
by Lowetide

I believe Jay Woodcroft is an excellent coach who is in some trouble. When he arrived in the NHL, Woodcroft aggressively deployed players who he trusted as coach of the Bakersfield Condors. Ryan McLeod became a more prominent member of the team, the young blue were used more. Hell, in 2022-23 he deployed Vincent Desharnais and found a way to use a one-dimensional giant on the blue line. The magic wand has stopped working. Should there be concern? I don’t think so.



The numbers never lie. Kind of like the Bible. The problem humans have is in interpreting the numbers (and the Bible). This is a pretty easy summary to read. Stuart Skinner let in five HDSC. Now there were rockets and two-men breakaways, but you need the goalie to make one stop there. That’s the job.

The pairings were solid by the numbers. Nurse made ‘a pinch of sin’ and Bouchard is lost in the supermarket but these things ebb and flow and ebb again. I don’t see any good reason to switch the pairings and Ekholm did play. He’ll be better. Sam Lafferty made an outstanding play to win the game. Sometimes you have to give the other man credit.

I was going to write something about switching up the lines but the Draisaitl trio really had a game last night. Stay the course. Let these men figure it out. The season isn’t lost, even great teams go 1-8 five-on-five goals in small samples.

The key is not to panic. If I could make one suggestion to the coach, it would be that he’s going the wrong way with his fourth line. Sam Lafferty would have been a great add to this team. Adam Erne doesn’t move the needle. Oilers are much better in personnel decisions than in the past, and Brad Holland has been exceptional in my opinion. I don’t see the Erne signing as being sufficient. I won’t argue for Raphael Lavoie, but Ken Holland might have to go get Jake Evans.

All of that said, I have no quarrel with the 0-2 Oilers. Shit happens.


  • On the road to: VAN (Expected 1-0-0) (Actual 0-1-0)
  • At home to: VAN (Expected 1-0-0) (Actual 0-1-0)
  • On the road to: NAS, PHIL (Expected 2-0-0) (Actual 0-0-0)
  • At home to: WPG (Expected 1-0-0) (Actual 0-0-0)
  • On the road to: MIN (Expected 0-1-0) (Actual 0-0-0)
  • At home to: NYR, CAL (Expected 1-1-0) (Actual 0-0-0)
  • Overall expected result: 6-2-0, 12 points in 8 games
  • Actual October results: 0-2-0, 0 points in 2 games
  • Oilers in 2023-24: 0-1-0, 0 points in 2 games

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Bag of Pucks

Q. Why is Dustin Schwartz’s nickname ‘Tungsten?’
A. He’s fireproof.


He’s related to the “Big Guy”


Carolina down 4-1 to the lowly ducks. Better fire the goalie coach.

Harpers Hair

Ducks win 6-3 with three young D in the lineup.

Mintyukov 19
Drysdale 21
LaCombe 22

All above par plus/minus.

Funny Bissonness

Matt Tomkins, at age 29, is making his NHL debut for the Lightning right now. Matt is from Edmonton and took the long route to the NHL.

13th last pick in the 2012 draft by the Chicago Blackhawks and from the Sherwood Park Crusaders. Four full years of college, a couple seasons as an ECHL starter mixed together with a few seasons of being an AHL back-up, then 2 pretty solid seasons as a 1A in the SHL.

Up until tonight, the highlight of his career would be playing for team Canada at the Beijing Olympics, when the NHL decided not to go. He also got to make a world championships cameo when Chris Dreidger got injured.

My buddy played for the Crusaders when Tomkins was there. I remember him being annoyed anytime they lost and Tomkins didn’t get the start. I remember my buddy being excited for him the day Tomkins got drafted.

Any other day, I would cheer for the Sens over the Lightning. But today, I’m hoping the Lightning pull this one off for Matt.


Neat! Go Tomkins!

Funny Bissonness

They did not pull it off, but I think he played well enough to earn another start. The lightning did not play well and I’d be surprised if the coach placed the blame on him.

Bag of Pucks

No more unbeaten teams in the NFL. The 72 Fins pop the champagne cork yet again.

Last edited 11 months ago by Bag of Pucks

What did they play back then, 14 games in a season! They finished 17-0, Patriots finished 18-1.

Last edited 11 months ago by meanashell11

OP what on earth are you talking about with blaming Foegele for his “decision” over blaming Nurse. Your words.

I coach at a high level. Foegele drove outside the dots as he’s supposed to do. Moved the puck to the trailer and opened up making himself an option. McLeod (questionably) sent it back to him.

What is you’re expecting Warren Foegele to do there? Please don’t be lazy and say “hit the net”. You criticized his decision so Ill ask you again.

What decision would you like to see from 37 there if not shooting?

Silver Streak

I completely agree…and might add, I too have coached a few Midget and other ages provincial championship teams…NEVER have I seen a more selfish, stupid, trying to be Bobby Orr, pinch as Nurse pulled last night…..yes I would have benched him, embarrassing to watch this, after way too many of his wanderings have cost us wins. Woody has to sit him or lose credibility.


Yeah, you gotta wonder about Nurse. He was the 5th man into the rush, and yet seemed to be in a hurry to get to the slot.
You would like to think your veteran dman would have a better feel for possible danger, but he seems to think it’s go time, no matter what.


He absolutely should be benched for the next game. He’s been terrible, and his mistakes are of the selfish variety.

We have 7 healthy D-men and 4 LHD.
Time to send a message.

Sadly I don’t think we have a coach with the guts to sit out a 9.25 million dollar D-man.

Bag of Pucks

Darnell’s medical surname is appropriate. His game needs a second opinion.


I haven’t liked Nurses game for awhile but I’m not going to kill him on this play. It was Janmark that gave the puck back to Foegele because he had pressure from behind. Two Canuck forwards went for a change on the play instead of back checking. Nurse followed up the play at normal speed and was open for a pass in the slot as he crossed the blue line. If you freeze the frame you can see Foegele had a clear pass lane to Nurse or Ceci. I can understand that he is not a great passer and decided to put it on net. He missed and the puck went directly to the late changing Canuck players who were just getting back into the play. If the Oilers scored on that play then Tocchet reams out the two Canucks who decided to go for a line change on a 5 on 3 rush.


If I had a criticism for Nurse its that he keeps deferring to Ceci at the point instead of firing the puck on net himself. Instead of going D to D to the guy who hasn’t scored in over a year how about you earn that 9 million and put the puck on net. I can’t stand it when our D make risky passes across the blue line only for the other guy to dump it into the corner which is what Ceci does 99% of the time.


The one thing that Foegele cannot do in that situation is miss the net far side on a shit. He had passing options, he had button hook options, heck, he could have skated the puck in to the corner and eaten it.

Anything but what he did.

Jay Woodcroft coaches at the highest level and its the first thing he mentioned when asked about the 2 on 0. Mattias Ekholm player hockey at the highest level and it was the first thing he mentioned.


