Personal Thoughts

by Lowetide

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McDavid straight up says Crosby should be captain for the Four Nations.

I have to agree.


Glad you got some good rest LT, esp after being sick.

We’ve been talking about finding a good partner for Doc.
But maybe he wanted Doc to see what his partner sees. Perhaps the move was to give him a fresh perspective. It may not be intended as a solution rather a building block. It’s a thought.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Oilers have the 5th lowest PDO. Largely driven by shooting percentage (4.81%).

It’s coming!


Per DNB:

Oilers lines and pairings at practice:




I do like the Podkolzin push he’s been doing a good job forechecking. It’s time to see if he can find his hands with Leon spoonfeeding him.


Feel better. BTW, I took Aerius for a couple months after having Covid and it really helped. See here: Study shows over-the-counter antihistamines can help with long COVID


Lovely start to an excellent blog post today (again).


Fantastic picture of two beautiful people.

We are so lucky to have you sir.

Pure Gold


If Bowman is as awful as some suggest, David Savard will be an Oiler by American Thanksgiving.

Maybe they could offer Kemp and a pick for a retained Ceci, he might fit alongside Nurse for a bit.


Question: why is Seth Jones the hockey player almost universally derided?

Is it just because he plays on a bad team?

His relative on ice numbers are quite good and he puts up points.

Yet it seems like everyone thinks his contract is a terrible overpay, and the Jones trade is regarded as one of the major blemishes on Bowman’s trade record.

Just wondering what I’m missing.

Last edited 1 hour ago by jp
Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

I think it’s the contract relative to the player. Similar to Nurse. Decent player but a poor contract.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

I.e., Jones is paid like a top 10 dman in the league. Is he a top 10 dman?


The contract dollars do not match the player, no?


With Holland taking on the Keith contract allowed Bowman the opportunity and funds to trade and sign his cornerstone D-man in Seth Jones. The signing of Jones immediately raised Nurses long term contract by 1.5> 2 million. I do believe Nurse would of been signed in the 7’s if not for Seth Jones spiking the market.


Time to throw some slightly lower numbers in front of Mr. Bouchard’s agent and see if he bites (unlikely but worth the attempt). Slow starts shouldn’t be wasted.

90s fan

There are many who are upset at the Oilers for doing just that, with Broberg and Holloway.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

I think being worried about every worst case scenario is a prerequisite for being an Oilers fan.


The situations have nothing in common.

90s fan

They both involve trying to ink an RFA to a contract that fits the teams budget, no?

Scungilli Slushy

That’s the job. Do the best for the team that you are able to. Paying players at the peak salary range (Holland loved this) usually doesn’t work out, and although a little richer (not that they would really notice), I would say at least 75% of the time it’s a burden on the player’s enjoyment of the game. Just ask Darnell if life would be better making ~2.5M less

90s fan

Its a balance i think. Not sure who said this, but a good negotiation has both sides walking away happy. (Or was it angry?)


The Oilers ARE indeed 2-4-1 and still figuring things out it they also played well enough in the last two games to get 4 points much of the time. They only got 1, thats l a fact and moral victories don’t mean squat but, for me, the arrows are up and the team play is coming together.

I’d prefer if the head coach would calm things down by “sticking with things” for a period of time. I think the constant blender is not to conducive the helping this team settle in at this point.

Lots of good last game. The third line was ass but lots of good from the other 3, I’m not sure a big re-shuffle was/is required.


Both this year and last year I have been surprised that 18, 93 and 97 do not shoot more, and instead favour attempts to stuff the puck in or have traffic deflect it in. Last year I attributed the shift to a wrist injury to 97 (ie bank the puck off of Hyman’s stick instead of picking the corner), but have no answer now. They repeatedly get the puck close to the net but not past the goal line.

theres oil in virginia

That’s a fine looking couple in that photo.

Sleep is good. There is no substitute.


