, Brown, Henrique and done nothing else.
The upgrade of wingers is a bit of a surprise and makes me think it’s something they felt was necessary to re-sign Drai.


outside of 1 year of Arvidsson, his new wingers wont be there for any duration of his new deal


My presumption was the winger upgrade was in the name of winning Stanley, not specific to keeping Drai.


No thanks to Stan Bowman in my opinion

Elgin R

I checked at 10 mst just to see and was pleased that JJ did not lose his mind and overpay. Now I check back about 11 hours later and am amazed. The last iteration went down by 1 in GM7 and this team is better, much better!

As mentioned, still some cap issues to work out but I have faith in this bunch more than Holland.

As always, prediction is Oilers win the cup next season.


I hope Jackson has a plan in place to get cap compliant by September.
Kane is the obvious guy to move, but who is taking him and will he agree to wave his NMC?
I’m guessing the Oilers will have to add a sweetener to trade him.
I really like the signings up front, and I love that the max term on the 3 mil plus deals is 2 years.


I presume he does and there are a number of ways to get there. Honestly, I don’t think a trade of Kane is near the top of the likely outcomes.


Neither – I think they’ve downplayed the extent of Kane’s injury and the recovery time that will be required once his physicians have decided on the best course of action. The Oilers will let this simmer down for a while, then later in the summer we’ll get a trickle of news about Kane undergoing surgery, and an expected timeline for recovery that will have him spending a large chunk of the season on the IR. They’ll keep the nature of the injury opaque to the media for privacy reasons.

Viewing through that lens, the Oilers have about 2.5 million in cap space once Kane goes on LTIR. He can return late in the season and only the portion of his cap hit pertaining to the remaining games left would apply.

Stecher is probably in a similar situation – I imagine he goes down to the Bake to get some games in and comes back mid-season. Brown was signed for insurance.


Also I’ll add that I don’t think its a coincidence that we heard a little bit about what Kane was going through to be able to stay in the lineup during the playoffs yesterday.

Munny 2.0

You’re the doc (IIRC). Do you have any insight into what we were told?


Cortizone injections, nerve blocks and platelet rich plasma would account for the 5-6 injections that he was getting for the reported sports hernia.

But the same treatment should be used for problems of the hip, lumbar spine or sacrum. May have started as a sports hernia and blew up into something worse.

its all speculation though … we’ll learn more as the summer goes on. But if the problem was just a sports hernia, you’d think he would undergo surgery to repair it in relatively short order.

Munny 2.0

Thank you. I agree that it definitely sounds like something that got worse during the playoffs.

Last edited 1 day ago by Munny 2.0
Ancient Oilers Fan

Except that if they are in LTIR they won’t accrue any cap space so there would be nothing to absorb his cap hit.

Last edited 2 days ago by Ancient Oilers Fan

Viewing through that lens, the Oilers have about 2.5 million in cap space once Kane goes on LTIR. He can return late in the season and only the portion of his cap hit pertaining to the remaining games left would apply

This part is incorrect – if he is activated at any time during the regular season, his entire cap hit needs to be fit it – there is no pro rating to what is left.

Loose Human Head

What do you think is the most likely cap compliant outcome with Kane on the roster?


With Kane on the roster, it tough – I almost see McLeod (based on Stuaffer alluding to it last week) but that’s not enough.

Ancient Oilers Fan

The discussion about Kane’s injury is ominously like that around Klefbom. Dealing with shoulder (hip), consultation with doctors, second opinions, we are most concerned with his health.

I would prefer a healthy Kane, he is a unicorn when he at the top of his game but it sounds to me like they think his career is over.


So does Kane go for season-ending surgery in the off-season and then magically rehab just in time for the playoffs?

Elgin R

His agent is currently in discussions with Mark Stone’s reps to acquire guidance.


Today has pulled me out of the game 7 blues!

Elgin R

Yes it did.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

What a bonkers day.


I was wrong yesterday.

The 70’s furniture store could be defeated.

Sure, no old slow moving stock was moved out to make room, but they have stacked shinny new stock and old favorites to the ceiling.

How it all fits is a tomorrow/next guy problem.


Tonight, we party
Tomorrow we wake up and
Our pants are missing


Tonight, my pants went
missing. Woke up, pants were back,
pockets full of cash!

Ice Sage

These pants feel quite good
perhaps not mine very own
for they are so tight

Last edited 2 days ago by Ice Sage
Mayan Oil

Henrique confirmed 2x3m . Now with a 23 man roster we would be 3.6 m over the cap. One, maybe both, of Ceci and Kane I would guess. Combined they earn 8.375 m, less the current overage of 3.6 m leaves 4.675 for both a Ceci replacement if necessary and for some cap room for the trade deadline. Is there a replacement 2RD we can be happy with for 4 m or less?