Skated the puck into the corner on a 5 on 3 rush? Okkkk then.

Again, as a, I tend to punish poor decisions rather than poor execution because what’s the point? Hey Warren…you need to hit the net there. Thanks coach no shit.

Hey Mattias I need you to skate backwards faster when they guy is rushing with the puck. Hey Stu I would rather you save that next time instead of not saving it.

This provides zero value. The teachable moments there are “Darnell when you see #5 in front of you and three forwards you need to hang back”. And maybe, MacLeod, “when you get the puck in the slot we’d rather you shoot it than give it back to Foegele at the bottom of the circle. He ain’t Leon. “


I coach at a high level

I’ve eaten plenty of Timbits. 🙂

I think there was a calamity of errors on that play.

Watching the replay, you can see that Nurse has a clear sight of Ceci jumping into the play. I’ve only played Bantaam AAA as a defensman, but generally I was coached that you don’t want two d pinching on the same play especially with no winger covering. That’s a very bad pinch on Nurse’s behalf imo. Under different circumstances, it is a play that you see the Oilers use a lot.

With Mcleod, you’d probably want him to make a pass to a player towards the centre of the ice or even try to get a shot off using the opposing defenseman as a screen. Passing the puck to the player in the corner when you have an odd-man rush is not a great choice.

Foegele, not a player gifted with vision nor passing skill has an option to pass to Nurse or maybe Holloway. Shooting on goal from the corner there is not the best choice. You’re never going to score from that position on the ice and if you miss wide, it’s going to jailbreak the other direction.

Here’s where I agree with OP, you can’t miss wide on that shot. With that shot location, you have to get the puck on net and really need to create a rebound if you want to create a scoring chance.

When the puck goes wide, you now have 5 Oiler players below the hash marks.



Stonehouse’s first tally of the season–one of his three SOG–stood as the GWG as Ottawa won 4-0.

Prospecting takes a break until Thursday.


Video evidence of Stonehouse’s goal as he snipes home a rebound off the rush. It’s the first highlight of the video:


Bag of Pucks

Detroit vs Tampa Bay in the creamsicles!

It’s the return of the NFC ‘Norris’ Division. Somewhere Chris Berman is smiling.

Oh yeah, and Cleveland Rocks!


Incredible win for Clevland…..hat tip to NFL referees.

But that Brown Defence was as advertised….

Bag of Pucks

Beating the Niners straight up with a backup QB. Can’t imagine there was too many sharps making that bet.


Detroit had to suffer that kind of refereeing for years.


I would suggest that the oilers have become a little bit one dimensional. And a lot predictable. The NHL has had years now to figure out how to defend McDavid and the oilers, how to take away space, how to put him and them off their game.

Defensively they collapse much more in a box around your own net, much more so than playing other teams. Keep the Oilers to the outside. On the oilers part they’re happy to play around the perimeter and wait for the fancy pass.

When the oilers receive a new player you can witness that for a time he plays the way he was taught, usually more of a goal to the net crash and bang tips and rebounds kind of plays. Within six months on the oilers, they become part of the Harlem Globetrotters system of fancy passing into the net.

So our top six is a bit predictable.

Third line with speed is shaping up really well, and if they stay together and play their game, don’t copy the Mac Draisaitl game. They will do fine.

Fourth line is used for nothing more than penalty kill. Other teams know this as well, there’s no threat here. To create more dimensions, they would put some muscle on this line. Draisaitl and McDavitt are already taken wax and crosschecks and you see them respond and retaliate but there’s no muscle to back it up.

They must have several dimensions of scoring.

In the other side of the rink opposing teams know they can own the front of the Oilers net. That is well-known. The Oilers do not, and will not actually pick up a man . You can fight to the front of the night you can get tips and you can get rebounds. This is a scouting report.

And finally, if you can get an up a goal early on the Oilers, they will over play their top guns who you have a plan for and the rest of the lineup is no threat at all.

The coach will not play his roster as a team, he will only played it as two halves. This lack of using the whole team leads to players not buying in. Going to too guns each and every time tells the rest of the team they are not valuable and incapable. It’s the wrong thing to do.

Harpers Hair

This not a new development.

Both Colorado and Vegas demonstrated in their last two playoff series wins that to beat the Oilers, all you had to do was limit the damage done by McDavid and Draisaitl, mainly on the power play, and outplay them for the other half of the game.

Rather than address this in a meaningful way, Oilers coaching staff just respond by playing the wonder twins even more minutes.

No surprise to see that this is already underway this season as both players are already well over 20 minutes in TOI/game.

The MacKinnon/Rantanen duo in Colorado is slightly ahead but the Avalanche have played an OT game so this will fall.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

Our top six is 2 regular season games (and one opponent) out from scoring more goals in a season than any other team in the NHL.

It may be predictable, but it’s also lethal, still, small sample be damned. I don’t think a team with an average defence loses these games. Two many floaters find their way to the back of the Oilers net because they can’t seem to take their man in front properly, tie them up at least, if you can’t box them out. Bigger problem than goaltending imo.


They are lethal in that top six, that is undeniable. I’m proposing the Oil add other elements to their arsenal

In context, it’s not about these two games, it’s about getting over the hump to championship. Present team, present deployment has got them close and probably will again. .




The trend is this. Lose 8-1. Lose 4-3. Win 9-2 vs Nashville

Chelios is a Dinosaur

5 goal game for Leon is just the medicine.


The Oilers have a “finishing” problem – Neither Kane, nor Hyman, nor Brown, nor anyone in the bottom six, is a plus finisher.

I know that Hyman scored close to 40 goals last year but I don’t consider him a plus finisher.

There numbers from last season show that McDavid and Drai were very unlucky, in particular McDavid, with respect to linemates not finishing chances.

This is a main reason why this team, for all the talk and hype, isn’t a great offensive team at evens – they are good, or even very good at times, but they aren’t an elite offensive team at evens.

Decidedly Skeptical Fan

This is correct. That’s why I would have moved different assets to rid the team of Yamamoto. And that’s why Lavoie should be playing in EDM now, rookie warts and all.


Oilers were 6th in GF/60 last year at 5 v 5. I am not sure what the cut off point between very good and great is, but that SHOULD be more than good enough offensively given the historically efficient powerplay.

Defending remains the question mark.


This is the post of the day.

How this team plays – at even- vs the top 10 -12 teams in the NHL will be something to watch this year.


I would argue that Kane is a pretty good finisher. He has struggled to play 82 games in a season, but seems like he is usually on pace for 30 plus goals a season.


Hyman generates an extremely large volume of attempts that are very close to the net. By most models he led the league in individual expected goals. This is the kind of game that finesse players don’t play. For lack of a better descriptor, it’s Ryan Smyth style hockey. He will never be a “plus” finisher and “plus” finishers don’t generate the rate of expected goals that Hyman does.