I’m glad you are sleeping in. It may be a bit of an inconvenience to you, but my experience in my 50s has been I can’t sleep much past 6 anymore. I’d love to be able to sleep to 7:30 or 8 on my off days, but I can’t, which means I’m in bed by 9:30 even on my days off.
As you have said, youth is wasted on the young. I understand that better now.


LT, this may be the least important part of the opening paragraph, but I think that’s a fine mustache.

It was beautiful. I wouldn’t change a thing.

It makes me happy when you speak of those years fondly.

Darth Tu

Before I get further than the first part of the article I have to say:

Goodness, you look amazing with a mustache! I know you say you’re glad it’s gone, but my word. Skinner doffs his cap to you.

Darth Tu

As for the rest of the article, I’m with you on not rolling the players around too much for the 5×5 lines. Let’s have a bit of consistency there and let the players find their rhythm. For the new guys repeated reps with the same guys so they can learn habits is key at this stage.

That said, when you’re playing jazz there are no wrong notes, it’s the note you play afterwards that makes it right or wrong (thanks Mr Davis). Maybe this last tweak is the one that makes things soar.



Another day, another OHL tandem–this time it’s the Colts of Barrie.

Wakely has goals in three of his four games, while Akey has made like Peter Frampton and come alive with 1+2 his past three GP.

Puck drops at 5 p.m. Buffalo Narrows time.


I’m sure there’s a Hall for Larson trade out there somewhere if Stan makes enough calls. jk


Haha, to be fair Adam Larsson was a better player than Ryan O’Marra, Robert Nilsson and Alex Plante combined. (Shhh. I’m avoiding mentioning Craig Millar and Barrie Mooore, for LT’s sake. Don’t remind him.)

Darth Tu

This team with prime Adam Larsson would be pretty set tbh. All Hall trade value chat aside he really added something to the back end.


At this point in the season, the Oilers have very little cap space to make a trade. Just over a million dollars and they’d need to fit in over 90% of the AAV of an acquired contract.

Unless/until injuries hit, this cap space grows as the amount of season left decreases (as, if not operating in LTIR, a team only has to fit it the AAV that’s left on the contract for the season).

Yes, technically, they can go over the cap by apx $5.1MM using Kane’s LTIR reserves, however, that is a dangerous game unless the org knows with certainty he won’t play this regular season – I don’t think they know that.

Also, let’s not forget, if operating in LTIR, it doesn’t matter how much of th season is left, the full acquired AAV needs to be fit in – if they operate in LTIR and max it, get used to “money in / money out” if discussing future acquisitions.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Yep. Danger close.

Personally, I think Bowman spends most days trying to figure out how he can trade Nurse for Seth Jones.

Johnny skid

Your Bowman derangement syndrome is getting old. seek help!

90s fan

Every time I change schools (teacher) I reinvent myself for the better at least a little bit. We can hope the same of Bowman, no?

Johnny skid

I agree but my comment was not referring to Bowman’s trading prowess.


Agreed LT, hope for the best expect the worst – life as an Oilers fan. I have faith that Jackson brings some sanity and sober 2nd thought to keep a “Jack Johnson” type trade from happening.

In the meantime, Coach K should set some lines, ideally Leon’s line, and let chemistry set in so we see an uptick in 5v5 GF.


Valid point but, at the same time, this is Jackson/Bowman not Chiarelli making the decisions – a new chapter for the Oilers – it may be the same as the past or maybe instead of Jack Johnson/Brandom Manning, its Timothy Lilegren or similar and it actually works out?

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Bro I have seen Oilers GMs make trades. An Oilers GM winning a trade is about as rare as civil discourse on the internet or a Unicorn with three horns.


This comment wins the day


The only meaningful trade would be money out money in and with all the NMC this leaves Bowman hog-tied. Bowman was set with Crawford yet he always had a fine back-up I do think he’s going to up-grade on Pickard if he doesn’t impress in his next couple of starts.

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