Four Strong Winds

by Lowetide

This is Jo-Anne in 1986. I loved her with my whole heart. I used to say “I’d walk through fire for you” and she’d say “ha! If that were true you’d take out the garbage!” She was a wonderful woman, she had a sense of what was important. If you knew her, guaranteed she would come to you when you needed a friend or a shoulder to lean on. She was the strongest person I’ve ever known.

It was cold and dreary in the fall of 1986. Jo-Anne and I moved to Regina for a lucrative job opportunity. We didn’t know anyone, and although that would change, the early months there were lonely for the two of us. We were married in May 1983, this moment was our first real challenge.

I remember walking with her many times that fall, it seemed my sweetheart’s life was coming apart a little. Her Mom was ill, quite ill, and the doctors couldn’t figure it out. Jo-Anne was an all-in girl when it came to worry and that specific fall was one of the most difficult for her. Adding to the problem was a ridiculous perm she’d been talked into upon arrival in the Queen City. She hated it. I don’t have a photo because she wouldn’t let anyone take a photo until it was fixed. I can’t comment on the importance of hair for all women, but Jo was devastated. I had a hard time getting her out of the house. So, chilly wind and toques were the daily routine for us.

I think about that fall of 1986 every year when September comes. That fall it seemed as though our marriage took a turn. The fun and the laughter were replaced by some grim realities.

Jo-Anne’s Mom recovered, her mood lifted, and we found good friends in Regina. It became home to us. We were really just dumb kids growing up together, there was no plan beyond getting a car that would start on cold winter mornings and snuggling every night. In a lifetime, not every moment is a thrill and not every moment brings a happy solution. Sometimes survival is success.

What I learned that fall is contained in the song ‘When Something is Wrong with my Baby’ and it lingers still. Sometimes in life you find out about yourself and your person, you find out about the bond you share, when you are crunching through snow at -30. Those moments are the ones you will remember.



The four strong winds will blow lonely for someone this fall, and looking at this list it seems to me the Bakersfield Shuffle is going to get plenty of airplay in 2023-24. How many men do you believe will play for the Oilers this coming season? My answer is here. What is your answer?

Players I’ll be watching closely this fall are Evander Kane (is he okay), Philip Broberg (does he play with a litte more maturity) and Dylan Holloway. This train is bound for glory, but I don’t think the April roster will resemble October.

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Rube Foster

“In a lifetime, not every moment is a thrill and not every moment brings a happy solution. Sometimes survival is success.”

Amen to that LT!

“And today you finally unleash the balance pic we were waiting for. Beauty.”

Amen to that Bank Shot!

Bank Shot

This roster is locked and loaded for bear. It is quality up and down the roster.

And today you finally unleash the balance pic we were waiting for. Beauty.

Definitely worth the wait.

Lines came up yesterday. Foegele-McLeod-Ryan played 63 minutes together in the playoffs and they were an absolute unit. 75%+ in every underlying stat.

They got PDO’d to oblivion, but they were infinitely better than the 3GF-3GA that got hung on them. I wouldn’t mind another look at that trio this season.

Harpers Hair

There’s no one who can finish on that line.

Not one has ever scored 20 goals and their shooting percentages in the playoffs was poor.

Bank Shot

Foegele-McLeod-Ryan scored 37 goals last season. None on the PP.
Vegas’s projected third line for this season scored 43 last year. 40 outside the PP.
Not much of a difference.

Karlsson hasn’t scored 20 goals in a season since 2019.

Yeah he pulled a rabbit out of a hat in the playoffs last year and shot 25%. That’s PDO.

Harpers Hair

Not sure how you’re projecting the Vegas 3rd line but worth noting Karlsson scored 53 points last season.

Foegele + McLeod + Ryan managed 71.

Bank Shot

I thought we were talking about finishing?

Karlsson played 25 more games than McLeod and he spent as much time in the top six as he did in the bottom six because Stone sat out to cheat the cap.

Bank Shot

Also Karlsson had 44 non PP points.
McLeod paced for 33 over 82 games.

Not much of a gap considering Karlsson’s most common line mate in the regular season was Marchessault and McLeod’s was Jesse Puljujarvi.


Lines came up yesterday. Foegele-McLeod-Ryan played 63 minutes together in the playoffs and they were an absolute unit. 75%+ in every underlying stat.

That line was very good in the playoffs – postively impactful with their cycle game and playing in the opposition end, even if they didn’t cash very often.