Foegele’s expected goal generation is similar to Hyman’s and he finishes at a higher rate. He just doesn’t get the TOI and his production with McDavid isn’t as high as Hyman’s. But I do find watching Foegele frustrating.

Overall we generate a decent amount of offense 5v5, finishing in the top 10 to 5 range for GF60, xGF60 and SH%. I think it’s right to look on the other side of the ledger.

I don’t see the evidence that McDavid and Draisaitl were “unlucky”. Draisaitl was “above expected” and McDavid was slightly below. The former is due to Draisaitl’s poor expected goal production which is a function of his shot selection. The latter is due to Hyman. Over a season, I don’t think luck has anything to do with it.

Scungilli Slushy

Nice comment

I think that they have too many players that are on the lower side of game sense. It affects execution and for me is a big part of the limited attack at evens. So coach after coach ends up just overplaying the Duo

The Oilers should be able to press hard offensively throughout games. I suppose because they have Connor I default to expecting the wave after wave attack of the glory team

They will control play at times but often aren’t really creating actually dangerous shots in challenging games

Lewis Grant

I believe Jay Woodcroft is an excellent coach who is in some trouble.

Jay Woodcroft inherited a team out of the playoffs. Since then, he has guided the team to a .672 record. He is in some trouble? I doubt our next coach will put up a .672 record.

The entire verbal all off-season was that the Oilers had a mediocre defense. Woody is putting in place a new and (in his judgment) better system. These things take time. Would we rather lose at the start of the year, or keep the old mediocre defense until the playoffs, and then go through growing pains (i.e. consecutive losses) while changing it then? This is the part of the season to be experimenting with a new defense.

As LT has said, calm your tits. (I hope that makes it through the spam filter, ha ha)


The House of Stone pots his first goal of the season just 2:14 into the game as Ottawa opens the scoring.


Darnell Nurse is taking a shit-ton of criticism across the fandom, verbally and written.

Nurse made a terrible decision on that rush (almost as bad as Foegele) but, other than that, he had a fine game – the Oilers dominated when he was on the ice.
Can’t make that mistake, of course.

On the other hand, if Foegele doesn’t make that terrible decision of his own, its a non event.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

This team loses games over and over based on very bad singular decisions.


This is very true and it has been some of the same culprits over and over again for the past number of years. Single events can matter a lot, regardless how a team does on the whole. It’s like when you’re playing poker and grinding out a lot of small hands with good play and then you go all-in in a mediocre spot and lose your whole stack in one hand. The Oilers repeatedly lose games they should win do to single moments.

Bag of Pucks

That is the perfect analogy for Nurse’s decision making.

Scungilli Slushy

This is why I say the Oilers break stats. They post great numbers now and also make regular catastrophic mistakes especially in key moments when the opponent is playing well. They also don’t create good chances when certain tactics are used against them even if they get a lot of shots. Kinda like McLellan coaching

I have yet to see them stop forcing plays and start establishing the dominance they should have at this point. Win or lose the ice should almost always be tilted

Silver Streak

“he had a fine game ” …OP its time you really watched the game…. he was terrible…By the eye “. I think the sats showed he was -2….though by my eye more that was charitable.
His net front clearing now relies not on man strength, but on cross checks, obvious trips,
where is his man strength 6 ft 3 adonis body…
That pinch was just him attempting to be McDavid ….or Bobby Orr, and not having the hockey sense God gave a rabbit.


Darnell Nurse was on -2, he was 1-1 at 5 on 5, even.

I can acknowledge that you don’t like the way he plays (in front of the net) but that doesn’t take away the fact that, in last night’s game, when Nurse was on the ice, the Oilers were dominating.

He did make one bad error (one that would have been a non-event if Foegele didn’t make a bigger error) which does take the shine off of an otherwise strong game.

Scungilli Slushy

I think the hardest thing to do in pro sports coaching is coach a team with an all time great player and other extreme and unique talent

For me Woody is a good coach, a technical coach, and is in way over his head. Manson was great at the AHL but seems flat at the NHL level. Gulatzan has never had it

This team needs a coach with a stronger, larger, more motivating personality. A personality as large as the talent being coached

Gretzky had Sather. Lots of players had Bowman. I don’t know who it should be, and they don’t have to be a jerk, it’s not that. But it’s clear to me the video coach promoted has a learning curve that doesn’t match the team and want it needs right now

If I was making the call I would be checking into what amends a certain 60ish fella has made whose name doesn’t have a B in it


How has Gulutzan never had it as an assistant coach that has coached this PP unit to the best single season PP percentage of all time? Maybe he was a mediocre head coach, but he’s doing a fine job in his current role.

Scungilli Slushy

The coaches get too much credit for PP success. They are coaching the two highest scoring forwards in the league supported by PP specialist Nuge and a high end offensive D man

Not exactly a hard gig on PP. Still they are predictable and in the playoffs don’t get PP goals when they really need them, over 4 playoffs now

They sure can’t get the PK and 5v5 together consistently which matter more to when their dreams get put on hold, again. And their 5v5 offensive strategy lacks IMO given the talent


This is one of the biggest things people don’t seem to understand.

Pittsburgh had to make a change that I don’t think 98% of the people here would have supported.

I said fire him after the Vegas loss. I was hoping I was wrong. Doesn’t look like it.

Scungilli Slushy

They should have hired Cassidy. For me any success given McDrai are in prime is only measured by being able to get to the finals. The other teams don’t have the human cheat code, what a massive advantage

Decidedly Skeptical Fan

Gerard Gallant is the only head coach out there that could effectively handle the problem that is Darnell McDrai. I love Woody, but he is just not up to the task. Twenty years from now, maybe. But not this year, or next. Manson is fighting well above his weight class as well. Until this gets resolved, no Stanly for EDM, IMHO.


Game 1 was a nightmare with wheels falling off, bounces going in, and best forgotten in the anals of history.

Game 2 sounds like the type of loss that a good team should have against a worse team. I didn’t see the game. Was out with my wife. But when I saw the numbers, I thought “well sometimes you clearly outplay the other guys and you lose”.

If there’s a concern here it’s that both the goalies have let in 4 goals every time they’ve played. And neither have a track record of consistency (Campbell obviously and Skinner because last year was his first full season.) A good team can be goalied and it’s too early to panic. But the Oilers are going to need some stops. Drai is under contract for two more years, and the goalies signed during that time have never had a full season as a bonafide #1 in the NHL. Pray to the Goalie Gods otherwise Holland is going to have to send out a 1st rounder and salary for Dwayne Roloson.


Game 1 was a nightmare with wheels falling off, bounces going in, and best forgotten in the anals of history.

You might think this is a typo. It’s not.


One of those typos that work better than the original intent. I’m keeping it.


