Man Of The Hour

by Lowetide

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I only watched a handful of shifts of the game on the road (when the home game was on break) but Josh Brown has a bad giveaway for a goal against and, the accounts are that he struggled all night. I saw him good the night before so this is a disappointing arrow. The accounts are that Stecher struggled as well – double disappointing.

Its September 24 and it was a split squad game – remind myself of that.

By eye, Philp has looked better than Ryan for that 4C spot but, at the same time, it was one game for Ryan and, of course, remind myself that veterans are simply doing what they need to do to get ready – Ryan’s performance in his one game is no indicative of, well, anything.

Noah Philp is coming though.


I just watched the Ice District game. From the non-NHL players Lavoie, Philp and Hoefenmayer in that order were additive to the cause and Should hang around for more games and training with KK,

Podkilzin and Petrov finished checks but did not contribute in any meaningful way.


Hit up the game in Calgary with the kids last night. Tickets listed for $3 online, still worked out to $50 for 4. Go figure.

Can’t say there was a lot to take from the game other than O’Reilly continues to look good and Flames fans continue to be annoying.


I stated last night. The best choice for that last defenceman position was playing for the Flames. Barrie looked quick, steady, effortless with the puck.

I also liked Gleason.


Still time for Barrie to pull a Versteeg on the Flames and come north.


The challenge with new coaches/GM every few years is they want to see the prospects in action and therefore may not pull the final roster together until the 11th hour in pre-season. It crushed us last year.

Add to that the hole on RD and questions for the 4th line.

Wonder how Knob/Bowman will handle it as the entire City is desirous of a quick start this season.


What a bizarre signing Josh Brown was.

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