Otherwise, keep Ceci and just move Kane and let the young uns fight for a fourth line spot. Kane makes 5.125, less the overage of 3.6 and one of the young uns(Hamblin/Lavoie/Bourgeault for example) at about 900K at most, leaves cap space of about 600k more or less.

I expect these are our options right now. I am open to surprises, though!

Mayan Oil

Definitely done with FA now. Fabulous job. Now we watch for trades and Kane’s health update…

Darn this roster is looking formidable. Best FA period I have seen from this club in a long time, perhaps ever.





LTIR: Kane

Now I’m not positive that Kane will be on LTIR but, I don’t think its out of the question based on Jackson’s media avail.

If he’s not the Ceci/McLeod need to be moved out.

Elgin R

Keep the RD and move the 4C if required. Also, Highlander would get a very nice return.


Moving McLeod is not enough cap room.


I’d be all for punting the RD problem to the trade deadline if it hadn’t already been a problem for the last 2 years. Infact it cost us Stanley both years.

90s fan

I am not sure you can just say rhd cost us the cup for 2 years. Lots of things could be pointed at to have cost us the cup. Someone might bring up only scoring 1 goal in game 7 as an issue, or goaltending against vegas.

Thing is, this whole line of thought is strange to me. Like we had the cup, we were entitled to it… but our RD threw it away….


everytime I refresh I’m more and more impressed. I can’t believe they got all these guys. Haven’t paid attention to salary but I imagine another shoe to drop. There’s no way we can afford this lineup.


What would PP2 look like?

J. Skinner


What is PP2?


For those rare occasions when we get a five-minute man advantage. 😀

theres oil in virginia

Alias for PK1.


How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?


Banger after Banger.

LTIR – Kane

Wow wee woo wee


Oilers 3rd line might be better than most team’s 1st lines on most nights.

Elgin R

Certainly better than what was trotted out as 2nd lines. Henrique injury was sure noticed.


So, everyone back but Foegele and they added Arvidsson and Skinner and Skinner is on a massive value deal and likely Henrique as well.

I complained earlier about the Perry contract and an extra couple hundred grand on Janny but I will shut the eff up.

Of course, there are shoes to drop as either Ceci or McLeod need to be moved out or Kane actually on LTIR (which is likley only a temporary fix) but there are 3 months to figure that out.


Munny 2.0

I called Janny at 1.5 a week ago, so I’m not surprised at what he got. And I value him like that. Lowetidians know I’ve liked him for a long while and he made me proud these playoffs. Sounds surprisingly glue in the room too, which just adds to my like.

It’s not a discount to be sure, full price, but he came to us for less in the first place and has earned the raise.

I suspect Perry has had a big impact in the room too. I think you said below Perry was fully “bury-able”, so I’m okay with that, yes bonuses are a concern, but we need to hear them first, then panic. Can kicking has been a regular Oiler strat for awhile now.

I’m surprised at all the talk that Kane is going to get the Kiniggits LTIR strategy, and I think you and I would agree that it is way too early to be projecting like that. I suspect that the euphoria of this solid day is influencing the thinking.


I agree its too early to be projecting that but I base my thought that its a possibility on Jackson’s verbal today.

Rafa Nadal

This lineup is very much cup or bust. Best team we’ve had on paper since the last cup win.

Lewis Grant

Better team on paper than the ’89-90 roster, by a lot.

This one might rival the ’85-86 roster.


Ok, I’m not sure what the plan is to become cap compliant, but as of now we can run

RNH McD Hyman
Skinner Drai. Arvi
Kane Henrique Holloway
Janmark McLeod Brown

Somethings gotta give but that’s insane depth!


Kane to LTIR seems pretty obvious.
Either that or some insane trade that sends Nurse out of town.

Elgin R

Keep Nurse, sure he is overpaid but is still one hell of a hockey player.


Oilers were a really good team last season. Shaping up to look like a juggernaut for the next season. I don’t think I understand where the D is at, but the offense is looking fantastic.

Trained Cormorant

Clearly math no longer exists. So be it. Look at this embarrassment of riches in the middle six…


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Elliotte Friedman


Adam Henrique 2 x $3M Edmonton


comment image


Why do we need a GM? Why not just run with AGMs and they all answer to Jackson who has the final say. Seems to work pretty well.



Not sure what’s happening with the cap, but teams like Washington are $9,000,000+ over the cap.

The Henrique signing makes more sense than him going to Winnipeg, that never make any sense to me. In my mind it was Anaheim, where his family has been for several years, or Edmonton, where the glory is.

And 2 x $3 million is SO much better than 3 x 3 as had been suggested during the Final.