Well said Alan. I’m really not worried by the Oilers going 0-2. One thing I am worried about is the mental fortitude of this team… I saw it all of last season, into the playoffs, and into these two games.

I feel like these Oilers are too guilty of trying to win the Stanley Cup each shift… instead of trying to win individual battles each shift. Hockey is so random… you’re going to let in bad goals, you’re going to make minor mistakes that lead to 8-1 blowouts. The only attitude (I think) that leads to continued success in this business is to try to live in the moment, take individual battles as individual battles and try your best to win each one… but recognize that you might not win each one and that’s okay; just learn from it and try to win the next one!

That’s the reason I really wanted this team to go out and get someone like Corey Perry (Duncan Keith, Zdeno Chara type)… an older guy who doesn’t quite have what they once had, but what they still do have is the right attitude, which they can spill out into the dressing room! That’s what I want to see. I think it would help this team reach the next level.

cowboy bill

You would think if they were trying to win the Stanley cup every shift maybe they would put in more effort to playing a more winning style of game.


Haha. Well, the point is that it’s impossible: You can’t win the Stanley Cup in game two of the regular season… you can only win it if you’re in the finals. And the only way (that I know of) that you get to the finals is by winning more individual battles than your opponents, plus some luck…

This team is talented as heck, so I don’t think it’s a matter of personel. And the coaching staff seems really smart, so it’s not about tactics or strategy. I just feel like they fall apart, and start chasing, losing structure, after things don’t go their way… and that’s an issue of attitude.

cowboy bill

The point is that championship teams don’t fall apart , start chasing, and lose structure. Haven’t they learn that already?

Cape Breton Oilers 4EVR

We’ll totally forget this start in March, other than wishing we had these 4 points. All these points count in the standings at the end of the year. How many points did we miss the division title and home ice by last year? The October points are not worth any less because it’s early in the season.

I’m not ready to panic at all, but all the buzz about early captain’s skates and being a more focused group do not mean a hill of beans anymore.

cowboy bill

Oilers have been notorious for slow starts not only to start the season but also in games. Often they find themselves down a couple goals before they actually start playing. Why should this season be any different? They will learn more from losing than they will from winning . It is probably better they get this out of their system sooner rather than later. Getting some goaltending would be a good place to start.


I hope we fix our goaltending soon because we really need some high profile forwards to score a goal – at even strength.

Connor Brown is barely noticeable.

Evander Kane:

0 GF / 5 GA

Evander continuing right where he left off in May. Has not missed a beat.

Hopefully, Jack Campbell will start making saves so Evander can start scoring.

Evander is 32 years old now.

Insert usual round of ‘of courses’ tiny sample size, rotten luck, elite * back up * goaltending.

Last edited 11 months ago by McSorley33
Harpers Hair

Aging curves, by definition, don’t affect all players equally.

But based on Kane’s recent performances, there’s a very good chance on he’s on the edge of the cliff.

Bag of Pucks

I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that the 12F on the bench is not the reason the Oilers lost these games and a verdict based on a 2 game sample size for a new player acquisition is the anthesis of reasonable.


Lavoie has a shot that even a hot goaltender cannot stop. Erne is a guy that one cannot even put on the ice if one is behind.

One has three (plus RNH) pretty good centres who can probably get Lavoie the puck for a shot in the 3rd period when the Oilers are behind.

cowboy bill

If you haven’t noticed yet there’s more to hockey than shooting the puck.


When passing the puck into the net isn’t working, one needs a few elite shots.

cowboy bill

And the Oilers don’t have any elite shooters ? I thought the verbal was they don’t have any problems scoring goals, they just can’t keep it out of their own net.

Last edited 11 months ago by cowboy bill

At least pick a player that’s played at least 1 N.H.L game to be your new whipping boy.

cowboy bill

Who’s picking a whipping boy? You ?


Control the puck at the blue line before your D activate. Then you won’t get caught up ice?
I seen both Foegle and Brown not able to control the puck near the blue line.

SK Oiler Fan

Add Hyman to that list. It’s like he’s using a ringette stick

Last edited 11 months ago by SK Oiler Fan
Bag of Pucks

Wasn’t there an issue with the Oil having some listless starts last year before the playoff race left them no room for error? Now it’s a slow start to the season.

Woodcroft seems like a pretty even keel coach. Rick Tocchet would knock your block off if you looked at him twice. I have no problem envisioning a scenario where Tocchet had his boys ready to skate through a wall before a home crowd in game 1. Did Jay ensure his team matched that intensity level? Not by my eye.

So now the team is embarrassed and they have to answer the bell but the opposing tender is hot and the D corps making mental errors has never not been a thing since the lil team that could.

Here’s the thing with a zone defense vs man. With man to man, you’re attacking. With zone, you’re reacting. Man is the right system when your D corps has physical and skills superiority and you can win the individual matchup. Zone is great when your players think positioning and coverage at an elite level. Does that latter scenario sound like Nurse and Bouchard to anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

cowboy bill

Tocchet had his players ready to pay the price. They look like they’re in mid season form. Why the Oilers don’t have the same mind set is disturbing , because they have all been talking the talk since losing to Vegas in the second round. But for whatever reason they aren’t walking the walk. Do they need to get their heads together or what? This is nothing new, it’s been going on for years & years & years.

Bag of Pucks

My sense of it is Jay and his coaching staff give them the game plan and he relies on his “leadership group” to be the rah rah guys and set the motivational tone. More and more, that’s become the trend in professional sports.

You can’t yell at these guys anymore when they crap the bed in the first period. Get in the face of the modern athlete and they just turn off. The Elkholm and Kane adds have helped what has historically been a pretty quiet dressing room. And McDavid and Draisaitl have certainly become more vocal of their expectations of late.

Canada’s productivity metrics have been trending down for years. There’s isn’t a manager on this board who doesn’t sympathize with Jay’s challenge. Getting everyone pulling on the rope in the same direction is a Herculean effort these days. I’ve got the grey hairs to prove it!

cowboy bill

What is it then, mental toughness ? Professional athletes should have plenty of that. They haven’t gotten where they are from being feeble minded cry babies.

Bag of Pucks

Just by getting drafted they’ve all achieved success on an individual level. That is not the same as achieving success on an team level.

Getting individuals to sacrifice for a greater good is a massive challenge for all of society now, not just athletes. Everyone has to be sold on “what’s in it for me” now and this messaging has to be continually reinforced and ‘sold’ on an individual basis. Honestly, it’s exhausting.

Many believe it’s a good thing that individuals are less inclined to blindly commit to authority now and I understand that argument. But it doesn’t make the waning productivity trend any less concerning OR the job any less difficult for the coaching staff.

