2024-25 PS Game 4: Oilers at Jets

by Lowetide

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— Pre-season in professional sport might not “matter” while still being important:

1) So that players get into game shape
2) new teammates get acclimatized to their team, systems etc
3) the group bonding that every sports team and most work environments foster.
4) Coaching staffs get to implement new strategies tactics set tone for team.
5) Opportunities to evaluate progress of those who aren’t going to be playing in the big leagues to see how the pros work, work out, diet, approach etc.
6) It’s how professional teams get fans and press engaged and looking forward to the new season to sell tickets buy stuff etc. Remember this is entertainment, they are being paid crazy sums by the fans to play a game for those who almost all make fractions of what they earn. More than anything else training camps are about access for promotion purposes, where they don’t actually get paid. They mostly hate it.
7) The economic impact on whatever town the team practices in can be significant for that town
8) If there are injuries they can go to plan B and have those players integrate into the team

— Every year ever player shows up in the best shape of their life, looked at all facets of themselves and what to improve

— Every coaching staff every year learned from last year and ready to implement new tactics and or new coaches come in. Because you know the guys that were touted last year weren’t any good and now they are better.


Last edited 21 minutes ago by kinger_OIL

I think point number 4 is the most important one. We’ve seen coaches come in part way through the season and due to the compact nature of the schedule not get any practice days where they can try their hand at what they want to see done. It can’t be underestimated how well Knoblauch did in that situation last year.


Brett Kulak and Josh Brown appear to be the third pairing and we’ll see. Brown didn’t play well in the first game of the preseason, but that’s a small sample size.

I actually saw him quite good in the first game against the Jets but, from accounts, he was the opposite in the 2nd game in Calgary (and I did see him make a terrible below goal line giveaway for a goal against).

Travis Dermott, Phil Kemp and Ben Gleason are also in photo. Cam Dineen doesn’t get much love but he looked good when I saw him

Similar to Brown, Dinnen showed well against Winnipeg (although he did have a couple poor puck decisions that didn’t cause harm but could have) and, from accounts, not so good in Calgary (and, I believe -3).

My question: If this team gets desperate, and Wanner continues to be a quality Condor, would a recall before Christmas be possible? My suspicion is no, but that means Stan Bowman makes a trade and Rasmus Ristolainen is the only name I’ve heard. Bad idea.

I agree with this 100% but hope (although do not expect) Phil Kemp to have his name in that call-up conversation.


moving Perry to the pressbox (I don’t think he gets many regular season games with Ryan as his center) and then elevating one of Pederson, Philp or Hamblin

I think we all agree that neither Perry nor Ryan should play nightly but, the issue with suggesting press box is the team is unlikely to carry a 13th healthy forward for cap reasons. They have the room but using it would crater their daily accrual and the manager has talked up that accrual big time.

They could carry the 12 healthy forwards generally and just call up a Philp or Lavoie to sub in (and take the accrual down for a couple days here or there before re-assigning).


Kris Knoblauch has stated that he’ll run with the playoff third line of Mattias Janmark-Adam Henrique-Connor Brown. You can’t blame the coaching staff for doing it, that trio was golden after what seemed like 20 years of randos on the No. 3 unit. 

Don’t disagree from a high level. I don’t have an issue with keeping that trio together but I do think that Janmark at 4LW and a “higher potential impact 2-say player” like Podz or, moreso, Lavoie, at 3LW could optimize the lineup. Of course, Lavoie has to make the team in order to play there and does anyone think that he makes the team over Podz or Perry?

As you mention, lets not forget, that 3rd line played 52 minutes in the playoffs and, despite 2-1 goals, were under 40% CF and 46% expected goals – that is while playing a high pressure style that likely isn’t sustainable during the regular season. Of course, they also won’t be playing Dallas and Florida nightly.

In any event, totally understand the coach starting with this trio – I don’t think its unbreakable early though,

Last edited 57 minutes ago by OriginalPouzar

I keep hearing ‘the roster is set’ and opening night looks certain. When it comes to the season ahead, are you sure? I don’t believe you should be certain about this roster at the fringes.

That’s me and, yes, subject to injury (or Bowman carrying a 14th forward, in addition to Kane), I am reasonably confident but, of course, can’t be certain.

I just don’t think its reasonable to think that management will waive Cory Perry in early October. I think it SHOULD be an option but I don’t think it realistically is. That essentially means the likes of Lavoie and Savoie don’t really have a chance, right?

I do think that Derek Ryan could be at risk – that’s one spot up front. If they are going to sneak him through waivers, doing so during the barrage in the first week of October likely makes sense. At the same time, the natural replacement, Noah Philp remains waivers exempt.

I can see them waiving Ryan but keeping him on the roster – provides some flexibility to move him up and down for the first month of the season.


On the back end, I don’t think there is a reasonable chance that anyone displaces Emberson as opening night 2RD. Both Troy Stecher and Josh Brown have underwhelmed early but I don’t think Dermott has outplayed.

Realistically, again, I don’t think Philp Kemp has a real chance at opening night although I think he should.


Lots of chatter yesterday about preseason not being important, but the depth chart for the season is seeing some subtle changes

I don’t think there is much room for any tweener or prospect to break camp with the team subject to injury (or Bowman wanting to run with an extra healthy forward and not accrue much cap space).

In that regard, I think the 12F (plus Kane), 7D and 2G are all but set.

At the same time, of course, preseason is definitely important – players are leaving impressions, both ways, they are setting themselves up for potential recalls, etc., etc.