For me, McLeod and Foegele form 2 parts of what could be an elite 3rd line. Clearly Derek Ryan can be an option to complete the trio but I think it would be beneficial to manage his load a bit and have a few less 5 on 5 minutes given he’ll play the PK and, well, we want him having lots of game left for the playoffs.

During the regular season, in 85 minutes without Ryan, McLeod/Foegele performed even better, for what that’s worth.

I think Holloway is the natural fit on that line. Not established like Ryan but he has the upside and the skill-set that could take that line to star 3rd line status: Bigger body, good speed, hard on the forecheck, elite motor and with some puck skill and a sneaky good release.


Clearly Derek Ryan can be an option to complete the trio but I think it would be beneficial to manage his load a bit and have a few less 5 on 5 minutes given he’ll play the PK and, well, we want him having lots of game left for the playoffs.

We agree on something.

Harpers Hair

Someone keeps saying that is going to be an “elite” third line obviously oblivious to what that might look like.

The Dallas Stars projected third line of Marchment,Duchene-Seguin scored 137 points last season and both Marchment and Duchene had disappointing seasons.

Duchene is one season away from a 43 goal 86 point season and although he is not likely to get the ice time to repeat those numbers in Dallas, the potential is there for massive scoring against weaker opposition.

Bank Shot

Why don’t we compare the second line centers? I think the Oilers guy had 128 points to the Stars 40.

Pretty convenient you get to cherry pick a different team for every comparison as well. I mean if the Oilers don’t have the best third line in the league than I guess they have a bad third line.

Why don’t you try to debate in good faith once in awhile?


That was not the part I was agreeing with.

Harpers Hair

Wasting away again in Margueritaville.
Searching for the lost shaker of (Himalayan) salt
Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame
But I know…it’s my own damn fault.

Harpers Hair

He became a billionaire based on his beach boy persona.


Comtois to the Ducks on a PTO (not official but looks like its happening).

That is disappointing as this kid definitely has more upside that either of the two end of the career guys coming off major surgery and years off with health issues.

I had been hoping for Comtois to come to Edmonton – he has scored goals in this league and, while he wouldn’t quite replace Kostin’s physical impact in the bottom six, he’s got some jam.

I would even have signed him to a contract, let alone a tryout.

Harpers Hair

Tyler Ennis reportedly seeking a PTO.


Or, he goes to the Ducks camp and the Oilers sign him before the season starts…..?


Comtois > Lavoie for you?


No, I wouldn’t say so but I would certainly add him to that competition for 12F with a contract at the same AAV as Lavoie (leauge min would be better of course).

He did have something like 16 goals in the 56 game season (haven’t checked the numbers for this post – that range though I think) and he does have some jam in his game.

Definitely not giving him, or anyone, the spot over Lavoie and, as I’ve said, that spot needs to be Lavoie’s, that’s the best case scenario and its right there for him to earn – its on him at this point.


Yeah fair enough. And I haven’t watched Comtois, but he doesn’t seem to have been anything resembling the same player in the 2 years since his ‘breakout season’.

Mayan Oil

Wow. I loved reading your hockey hook (still can’t put it down), but I think I am even more a fan of your writing about you life and family. I would love to read a collection of stories just about your life, your loves, your family… I so admire your heart and passion for the people in your life. You, Sir, are an absolute and eloquent gem.


— Beautiful prose. Thanks for this.


I am sure your Loss has been difficult LT. I hope with time, the pain eases and is replaced by Good Memories, like the one you shared today.

You are a Good Man. Stay Strong. Oilers season will lesson the down time and help the healing.


when is the last time a player “surprised” in Camp and made the team when nobody was expecting it?

we need that. Lavoie? Bourgault? Somebody.


The expectation should be that Lavoie makes it. If he can’t beat out Pederson, Sutter and Gagner for the 12F job, well, time is getting short for him.

I think Bourgault will have a good camp but don’t think he will even have a real opportunity to make the team.

For me, Bourgault had a good but inconsistent rookie pro season which was to be expected but he 100% needed to get stronger and better conditioned for the pro game. I really hope (and presume) he worked on that this off-season and, if so, he very well could produce at a solid 0.8 P/G with strong 2-way play (including PK work) and put himself in conversation for a call-up – not on the roster in October though.


Didn’t Holloway surprise last year? Not a major surprise but he definitely wasn’t penciled in to start the year.