What a day, with better days ahead, as far as roster movement goes. Now if they could somehow add Dowd from Washington at 4C, I would be extremely pleased.

This is BY FAR the best UFA signing day for this team I can recall. Wow!

Last edited 2 days ago by €√¥£€^$
Munny 2.0

I commented a few nights ago on the GM situation but it was late at night during one of the “vigils” (big family, we take turns) and so likely many didn’t see it as it went largely unnoted. (Uncle Steve did and I’d like to extend a thank you to him for his kind and insightful thoughts about my parents).

I posited (as I did last fall) that Holland would not want to work in a situation where there was someone between him and the owner, where he would face another layer of approval for his transactions. Where he wasn’t the boss. I was not surprised he did not extend under those circumstances. Guys with his CV don’t usually willingly take steps backward.

I also made the point that like Holland, none of the good GMs would be willing to to operate under those same conditions, implying the Oilers would be picking from a lower tier of candidate.

And now we have word of the radioactive Bowman looking for redemption. Now despite some of the despicable remarks made below, I’m all for redemption. The Oilers have long been a haven for redemption stories, right from Craig McTavish onwards.

The problem is… redemption aside Bowman was never much good. But he is a famous name. Maybe he will make a good placeholder, which is really the organizational structure no under JJ, so I suppose he could shine in the role.

But this is precisely the kind of candidate we should expect unless JJ mans up and decides to run the org full-time rather than part time via minion/babysitter.

Excellent day at the UFA market. Shopping for bargains is fun. I feel like extra thick bacon was on sale everywhere today…


JJ and Co. rolling into Superstore at 9:45pm and scoring all the deals!

comment image


The problem is… redemption aside Bowman was never much good. But he is a famous name. 

Can’t say I followed the details closely, but as GM he won the Cup 3 times in 12 seasons.

Chicago had the 6th best winning percentage over his 12 years.

Seems ‘good’ at least, no?


Dale Tallon did most of the work.


Ha. And I know you’ll say the same about Ken Holland if the Oilers win in 2025.

Munny 2.0

I’ve always leaned to the Tallon side of the argument on this one, I’m afraid JP. I don’t discount Bowman’s work in those early years as harshly as Samuel Beckett does, because he kept the whole thing together, but I do freely admit to some recency bias. The drafting back then was good too… hitting on so many defensemen… which I am leery to ascribe to either GM.


I’m not trying to take the Bowman side, I just don’t recall well enough to credit Tallon vs. Bowman.

Looking, clearly most of the core was put in place before Bowman became GM (though he was involved in building it as Director of Hockey Opps or Assistant GM for the 4 seasons prior).

And discounting keeping the thing running for 3 Cups over 6 seasons probably shouldn’t be discounted as easily as some are.

In any case, thanks for the slightly more nuanced answer.


If not for a ridiculous/inexcusable snafu qualifying RFAs in ‘09, Tallon would have remained GM of the Hawks. Tallon built that team.


Don’t most GMs, even the experienced ones. report to someone other than directly to the owner?

Munny 2.0

But that wasn’t the situation, was it? (I’m speaking to Holland’s pov here)

And you’re being a little disingenuous I suspect, you know that reporting is a tad euphemistic here. We’re talking about decision-making, which is why people seek out the GM job.

Will you be the decision maker of his JJ? Who was Holland’s last year. I’m guessing we’ll learn tidbit by tidbit from Stauffer but it is going to take a while lol.

And DK takes an interest in his team. You’d want a conduit you know is secure. Tough to make arguments through third parties. Slow, too.

Last edited 2 days ago by Munny 2.0

Overall great signings!

Very excited about the new wingers and having Brown and Janmark back. I had misplaced anger towards Skinner for stealing the limelight from Hall in the Calder year, but it was a great season and I’ve been tracking him for the better part of over a decade. Reminds me of Eberle.

Not picking up a center puts pressure on McLeod to run with a 3C role. Also could use a PK wiz with Henrique out but we still have 4-5 forwards returning who were part of the playoff magic. Henrique from the beginning of a season would still be a perfect fit. Kane remains the wild card and having a healthy Kaner back in the lineup in time for playoffs could be a game changer.

It was clear to me that Pesce and Tanev weren’t coming to E town, and with that said, there weren’t great D options on the FA market. Giving Josh Brown 3 years was the most curious decision, and the D remains the weak point.

All that said, this roster is already better than Oct 2023

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Kane must be on the move?


Or going on LTIR. He’ll be miraculously better in time for game 1 of the playoffs.


I am so worried that when we pull for the Vegas TrickTM that the league has their perfect opportunity to close the loophole that doesn’t involve punishing their favourite little desert Bettmans


Don’t be ridiculous. The NHL would never close the loophole without extracting a draft pick from Edmonton as a penalty first.

