Sunday Morning Coming Down

by Lowetide
  • Esa Tikkanen 16-33-49 (Gretzky line)
  • Craig Simpson 25-13-38 (Simpson-Messier-Anderson)
  • Dave Hannan 7-11-18 (MacT and Krushelnyski lines)
  • Normand Lacome 7-9-16 (Messier and Krushelnyski lines)
  • Steve Graves 3-4-7 (McLelland line)

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Game 7,1987 Oilers Stanley Cup win was my best 40th birthday present.

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

Its almost time to party.

Countdown is on.

Lets rock, next big step in the biggest of progressions.

The numbers are incredible. Best of ALL TIME individually.

Not there yet. Nothing to celebrate.

There’s no right way.

So close. Its almost time.

They’re all watching. Everyone is waiting. What. A. Ride.

Time to elevate.

You’ve been waiting for this.

Let’s Dance.

Last edited 4 months ago by SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

I’ve been taking in comments in the Vancouver media, and in the blog world, etc. The tone is totally shifted to ” we are playing with house money, even just making the playoffs was a huge success, etc.” seems like a high degree of hedging or expectations management or what have you.

Anyway with Brock out, their MVP, anything could happen. But I’m also cognizant that each individual game is basically a new series, based on the history of this playoff round. I could foresee many potential situations tomorrow, and I would definitely not be afraid to bet on a Skinner meltdown!


The downvotes are flying lately.

Is it time to get feedback? What do folks here think of the ol’ downvote?

comment image


Not as good as having the ability to block a poster.


Unfortunately, that feature isn’t available at this time. It’s a WordPress comment plugin, WP-Discuz. It’s not forum management software, so there’s no ability to block specific posters for individual users.


— I just don’t see what purpose it serves. Many here don’t like me. I can say anything and it gets downvoted

— I get this is an Oilers blog for fans. So pro oilers get all the upvotes. I doesn’t bother me per se I just find it’s a larger reflection of our online anonymity: just downvote people or “like” them rather than have discourse.

— Not sure what the ethos is behind it (the athletic has same thing but only upvotes).

— if you don’t like something; give some counter point. Similarly: it you agree with a poster add or expand to what they are saying IMO

— For what it’s worth to give context I have never given a thumbs up or down to any post. If there is something that piques my interest I reply. (As I did here!)

Last edited 4 months ago by kinger_OIL

Hey Kinger.

Yeah, there’s a lot of noise in the signal with voting. It also might stifle discussion as it’s more convenient to downvote than express the reason for disagreeing.

Would people be happier if it was setup like the Athletic with just upvotes?


— It is what it is. Likely most posters don’t “care” one way or the other. It’s just a reflection of how the internet works these days.

— I can’t help myself but post stuff. Thats how my mind works. I like exploring ideas. This place is just a place I for the most part enjoy the banter. We all like generally to share our thoughts and opinions.

— While I’d prefer more interaction and discourse, many/most prefer (or can’t be bothered or don’t have the time etc) simply a quick click.

— I just go back to the ethos : not sure what the objective is.

— I recall many years ago after many posts getting a response from LT (who I think was the first to respond to something I wrote ). Engagement isn”thrilling” in whatever form it takes on an anonymous blog I feel.


I checked out a long time ago (during the Jake V stuff) but like I said back in the day, I think it inhibits actually just talking to each other. An upvote only system would be a huge improvement.


The votes have zero meaning – I don’t vote and I don’t pay attention to the votes and I remain boggled very time someone seems to have feelings attached to downvotes on their post.

90s fan

Id like to say they have zero affect on me, like old OP here, but truth be told i dont like a bunch of downvotes. Nor would i like a comment that says “thats a stupid thing to say”.

So yes I’d rather not have a downvote option. That being said, for me, it is what it is.

John Chambers

I like getting downvoted when I throw out an unpopular opinion. It’s a good proxy for how in or out of touch you are on a subject.
Probably better to receive a thumbs down than have someone tell you yer a flippin idiot.


Henrique out for tomorrow.

Gregor mentioned this morning on the DFO Rundown that he’s barely skating.

Coach confirms “some guys that have some sickness” and been battling trough. Most are trending up.


Might as well play Carrick and get some value for the 1st rounder. Maybe Carrick will pot one he does have soft hands and he’s a smart player.


I don’t think that the coach is putting any stock in to acquisition cost when filling out his lineup card on any particular night.

With that said, Sam Carrick earned a spot on that lineup card with an effective 10 minutes last game and I presume he’s playing.


He drew a PP with some nice theatrics. With him living in the L.A area he might of took some B-movie acting lessons.