Scungilli Slushy

I hope they use him rightly. He’s not an elite scorer (good, no room on the bus) but at every level he is a top level outscorer, even started well in the NHL

He needs time with trust to get to his game and be who they thought they drafted. I see Bro the same way


Chiasson, maybe?

But he only made it because Kassian was brutal, JP & KY weren’t ready for Prime Time and Ty Rattie, who tore it up in training camp, couldn’t piss a drop when the games actually mattered.

No one misses those days…

Silver Streak

Well God help us if the top 6 are hit with a serious injury, but failing that I see only two on the Bakersfield express….Nemo and Bourgault.
I loved your post…so much of my newly wedded life mirrors that…Saskatoon was originally only a two year plan but ended up a 32 yr gift…growth and healing. Fabulous.


In a lifetime, not every moment is a thrill and not every moment brings a happy solution. Sometimes survival is success.

Words of wisdom, really hits home.

When I’m home and there’s a post such as today’s, I always read them aloud to my spouse. My aim is to not choke up before she gets hit in the feels by LT’s personal prose. Somehow today was the first day that I managed that feat.

Such a poignant moment led us to a lengthy conversation about learned experience from our parents, through their struggles and to our own. It’s easy to commit when life is rosy, but when life gets difficult the wheat really does get separated from the chaff in a quick hurry.

The both of us are so glad you found your person, and cherish the moments when you bless us with these memories.

PS the hockey talk isn’t half bad either. Thanks, LT.

Bruce McCurdy

Splendid post, LY. It’s not always the up moments that define us, but how we handle the tough parts.


Sorry about that last comment, I clicked “post” instead of quote and you can’t edit any longer….

The four strong winds will blow lonely for someone this fall, and looking at this list it seems to me the Bakersfield Shuffle is going to get plenty of airplay in 2023-24. How many men do you believe will play for the Oilers this coming season? My answer is here. What is your answer?

I think he know the 18 roster locks for skaters (subject to injury). In addition to those, I think the following will play games this season:

Lavoie, Pederson, Malone, Hamblin, Bourgut (I’m pulling for Tulio as well).

Niemo, Kemp, Noel H.

Players I’ll be watching closely this fall are Evander Kane (is he okay), Philip Broberg (does he play with a litte more maturity) and Dylan Holloway. This train is bound for glory, but I don’t think the April roster will resemble October.

A few weeks ago, Kane was on air and the verbal was basically the same with the wrist as when he came backb- still not quite full feeling and mobility but he’s 100% to “do what he needs to do”. At least the rest of him will be 100% to start the season.

I think the health/injury is the only thing holding Kane back from being a high impact player this coming season but, at 32, I believe, I’m not sure we’ll see him at full health through a season.

Broberg showed developing in-game maturity when he was playing every night and I have little doubt it will continue if he gets that opportunity – be it 13 5 on 5 minutes per night with Kulak or some higher leverage minutes with Ekholm – its coming if the coaching staff lets it. That’s the key – the staff to play this guy and not default to Vinny D.

Holloway/McLeod/Foegele has the ability to be an elite 3rd line. McLeod/Foegele have developed some solid chemistry and the ability to play against tough. The default is Derek Ryan as the 3rd, that trio was very good in the playoffs but, at this point, Holloway adds a speed, motor, skill and size that could take that line to championship level 3rd line.


The four strong winds will blow lonely for someone this fall, and looking at this list it seems to me the Bakersfield Shuffle is going to get plenty of airplay in 2023-24. How many men do you believe will play for the Oilers this coming season? My answer is here. What is your answer?


Players I’ll be watching closely this fall are Evander Kane (is he okay), Philip Broberg (does he play with a litte more maturity) and Dylan Holloway. This train is bound for glory, but I don’t think the April roster will resemble October.


I wonderful story – thank you for that this morning LT.


It’s always about you…I keed


My favourite posts are always when you take the long way round. This is how your next book should go. It’s your true talent as a columnist.

Mayan Oil

Agreed wholeheartedly. LT, your most defining characteristic is your innate ability to always be present and aware in the moment. Your sense of perspective is astonishing.

alberta bound edmonton

You are a hellofa writer LT. This is the important stuff.


Rarely post anymore. But still drop in daily to read what you have to say.

always top notch


I think LT some of your best offerings are outside the playing field. Loved this!!


Beautifully put, Al. A moment in time so personal and specific to you, yet expressed in a way that feels universally personal. Thanks for sharing it.


That was beautiful Lowetide. Thank you for all that you do.

Can’t wait to hear your voice again on the radio