I Know What I Like In Your Wardrobe

by Lowetide

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Riffing off the Jamie Drysdale comment below. A quick google shows that he had surgery for a sports hernia in April. He is now skating and ready to start the season. That puts it at about 5 months recovery. If we apply that to Evander Kane, understanding everyone is different and Kane had additional injuries requiring repair, it would put his return at late February. Just in time to get up to speed for a playoff run.

Might be a better guess to say that would be the earliest we’d see him

Bruce McCurdy

LT: nice truculent list. Toughest guy missing IMO is Jamie Troy, a hard-as-nails RW from the 1977-78 squad.

That was the year that the Birmingham Bullies had 4 guys north of 240 PIM, none of whom played as many as 60 games. Legends like Gilles “Bad News” Bilodeau, Frank “Seldom” Beaton, Steve “Demolition Durby” Durbano & Dave “Killer” Hanson of Slapshot! fame.

All other WHA teams had at least 2 goons with further redundancy recommended. The Oilers had the rookie Dave Semenko & thuggish d-man Ron Busniuk, but brought on Troy at midseason to toughen up the roster.

There was a fan club in the old Section 2 that used to chant: “We want Semenko! We want Troy! Come on Sather, put out the boys!”

Last edited 23 minutes ago by Bruce McCurdy

I can vouch for that chant. We heard it loud and clear from the opposite side of the Coliseum, and joined in.

A memory undisturbed from 45+ years ago, now fresh. Thank you sir.

John Chambers

He’s the wrong Rasmus

cowboy bill

The wrong Risto too.


Let us not forget the 2nd rounder for Lucic was an Oiler pick for Samsonov. He did his job well, but a thought experiment:

If the Oil had taken Lucic, you wonder if all the coke machine picks would have happened.

Assuming Looch would become Looch regardless of circumstance, and that the Oil picked him would it be:

A) Even more Coke machines in later rounds because of a Looch hit.

B) Less CM picks because that need was fulfilled. The D was still filthy post 06 even without CFP.

All the ifs will drive a man mad. Happy Saturday from Banff for the first day if Autumn.

Bruce McCurdy

What am I missing on Risto Rasmusailen?

11 years in the league, never made the playoffs, a minus player every single season (-182 for his career), 40 points in 171 games in Philly while his ice time dropped from 21 minutes to 19 to 16, still has three years to run at $5.1 million. What is the appeal?


No to Rasmus Ristolainen.

As an aside – has Ristolainen’s name been thrown around much in the rumors?

Is he the only established D who’s been linked to the Oilers in rumors?

I know Giordano, Schultz and Barrie (others?) were all talked about as PTOs, but I haven’t seen/followed much else in terms of rumored trades.

cowboy bill

Jamie Drysdale has resumed skating after sports Hernia surgery. Young right shot defenseman.
Not that he has been linked to the Oilers.

Last edited 1 hour ago by cowboy bill
cowboy bill

Just some Flyer RHD the Oilers might consider instead of Rootsy.


I don’t object to rugged players. I do object to fracturing the roster to get it done. No to Rasmus Ristolainen.

Ha! I did not expect today’s post to be leading there!

I think Ristolainen is a little better than his reputation (which isn’t to say that he’s good). But even if he’s a bit better than his reputation it’s still really difficult to envision a reasonable trade with him as part of it.

Too much salary unless the Flyers retained. And if they retain (for 3 seasons) that’s going to cost too much justify.


It’s a poser. I know Seravalli mentioned Ristolainen recently so I am guessing that this is where it came from since he and Gregor are pretty tight.

cowboy bill

I’m not so sure Rasmus is truly rugged.
He has size but I question his toughness.

Last edited 1 hour ago by cowboy bill

I wouldn’t claim to be any kind of expert on Ristolainen but if I was asked to list his attributes I’m not sure ‘toughness’ would even occur to me. It certainly doesn’t show up in PIM.

I have to assume there is a rumour out there I have not heard concerning what the Oilers would offer in return.

cowboy bill

No to Rootzy.


I do think Oilers management values Josh Brown’s toughness and, with Vinny moving on and Kane out for an indefinite period of time, the initial plan is for him to play more games than not at 3RD.

Can he be a nightly 3RD on a team with cup aspirations?

I think we are going to find out.

cowboy bill

LoL. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for sometime now.

John Chambers

The regular-season Oilers and the playoff Oilers are two different entities.


Yes, and I’m posting that my initial position on the intent of the singing seems to have been wrong.

I’m not sold that he’ll be able to handle the role as the fanbase or coaching staff requires but we are likely going to find out and I am hopeful that my original position on his abilities is also proven wrong.



The last player the Oilers drafted gets to be the first NAmateur to partake of regular-season play, as Bauer Berry and the Jacks of Lumber open their season this day.

It’s unknown whether Berry has a future in the fire escape trade, but it’s more certain that his value will be in his own end of the ice. He scored but once in 59 reg season games yesteryear (along with one in 8 playoff games). Are more crooked numbers in store for him this season? We wait.

It’s at one twelve o’clock and time for lunch hockey (Girouxville time). Hum de dum dum dum…

Bruce McCurdy

But I remembered a voice from the past, “Gambling only pays when you’re winning”

Looking forward to another season of timely prospect updates. Keep ‘em coming, Tarkus!

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