Boeser out for game 7 due to blood clot issue… no need to say more on that wasnt normal before 2021…

For the oilers this is a stroke of good fortune. Even if his defensive game is not his best attribute, he is a big part of the canuck offense (and really one of few guys scoring on skill plays and not bank shots)

Lets go win this thing!!

Chelios is a Dinosaur

I wasn’t in on this discussion but in my opinion this post should be removed as well if the discussion underneath is going to be. The initial post itself is propagating misinformation and baiting the controversy.


So, what should the power play adjustment be?

Obviously Vancouver has nullified the present PP through aggressive pressure. It’s working.

Oilers need to counter.

A lot of times set plays work as you don’t have to guess, you know where to go, and you know where to put the puck under pressure.

A power play goal is needed in game 7.


Curlock has some thoughts here.

I appreciate Curlock’s tactical posts immensely.

Interesting to read how subtle changes on the breakouts are countering Vancouver’s forecheck.


Judging by who they seem to be targeting the most on defence, it appears that Vancouver fears Ekholm.


Boeser will miss game 7 with a blood clotting issue.


That could have had a serious result. Good thing they caught it.

Elgin R

Just read that. Hoping he gets well soon but glad he will not be on the ice tomorrow.

That leaves the Dyes with Miller and Garland as skinny Pete is not getting much done.


Hmmm. Career year and blood clots. Interesting. And suspicious


You may have heard of a certain malady known for creating micro-clots that people get reinfected with…


Not a single player has tested for PEDs this year. Can anyone even name the last player to get suspended for PEDs. Do you guys honestly believe the league is this clean.


To my recollection, unless something has changed, the NHL doesn’t even test for PEDs during the playoffs.


We saw a lot of this early in the pandemic with a lot of clotting issues. But as the virus has mutated and is not causing life threatening infections for the most part I think we are probably back to baseline or close.


The Holloway goal may have pathed the way of going to the net with speed. I wish McLeod would stop doing the safe play all the time and just go for it to the net same with Foegele. Kris give these guys the green light instead of playing rope-a-dope.

Scungilli Slushy

McLeod has the hands and skating for it, not the assertiveness. It’s why he fell out of the 1st round with his skill, size and speed, and being a C

Foegele has my hands. Remember when on a breakaway he skated into the end boards with the puck? Except he’s a lot faster than I am, on my ankles


McLeod looked better in the regular season, likely overwhelmed with the ramped up intensity in the playoffs. I’m hoping this can be a learning experience for him and he works on being more engaged with the play and taking/giving more contact. If he just had a bit more Holloway in his game I feel like we’d have two potential pisscutters on our hands.


6 games.

21-18 total goals. Edm.
14-12 5v5 goals. Edm.
2-1 4v4 goals. Van.
5-3 PP goals (opportunities 20-18 Van). Edm.
1-1 6v5 goals. Even.


In Stu we trust. Really that will be the #1 key to winning the game and the crowd (I will avoid calling them fans) will be all over him before the puck drops. Hopefully they can pop a couple early and give him a lead


I trust in nothing but the team effort. Going all the way back to the eight game winning streak: This team pulls together like it did last game, Stu is enough.

Last edited 4 months ago by MushedPeas
Harpers Hair

Carolina Hurricanes


Done deal!

Rod Brind’Amour has signed a multi-year extension

(reported to be 5 years)


I’m not worried about Brind’Amour.

What’s Tulsky’s contract status?

Last edited 4 months ago by Ryan

He’s been with the org for almost a decade and 4 years as AGM – I know he’s a brilliant brain but there has been alot of “failure to meet expectations” during that time.

He and Brad Holland can assist the GM, right?


He and Brad Holland can assist the GM, right?

Tulsky is already an AGM. Do you think he makes a lateral move?

Harpers Hair

He’s already interviewed for GM jobs.

I doubt he abandons the Canes for more of the same.


I understand his current position with the Canes.

The point of my post was to cite the underperformance of the organization he is with and to suggest that, while the name is sexy to those that pine for a “math blog”, perhaps he isn’t the right guy for a GM job in Edmonton.

Foege Foegele Torpe

If Holloway’s offensive zenith is 20 goals consistently for a couple of seasons, then the draft pick was a homerun.


Did that look like a 20 goal score’s goal to you? Love the handle btw

Brashen Trell

“Based on what you’ve seen so far, who do you think Holloway could be 10 years from now?”

Comparison is the thief of joy.

Why can’t you simply allow the young man to write his own story?