Trained Cormorant

Rishaug saying Henrique likely back. The math is eluding me, but if true, huzzah.


Henrique too? That would be pretty crazy.


Looks like 2 yrs


I think a player like Henrique has two choices at this point:

  • seek to extract as much value out of his available playing years by likely playing for a playoff bubble or basement team who can afford him
  • seek a team who’s likely to deliver him the holy grail of all hockey players (and, honestly, especially Canadian hockey players) by sacrificing money and term to play for a SC competitor.

I am hopeful he goes the former and would be excited to see what the bottom six looks like given a full(ish) off-season of training and a year of competition to develop chemistry. Entirely possible he takes a 1 x 1.5m with maybe some performance bonuses.


Ryan Rishaug

Sounds like Henrique will be back with the Oilers.


2 years x $3m according to Rishaug


Crazy thought of the day – with the load up on wingers is the plan to slide Nuge to 3C? Unless there is more to come up front. Have to think the D isn’t finished yet


It’s the most straightforward approach.

If they don’t sign Henrique, then keeping Nuge at 1LW means you’re looking at Kane – McLeod – Brown with Holloway on the fourth line. That feels pretty subpar compared to the possibilities of Holloway – RNH – Brown, or McLeod – RNH – Holloway.

If they do manage to resign Henrique, then I think they’ll have to trade Kane to make the dollars work regardless, in which case Nuge stays at LW


Holy Hell – more coming?

Bob Stauffer


To recap @EdmontonOilers
signings today at Forward:

Arvidsson- 4M x 2
Skinner- 3M x 1
Janmark- 1.45M x 3
Perry- 1.15 M (250K Bonus) x 1
C. Brown 1M x 1

I have a sneaking suspicion EDM is not done at FWD


This has to be Henrique, right?


Edit: I see you already posted the crux of this.

Yeah, you’d think Henrique.

From Gregor:
He was going through an issue with his hip. We are going through the process to see what will occur and he is getting the best care and advice from our doctors. We will discuss options with him and his agent (Dan Milstein), and get second opinions. That is where we are at and nothing is planned ( surgery or just rest/rehab) at this point,” Jeff Jackson on Kane’s health.

Last edited 2 days ago by jp

I suggest 5 months rest on LTIR for Kane.

Mayan Oil

Definitely another shoe to drop re Kane.Depending on his health prognosis, several outcomes are still possible – LTIR, LTIR pseudo retirement, trade (possibly along with Ceci) fora 2RD upgrade… (Kulak or Bro to take 3RD…)

I am sure they have contingency plans for these scenarios, as they have a better handle on which outcomes are more probable than has been publicly discussed!

Last edited 2 days ago by Mayan Oil

I’m hoping so!


You’d have to think Draisaitl is re-upping, no?

Why would Skinner sign on a 1-year deal if there’s no guarantee he gets to play with 29 or 97?


I have always thought he’s re-signing and have never thought a trade this summer was remotely plausible.


Drai still has one more year.


Stauffer has been dropping hints all day (and all of them have come true so far):

Bob Stauffer


To recap @EdmontonOilers
signings today at Forward:

Arvidsson- 4M x 2
Skinner- 3M x 1
Janmark- 1.45M x 3
Perry- 1.15 M (250K Bonus) x 1
C. Brown 1M x 1

I have a sneaking suspicion EDM is not done at FWD!
7:25 PM · Jul 1, 2024

Last edited 2 days ago by GB&Q

Jackson was asked about Kane and his injury and if he was going to be ready to start the season.

Jackson mentioned he’s been dealing with a hip issue.

Going through a process right now to see what we need to do on that front. He’s getting the best care he can get and advise with our doctors. Will talk to his agent and Evander and make sure we’re getting second opinions and such. Nothing is planned as of yet. Consults with specialists process.

Rishaug followed up with LTIR and money on books – he’s on our roster and on our cap and we got to care of his healthy first and foremost and make sure he’s healthy.

I have now, for the first time, think that there is a chance that he could see LTIR – I think we are a LONG ways from LTIR for the season and being able to use that money but I see an opening.


I know we’ve been reading JJ differently in his avails lately, but I got the sense from that interview that we may see Kane getting moved this offseason. It didn’t sound like he expected him to miss time to me, but he also didn’t talk much about him as a player or him having much of a role on the team.

Rishaug’s questions seemed to be in the “are you planning for Kane to be in the lineup” variety, and Jackson’s answers came off very non-committal. He mentioned talking to his agent, and “Right now he’s on our roster and on our cap” isn’t a ringing endorsement especially after talking about how the two guys he signed were expected to play on Draisaitl’s wing (one of them at least) and that he is also still working on getting Henrique back.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x