Noah Philp is highly likely putting himself ahead of Lane Pederson, and likely James Hamblin as well, for example.

Raphael Lavoie is showing that, if Cory Perry has lost another step, he may be the right guy to recall, if not claimed.


I feel a little like Don Quiote tilting at windmills, but I see no way Josh Brown starts with the big club outside of an injury. he is $225k too expensive (and cap is a premium). he has a 3 year deal at $1 million, so they can waive him and no one claims him. Giving us an experienced call up without fear of losing him (why it’s a fear makes no sense, but here we are). He is overpaid and extended way too long for his skill set. So he is ticketed to Bako!!!!

Dermott will get a one year minimum deal to be our 7th dman. He can play both sides, is a vet, skates well and is a lesser version of Brett Kulak (with a chance to be Kulak based on history and pedigree).

Brown will only come up if we see injuries. And even then I don’t expect it. I am working on faith that this management team is smarter, and simply having More Size will not be enough to stay up with the big club, especially in a tight cap situation!!!!!


I agree with all you have said, but it was this management group that signed him to the 3 year deal. I want him to go down to Bakersfield, but I think he starts the season here.


If Knoblauch were a more established coach, I’d have more confidence in a change before the season begins.

One of the things that should/could/might help with this would be that Bowman is not responsible for signing Perry or J Brown. He didn’t give Ryan that 2nd year.

As you point out with prospects these signings were not made by this GM & Jackson is back in Toronto, I believe, as TC and exhibition games are being played. I think that means that Knoblauch & Bowman are the ones most likely to have the greatest input into the final decision on who starts the season.

I don’t know if that is enough for immediate change but it should shorten the timeline if change needs to be made.

Scungilli Slushy

I hope Stecher gets to 100% soon. Between the three new D they should be able to cobble enough out of them as things settle. The tiny sample Nurse Stecher stats were smokin’


Janmark 31 years old
2023 25 points 14:40 TOI
2024 12 points 11:54 TOI

Henrick 34 years old
2023 38 points 18:11 TOI
2024 51 points 16:00 TOI (ish)

Brown 30 years old
2022 39 points 20:03 TOI
2023 0 points 16:46 TOI
2024 12 points 12:48 TOI

A this point Janmark and Brown are very good 4th liners. Perry is probably a very good 13th forward.

Scungilli Slushy

I expect Janmark to slide down if someone is playing well enough to slide up, because offense. He’s a playoff gamer and that’s fine

Brown though might recover more offense. Now that he can get around normally it should make a difference, a guy his size has to have his boots to be effective at all. Just ask D Ryan


I think once Jarventie is up to speed he’ll get a good look on the bottom 6 his rambunctious style may be needed.

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

I was heartened by Stu’s interview a few weeks back. Talked about working on conditioning, skating, lateral movement and the like. Excellent stuff and exactly what you want to hear from a young gent taking deliberate strides. I thought his movement let him down last year. Saw him overcommit at time and play to deep in his net at others. The lateral work should help on the rush chances too. 2v1’s are dangerous plays yes, but NHL goalies still stop somewhere in the market of 65-70% of those shots.

For the season stability from week to week is what I hope to see. The best NHL goalies are consistent. Stu had as many months of hockey below .900 as he had above last year. We don’t need a Shesterkin, we need a rocking chair. Steady as she goes, game after game after game. If we don’t hear about Stu this year and he can tilt the consistency to 70/30 months above .900 we’ll be cooking with gas.

Scungilli Slushy

I hope it helps his glove, or he worked on it. I noticed last season when he was getting beat there he was carrying his glove pretty low. Most seem to have it up higher and open facing out


Skinner has been there done that he’s faced the most pressure that’ll he’ll ever face and has made through in one piece. I think we see a more mature Stu that knows the importance of consistency and will thrive on it. I hope Stu and his D especially Nurse make a conscious effort to alleviate the Own Goal daggers that we have seen the last couple of playoffs.


It is worth discussing that the 4th line is an area which should receive some focus this season. Having a bottom 6 that can outscore is valuable, and the team should look at the guys who will deliver that. I hope the GM and coaches are willing to tweak the guys on the 4th line regularly to find the combination of speed, PK ability/potential and scoring to make opposing teams have to pay attention when McDavid and Draisaitl are off the ice.
Great post LT. Thanks for the ideas to chew on.


The 4th line has to be able to do something, not just fill time for 6 minutes a game hoping not to be scored on. Score, pound everything in sight….do something meaningful.


I count keeping the puck in the opposition zone, cycling and getting chances as the metric I’d use to define success. I do like the physical play and I think guys like Hamblin and Philp bring the heavy play along with the cycling ability. Ryan doesn’t do that, although Perry can bring it in spurts. I agree with those saying Perry needs to be a 13th fwd who comes in for spot duty. Podkolzin should be a lock for the 4th, and I think will be a fan favorite considering how much he likes to engage. I’ve been pleased with how he has played in preseason so far, but I don’t count on him reaching 15 pts this season.

Scungilli Slushy

Outscoring is always the goal, but a physical 4th line would really add an element to an otherwise tame skilled team, outside of Kane and Perry – if he can play. This is why J Brown is getting a push


I think Podkolzin does that for the 4th too.

Scungilli Slushy

He does engage. Pod and Philp would get it done. If Perry can play that might be an interesting line


Is Roby Jarventie physical?


Early indications are that he is physical. Needs to work on his hockey smarts though. I think we will get a better sense of him once he is in Bakersfield.

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