I fully believe this team is capable of this team first sacrifice when they WANT to. They blocked shots and avoided penalties like a team that understands the need for sacrifice in two consecutive playoff runs. My concern is they seem to believe they can just turn this on when they have to as opposed to baking it into their culture through a permanent ongoing commitment to team first, assignment oriented play.

cowboy bill

Well let’s hope the Oilers,to a man have learnt that lesson again after two straight losses to the Canucks, who miraculously got the message,because they are tired of losing . Aren’t the Oilers tired of losing yet?


I’m going to suggest that conflating your general sense of “nobody wants to work anymore” with some millionaire athletes maybe not performing at their absolute peak at all times is wrong.

Suggesting that Canada has a “waning productivity trend” is just bunk. The truth is, Canada’s GDP has continued to grow over the last 20+ years, just not as fast as that of other countries! But our billionaires aren’t getting as quickly enriched as other countries’ billionaires, so we get spoonfed the lie that our country is doing terrible, to try and get us to sacrifice our time, our lifeblood, for their sake.

For the general population of workers, wage growth has not kept up with productivity growth, meaning workers are getting less of a share of their output, and meaning they’re having a harder time paying rent, buying houses and groceries, saving for retirement, etc. For millionaire athletes, this is not the case.

For workers, one of the easiest motivations is to give them a larger share of the profits made from their labour. For millionaire athletes, that is unlikely to motivate them once the season is in session. So then, yes, it’s going to be difficult for any coach that doesn’t start understanding sports psychology and what their athletes actually need from their leaders.

Bag of Pucks


I chose this link but I could have picked from dozens that are reporting on a very real trend that you choose to ignore as ‘bunk.’

Btw it’s inaccurate and uncharitable to describe a decrease in productivity as purely down to people not wanting to work. There are numerous contributing factors to productivity, cooperation and self-sacrifice being two contributors that I alluded to. You put this phrase in direct quotes to imply I used this phrase which I did not. That’s the strawman in your argument.

Last edited 11 months ago by Bag of Pucks

I took the time to read it, to make sure I understood it. That link shows Canada top-5 out of 16 westernized countries for productivity growth for 2012 (11 years ago!), and it shows Canada’s productivity growing when half the countries actually had a negative productivity growth rate. It then goes off on a tangent about productivity levels (US$ of product produced per worker-hour worked) rather than growth, without delving into any actual possible causes for the productivity levels as they are. So, not exactly a heavy or detailed analysis, that in the end actually shows Canada is turning around the productivity growth trend from the start of the millennium.

As for “nobody wants to work anymore”, that’s the implicit message workers will hear when being told things like
“Canada’s productivity metrics have been trending down for years. There’s isn’t a manager on this board who doesn’t sympathize with Jay’s challenge. Getting everyone pulling on the rope in the same direction is a Herculean effort these days. I’ve got the grey hairs to prove it!”
“Getting individuals to sacrifice for a greater good is a massive challenge for all of society now, not just athletes. Everyone has to be sold on “what’s in it for me” now and this messaging has to be continually reinforced and ‘sold’ on an individual basis. Honestly, it’s exhausting.”
“There are numerous contributing factors to productivity, cooperation and self-sacrifice being two contributors that I alluded to.”

What is this “greater good” you allude to, and why do workers have to “self-sacrifice” for it? And what exactly do workers have to do that is considered “self-sacrifice”? For workers, the answers seem to be that the “greater good” is to make increasingly large amounts of profit, and the “self-sacrifice” for the workers is to work more hours for less purchasing power (either by working free overtime, or by accepting wage increases below the rate of inflation, thus hollowing out their purchasing power). No wonder workers refuse to be bullied anymore, and instead start asking what’s in it for them.

And all that is completely irrelevant when discussing the motivation of millionaire and multi-millionaire athletes, whose purchasing power _has_ increased over the years, rather than decreased. The only connection, really, is that young workers and young millionaire athletes refuse to be bullied or cowed into compliance anymore. So now it’s up to the leaders (coaches) to learn sports psychology, and learn how to motivate with heart rather than a big stick.

Bag of Pucks

A) Much like you fabricated a quote attribution, you’re now cherry picking the findings from that report whilst ignoring the more concerning indicators. Again, that’s one link. There’s dozens of reports acknowledging this trend. Ok you don’t believe this news as reported by multiple credible sources. Good for you.

B) I love the optimism of just pay people more and they’ll be more productive. I wish human nature was that simple. Most people work hard to earn a raise. Your approach is give them the raise first and just watch them go!

C) The greater good that athletes sacrifice for is team success and wins. It’s taking a hit to free up a teammate elsewhere. It’s sacrificing potential offensive sorties to backcheck hard and protect a lead. It’s not staying out too long on your shift. It’s not making an ill advised pinch for offensive glory when the smart play is to cover your point.

Bag of Pucks

Btw are companies impacted by inflation or is it only the workers? Asking for a friend.

Scungilli Slushy

I understand your sentiment but these ideas have never worked anywhere to anyone’s benefit long term

Scungilli Slushy

I’m an easy guy to work for and know lots of business owners that would gladly pay people more immediately, if they would show any understanding of how money is made and their role in it.


I like to panic and criticize as much as the next guy, but it might be too early. If after 10 games the Oilers aren’t 6 and 4, defensive miscues and “soft” goals continue to be a problem it’s gonna be a long season


Agree – TRY not to panic.
Woodcroft needs to balance TOI much better.
Manson needs to put Nurse down the batting order, if Ekholm is healthy enough for top-pair.

Give Campbell the net for a few games in a row and hope what we saw in the playoffs and in the pre-season is the Campbell for 23-. He has made significantly good adjustments to his game since the tire fire for 3/4 of last year. He isn’t flopping around, he is square and he is making SOME big and timely saves over his last ~10 appearances. If he continues to play the way he has in the past 10 games and get his confidence going (and the team’s confidence going!) then I think this ship can get back on course….IF he can’t get his game going, then Kenny has to give away what is left in the cupboards for a legit 1A. I like Skinner a lot but he is ebbing more than flowing these days and would benefit from playing more of a back up role for a while – he looks unsettled compared to when he came in to take the lead last year – I still think the capacity for improved performance is there…


 Sam Lafferty would have been a great add to this team. Adam Erne doesn’t move the needle. Oilers are much better in personnel decisions than in the past, and Brad Holland has been exceptional in my opinion. I don’t see the Erne signing as being sufficient. I won’t argue for Raphael Lavoie, but Ken Holland might have to go get Jake Evans.

Erne is not a player than can be in the top 12 forwards on a contending team.

There is all but zero chance that a trio of Erne/Ryan/Janmark is going to have a positive impact on almost any shift in any game.

I hate the 11/7 generally but that line will not be played by Woodcroft and, well, it really shouldn’t, that is a poor line, and I’d rather just have Ryan/Janmark and shuffle through a higher end player or spot those guys up the lineup.

Lavoie isn’t the answer as he won’t be able to impact the play on that line and Woody won’t play the line.

Pederson isn’t the answer as he has more value to the organization as 1C on the Condors.

I’d have time for Lavoie up and playing on the third line with McLeod and Foegele becasue Holloway has the ability to drag Ryan/Janmark in to positive shifts – Holloway can be a “play driver” with his speed and ability to transport the puck.

Meh – that 4th line is a mess.


Agree. It is pathetic that Erne is the best Ken could do to start this season.


The 4th line isn’t the reason why we lost the back-to-back against Vancouver.

They won the goaltending battle. Full stop.

First night Demko beat our tandem while trying to hold the vomit back.

Second game, DeSmith, a goalie discarded by two other organizations this summer, beat our supposed 1A goalie.

You can tinker all you want with the 4th line – it won’t matter when your getting out-goalied by the other team to such extreme degree.

Last edited 11 months ago by Diablo

DeSmith wasn’t discarded. He was a necessary piece to move to get Karlsson.

Montreal was always going to flip him, just like they were always going to flip Petry, because they already have Allen, and a young goaltender they like.

DeSmith has been one of the top backups in the NHL for a long time.


I never said, nor implied anything regarding your reply. I simply commented on a paragraph in the author’s blog post.

To engage in your strawman, I can’t disagree with your assessment but only to say that Woody needs to find a fourth line that he can, and will, trust to play for 8-10 minutes per night.

The fourth line hasn’t lost any games but it needs to be a playable line that can, at least, hang in there and, sporadically, create a positive impact.


One wants Lavoie in the lineup to put pressure on Brown and Foegele on a daily basis, and to have that shot available as a weapon and for the opposing goaltender to have to think about and prepare for, and to be able to move up the lineup into the top nine when the Oilers are behind.


What ever happened to PP2

PP1 looked gassed and lifeless with plenty of time on the clock

Can’t keep running the top guys every time you’re a G down. Stay w the game plan

would be nice of Ceci hit the net from the point shot. Rebound chaos may result in a good chance. Instead it’s on the back wall and the play is dead

that 3-2 goal was just bad

rich tm

Agreed. Woody can do a better job of managing his roster if he’d trust PP2 a little more.

When any of Drai/McD/Hyman are on the ice and draw a penalty, they stay on the ice for the start of the PP and look gassed. They’re not as crisp moving the puck around, getting to spots.

Even if you started w/PP2 for 30-40 seconds, it would give those guys a break to refresh and it would make them more effective.

I’m not saying he’s panicking, but it almost feels like he is and needs to make better use of the guys he has – unless he’s reached the same point Tippett did and doesn’t trust anyone beyond 97-29-93-18.


Stop me if you’ve heard this before: The Oilers may have a goaltending problem.

OK, I suppose it’s too early to make any definitive statements. However, I find it amazing that 5 years into his contract, Kenny Holland has never truly solidified the goaltending position even once during Connor’s prime. I think this is his biggest failure.

Last edited 11 months ago by Kurri17
SK Oiler Fan

Oilers are the Flyers of the 90s – Still haven’t found a suitable Hextall replacement.


Team defense is the problem.

rich tm

This 100%.


I was wrong on the 2-0 goal – well, partially wrong.

I still feel that Foegele was the primary culprit on that goal, you simply can’t miss that shot far side with that aggressive of an attack happening. It was the first thing the coach mentioned and the first thing Ekholm mentioned about that play.

At the same time, I was wrong on Nurse – I thought he was the fourth player in and I have no issue with that, however, Ceci was already in on the play and Nurse was the fifth and last guy – his decision was also awful.


Nurse makes minor league errors on a regular basis. I don’t care about him being overpaid anymore, I just want him to have some semblance of a 2nd pair D.


He was the primary culprit. Which is why they showed him on the bench banging his head or whatever…..dices the puck up like a ghinzu knife or fires miles wide.

John Chambers

Miles Davis’ “Kind of Blue” plays on the kitchen stereo this morning while I make a French press.

Bag of Pucks

A sublime record. I hope it’s vinyl. : )


Usually it takes some Veteran players 10 games to get up and running young fresh players are coming out of the blocks full tilt. Our top 6 is elderly we need a shot of adrenaline by a youngin for a handful of games. This will not happen as Holland has stated we don’t have time for growing pains. If we’re not 500 after 12 games Woody needs to be fired but please 🙏 don’t let it be that jerk-off Babcock replacing him.


Babcock will never coach again in any league.


Why can’t the Oilers even get average goaltending? Skinner looks uncomfortable, it happens. This team is out of sync, a big save would go a long way. Why do other teams backup goalies look world class against the Oilers season after season?? I’m sure they’ll figure it out, but in my opinion Vegas will win the division uncontested. Wondering when they’ll ‘show up’ and play like real contenders. This team is still miles away from a Cup.


I can’t remember our goalies making a save they shouldn’t have made, giving the team a lift when there was a breakdown.

Was there a single game one of the goalies stole last season?

Just one?

I have a big f%$*n quarrel with the 0-2 Oilers.

Standard Oilers recipe… Suck in the opening month of the season, play average hockey in November followed by the annual December swoon where they win 1 game out of 15.

Play like a non-playoff team all of January, then light it up in February and March, doing enough to make it appear as though this is a good team.

Fold in the playoffs.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, only 2 games in, blah, blah, blah. Play like a contender or just shut up.


Better goaltending luck is a product of good team defense. The good are more lucky.


Holloway has been Oilers best winger so far. He has earned a trip up the batting order.

If the Oilers trade out Conner Brown how much of next year’s salary cap bomb will they have to eat? I hope it’s rust because he looks like a 3d line player playing above his station so far.

The Power Forward aging curve, that looks more like a cliff, is flashing warning signs for Evander Cane.


Kane doesn’t get into the game on a pure rush line like McDavid’s. It is okay if the other team isn’t playing good defense, or the Oilers are outmatching the opponent,

I would move Holloway and Lavoie up, and Kane and Brown down. Play Kane on more of a cycle line where he can bang people.

Holloway McDavid Hyman
Nugent-Hopkins Draisaitl Brown
Kane McLeoad Foegele
Lavoie Janmark Ryan

If one is behind, sub Lavoie for Brown.


Probably a good thing we have a big road trip and are getting out of town. Goaltending just needs to be better period .


Team defense has to be better.

John Chambers

Juuse Saros.
Better hope Nashville bottoms out, and that Yaroslav Askarov shows he’s ready.
It’ll cost A LOT, but Saros should be the target.


Was coming here to say the same thing.

rich tm

Word in Nashville is Trotz is going to give the roster til the deadline to show him it can be competitive and not just a marginal playoff team. If not, the only untradeable piece is Josi.

It will cost a king’s ransom, but he’s the man to target.


Do it now.


Swap out Jack for Saros. same salary. Saros has this year and 1more left. That’s your Cup team.

edm would prob have to give up Bourgault, 2024 1st and 2025 1st ??

Steep price but would give you 2 kicks at the Cup with something Edm hasn’t had since 2006 – an All World Goalie


A goalie is not going to solve the problem of poor team defense and relying on too few players.


How good will Saros be going from a team with good team defense to a team with lousy team defense?

rich tm

If you watched Nashville the last two seasons (as I have), Saros has done an amazing job behind a team that was not very strong defensively. His save percentage on high danger shots propped the team up. The thing with smaller goalies is when they hit the wall, it’s a steep drop, but for the remainder of his contract, he’s going to be full value.

Woodguy v2.0

They could use a save.

They’re rocking a 774 PDO 5v5 (2.4SH% .750 SV%), that won’t continue.


Never understood the viseral agression towards Schwartz.

Last 4 Oiler goalies: (using Goals Save Above Expected/100 shots against via Evolving Hockey)

Smith – Top 4 goalie over his last 2 seasons w/EDM (behind only Shesterkin, Sorokin and Vasilevskiy)
Koskinen – Top 30 goalie over 3 of his 4 years here. Chirelli’s contract was the mistake
Skinner – Top 15 goalie and 2nd in Calder Trophy voting in his one year.

Campbell was ranked 56th last year, but he was ranked 40th in 21/22 and Holland gave him that terrible contract. Worse that Chia’s mistake.

Kevin Woodly said after it was signed that “all Edmonton had to do was look at his adjusted number for 2 minutes and they wouldn’t have given him that contract.”

Alas, The NHL Guide and Record Book doesn’t have adjusted numbers.

Want to bitch about Oiler goalies? Bitch about the GMs who signed them to be starters when they had no business doing that.


Ok, so they signed shitty goalies.

We’re supposed to be okay with that?

The goalies can’t possibly be better, the fans just have to learn to live with their ineptitude?

If your goalie coach has zero effect on goaltending, maybe you should look at other options.

Woodguy v2.0

Smith was the 4th best goalie goalie in the league his last 2 years and Skinner was top 15 in his rookie year so the goalie coach sucks?


Good post, but GSAx for goalies is less reproducible than SV%.

Neither correlates well year over year, but it would be a mistake to believe the adjusted numbers are any more accurate (or to be precise, any more predictive).

Woodguy v2.0

Yes, it’s not predictive but it describes what happened.

Most of what happened with EDM goalies with Schwartz is good bit no one cares about that.


Most of what happened with EDM goalies with Schwartz is good bit no one cares about that.

I agree with this.

I’m not following how GSAx is a useful descriptor (that Ken Holland should/would have listened to) while not being predictive.


Public analytics are not predictive, at least not by scientific standards. It is true that score sheet xG “models” are “less predictive” than other measures. Honest analysis of the numbers doesn’t necessarily line-up with typical narratives either (relevant analyses here and here).

Woodguy is pointing towards Campbell’s ’21-’22 season where he posted a .914 over 49 games and measured well over the entire season by SV% but did not measure as well by some GSAx metrics (e.g. here). Kevin Woodley’s xG model is not score-sheet based or “public” to my knowledge so his numbers could be quite different than the ones we see at the sites.

Truthfully, Campbell did not measure well by SV% in the second half of the season, after his 30th birthday. He posted .886 SV% over 60 games with TOR and EDM since Jan 9th, 2022.

There were signs – regardless of the metric and particularly in the last half of his season with TOR – that should have been red flags and his contract carried quite a lot of risk regardless of the measures used for analysis given that he only really had one season as a starting goaltender.

One has to ask what role Schwartz would have had in the acquisition of a new goalie, I don’t see that decision being made in a vacuum.

Smith’s numbers with EDM, while excellent his last 2 seasons, were best when his GP floated around 30. The limited GP were somewhat due to injury, but Schwartz did seem to help Smith recover after rough seasons in CGY although I suspect he too could have dipped “below expected” at 40 or 50 games. One has to think that his relationship with Tippett was also helpful in bringing his numbers up.

One area where Smith was a lot better than our other goalies was on the PK where he posted a .902 over his 99 games with EDM in a performance that tied him with Shesterkin as measured by SV% over that period. So, if you want to know why the PK isn’t as good, Smith isn’t a bad place to start.

In terms of positive regression for Campbell, if he’s to post league average, I project that number to be in the .899-902 range for this season. SV% is in decline. He might be able to reach .900 or .902 over 30-40 games, but I wouldn’t expect .914 for a host of reasons. Is that worth his cap hit? I don’t think so.

I thought DeSmith could have been a nice add for EDM, but would have meant a sacrifice somewhere (if you can’t have The Smith, DeSmith will do). I wonder if MTL would have taken Foegele. If Campbell becomes a real problem again, the only solution that I see is a Lucic style trade. Binnington could be a potential target, I’m certain folks would have a lot of opinions on that. But in two games Binnington seems to have regained his old form, we’ll see how that lasts. The last 100 games have not been great for him.

Woodguy v2.0

I use Evolving-Hockey’ xGSAA as it lines up closest to Clearsite data and Sportlogiq data, both of which log much more info than NHL game sheets.


We shouldn’t overthink this. The Oilers dominated that game from start to finish. Skinner was awful. The Lafferty goal should have never went in. It is possible to stop deflections. DeSmith did it about five times. If the goalies aren’t up to the task, that’s on Holland.


He had a blue-chip goalie prospect drop into his lap at the 2021 draft but decided a middle-six winger was more important.

Wallstedt sure would have been a nice option to have in a year or two. Instead we have Campbell’s albatross contract to go along with subpar tending.


The guy with an .864 SV% for the Iowa Wild is the answer?


A few thoughts; I agree with LT – stay the course; team deserved a better outcome.

Holland has a $9 Million D man who is not impacting the game anywhere near the relation to his salary. You can sluff off his ill timed pinch, but Nurse continues to make poor decisions that one would not expect from a “#1 D man”

Holland has a $5 Million Goalie sitting on the bench. It started bad with Jack last year and unless some Bernie Parent Ghost overtakes his soul this Halloweeen, it’s going to be another roller coaster year. Again, you can make excuses all day long, but that’s $5 Million on the books that isn’t contributing.

Whichcraft – I mean Woodcroft is back to playiing the big boyz 25 mins a night. Game 2 of the season. I know they were chasing the game and lots of PP time, but really? I agree wit LT that the coach NEEDS to get some others involved in a Good Way. McLeod, Holloway, etc.

Broberg – I think Broberg looks good? Keep running him out there and he will be your Top 4 RD solution.

I would run

And I would tell Nurse not to leave a 60 ft circle in front of his own net

Nashville is just the remedy this team needs 🙂



Agree with these pairings, but would have Nurse-Broberg playing lesser competition for now. Nurse makes as many mistakes as Bouchard does out there, and Ekholm is superior to Broberg.

Forget about the salaries – until Nurse starts playing like a 9 million dollar defenseman, he needs to be shuffled down the lineup.


Damn. A 2nd person in the phone booth.

Not the right person though. Waiting for Woodot.

Last edited 11 months ago by godot10

Skinner lost his confidence early in the playoffs and hasn’t got it back.

Brantford Boy

Game 1:
Campbell 4 goals on 16 shots
Skinner 4 goals on 16 shots

Game 2:
Skinner 4 goals on 16 shots

Checks abacus… 1 goal every 4 shots. Not good enough. Not time to panic yet but that needs to get fixed real damn quick.

That Hyman giveaway/missed pass in the defensive zone really hurt. Thought for sure Bieksa was gonna break that one down in the intermission.


Play better team defense.


in other news, Nathan MacKinnon had 14 shots on goal last night.

hey wait, I think HH hacked my account 🙂


0 goals


Blackwood was sensational. Something that can never be said about our goalies.

Last edited 11 months ago by TruthHurts98

It’s telling that Schwartz got booed in the intros. Why this guy hasn’t been canned a million times I’ll never understand. He must have incriminating photos of someone lol.

Skinner has been videoed to death at this point. Fire from the point, there’s a very solid chance the d-man won’t have boxed the forward out of the crease.

Ekholm not 100%. McDavid missing his usual jump. Foegele still has stone hands.

Skinner sitting so far back in his net he was eating popcorn in the first row.

Just sign Halak at this point oh wait we’ve got Erne for no reason so we can’t.

You’d think a guy like Lavoie might have made a difference last night. Bottom 6 were ugly.

Finally, I am wondering if we are starting to see the decline years of Kane and Hyman. Kane was invisible other than the big hit early. He’s starting to look like Lucic.

Hyman has the motor but he seems a step slower now. Not sure the forecheck is still there.

Bruce McCurdy

When in doubt, blame the goalie coach.


When you’ve had sub-par goaltending for decades, yeah, go ahead and change the goalie coach.

He’s certainly not helping.


When one has subpar team defensive play, the goaltending looks bad.


But they haven’t had sub-par goaltending (or at least team SV%) for decades. That just isn’t true.


Yup, blame the goalie coach while, at the same time, mentioning the d-men not doing their job in front of the net…….


I know it would be subjective analysis but has anybody ever looked at how many games were stolen by our goalies vs how many games were stolen by opposing goalies last year?

the only time I have been comfortable with our goaltending in the last few years is when Smith stayed in the crease.

when Smith would wander (countless times a game) I would get the “ oh, this isn’t end well” vibe, kinda like how now, whenever the opposing team takes a shot on net.

probably just DOD trauma but I know I’m not the only one.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Right there with you.


I’m not sure I ever lost the DOD goalie trauma, other than for some fleeting moments, like Talbot in 16-17, and whenever Smitty got on a heater.

I basically expect the puck to go in every time the other team shoots. That way I’m actually pleasantly surprised whenever a shot accidentally hits one of our goalies and stays out.

Less stress that way.


⬆ THIS ⬆


The OIlers don’t hang out in front the the opposing net and create chaos. They are a rush team with not so great shots (apart from Draisaitl) who use puck movement and passing to get the goaltender moving. Many teams now play a collapsing defense against them.

The Oilers have to develop an “off-speed” pitch, where instead of always trying to make a skill play, but to occassional shoot early and crash the net. The Oilers offense is one-speed, and the goaltender and the defense can prepare for one thing.

A 100 mph fastball is a great weapon, but it doesn’t make a starting pitcher, unless the pitcher has an offspeed pitch.

McDavid should dump the puck into the corner occassionally and let Kane go and soften up the D men. Get Kane into the game.

And Woodcroft has to get the 3rd line over 15 minutes per game. They are part of the change-up, but he is not playing them enough, and he should be giving them and Kane some PP time to get their offense started.

Woodcroft is overplaying McDavid and Draisaitl.

Woodguy v2.0

Draisaitl’s early goal was all crash and bang


And then the OIlers reverted to trying to pass the puck into the net all the time. One has to occassionally show something different.

The 3rd line can do some of that, but Woodcroft hardly played them.


I agree, generally, with this premise of the Oilers being a rush team and don’t generate a ton off the in-zone structure game but I don’t think that lines up with last night’s games.

The Oilers were in the offensive zone, creating, crashing, banging, retrieving, etc. all game long.

The Oilers have a “finishing” problem – Neither Kane, nor Hyman, nor Brown, nor anyone in the bottom six, is a plus finisher.

Woodguy v2.0

“The OIlers don’t hang out in front the the opposing net and create chaos”

Glad you agreed your statement wasn’t true because it wasn’t.

Bruce McCurdy

When I first saw the out-of-focus pic up top I thought “why is Lowetide blaming Parkatti?” But then I noticed the tie wasn’t quite perfect so I decided “must be someone else”.

Oilers didn’t just get goalie’d last night, they got double-goalie’d. Exoercted goals were 5.2 to 2.1, let’s round to 5-2. They scored 2 fewer than expected (DeSmith) & allowed 2 more than expected (Skinner)..

Obviously it’s more nuanced than that — not Stu’s fault the bad guys got a 2-on-0 breakaway, for example — but a save would be nice once in a while. While Casey DeSmith was robbing McDavid & Draisaitl time & again, Skinner was getting beat by Jack Studnicka & Sam Lafferty. And the Oilers were getting beat by the Canucks. Again.


Oilers did not lose due to poor 4 th line. They lost due to poor tending and some pretty spotty play by the D. If one or both of these goalies don’t step up it could be a long season. Obviously Ekholm was rusty and will get better and you could say the same about Kulak. The Cult gave Bouchard a 7 and I sure didn’t see that! Right now this D core doesn’t look anything close to a contending group. The first line is not working yet? Both Brown and Kane don’t look in sync????


I really don’t know why everyone is on Ekholm for the winning goal?

Yes, Lafferty got a step on Ekholm, but Ek was still enough of a presence to keep Lafferty, a right hand shot, to the outside.

All Stu has to do is stand his ground and let the puck hit him.

Instead he backed up so far behind his net, that everyone’s first reaction was that there must of been goalie interference.

When goalies are feeling confident, they stand their ground.

When goalies panic, they fall back into their nets the way Stu did.


Lafferty ran into Skinner at full speed after he shot the puck. A full leg whip to the chest. That is why Skinner ended up going backwards.

And Lafferty got well to the inside.

Last edited 11 months ago by godot10

A “7”???????
I saw Bouchard BAD, last night!
Before the middle of the second, I had him at 11 BF*/60!

*Brain Farts



There is a House in Ottawa they call the Rising Stone. But he has five games scoreless gone and is the only NA amateur skater yet to hit the scoresheet. Will he deliver crooked (or even straight) numbers instead of bagels? All will be revealed when the puck drops at noon Bay Tree time.