Last edited 4 months ago by Brashen Trell
Scungilli Slushy

I didn’t hear that, but I hope he said ‘Holloway, dufus”

cowboy bill

That was amazing to see Skinner’s blocker come up last second to thwart the Hughs laser on that 5 on 3. And then Bouchard chirping Garland for being short. That’s what sent Garland over the deep end. LOL Helarious game within the game.

Last edited 4 months ago by cowboy bill

I might add, Garland was seemingly competing to qualify for the Olympic diving team.


Let me reprise this post for that comment.

comment image


That save settled Skinner down. He looked pretty shakey up to then. Wasn’t tracking the puck well, and seemed to be overplaying some of the shots.

Last edited 4 months ago by Oilman99

Yes that’s the way I seen it as well it’s like the light switch went on and hopefully stays on.


I was thinking this last night. Who was another rookie who had to force his way into a veteran team?

Does Kelly Buchberger fit?

Brashen Trell

Martin Gélinas maybe?

Victoria Oil

Forty years ago today, on Saturday May 19, 1984, the Oilers won Stanley #1.

Led 4-0 after two periods, but Pat Lafontaine scored two very early in the third to make things a bit tense, however the Oilers D shut down the Islanders after that. (See McCurdy, Bruce for a more detailed description of the game).

My best friend was in Europe at the time and I didn’t have anyone to watch the game with, so I ended up watching it by myself in my mother’s basement. Being superstitious, I would watch other big games there such as the 87 series final vs. the USSR.

As I was driving home in my beat-up POS 1973 Chevy Vega, I saw some people partying and honking horns on Whyte Ave. Then I drove downtown to check out the scene which was significantly rowdier but relatively pale compared to the street celebrations in the years that followed.

Bruce McCurdy

I experienced that occasion in one of my favourite places on Earth: Northlands Coliseum, Section E, Row 14, Seat 13. Sitting between my 2 buddies from back home in Newfoundland who had shared those season seats for 7 years.

I still recall many details from that game & series & indeed that entire season. Wayne Gretzky scoring his 99th & 100th goals in the team’s 99th game of the extended campaign to establish a 2-0 lead. Ken Linseman & Jari Kurri scoring powerplay goals in the first 5 minutes of the second to extend it to 4-0. After a pair of 7-2 blowouts the exhausted Islanders seemed done.

But they weren’t. The rapid Lafontaine brace at 0:13 & 0:35 of the third returned our hearts to our throats where they remained for the duration. Blow that lead & that game, & Games 6 & 7 on the Island would have been a mountain. The very last dragon to be slain was a repeat of the Debacle on Manchester, blowing a huge lead in the third period of a pivotal playoff game.

Thankfully the Oilers stiffened their spines & played textbook defensive hockey down the stretch, Dave Lumley’s 170-foot shot into the dead centre of the empty net the proverbial “icing” on the cake, as was Glen Sather’s choice of 5 original NHL Oilers to close it out: Lowe, Fogolin, Messier, Gretzky, Lumley. Only in net was that option not available, so a 7th round pick from 1980, Andy Moog, was the proxy.

Post game was incredible, we went the Jasper Avenue route & traffic was at a crawl, horns honking, folks out & about & celebrating on 5he streets & sidewalks. There was a minor collision at one 8 tersection in which THREE cars got their front bumpers locked bringing everything behind them to a standstill. No one cared.

Pure joy, city wide it seemed like. It took until the Stanley Cup parade a couple days later for a few lunkheads to gather their rock collections & create a disturbance. But that Saturday night was magic.

Last edited 4 months ago by Bruce McCurdy
Harpers Hair

I was also in the house with my friend Bob the Lawyer.

Post game we headed over to the Rose and Crown which was packed and met a couple of lovely young ladies.

Quite the birthday party for me.


They had some tasty pizza pie one of my favourites right along side Victoria pizza.


Oops I retract I had the Rose and Crown pizza mixed up with Rosebowl.

Mayan Oil

I loved Rosebowl Pizza! hAven’t been back to Alberta for years… are they still around?


I moved to a warmer climate a couple of decades ago so I’m unsure yet my tastebuds still remembers the crunchy crust with loaded toppings.


And ever since you’ve been the Oilers biggest fan.


Sure you did spillies, lol. Like the time you claimed to “pick up a chick at the bar wearing Daisy Dukes” … in February!
So when you and Bob the Lawyer met these lovely young ladies, I’m assuming this was prior to the Oilers breaking your heart some 30+ years ago? With you holding a grudge ever since?
“That’s a long time to hold a grudge”, hey.


Fantastic story

Red wolf

40 years ago today I got married. Several season ticket holders amongst our family and friends still chose to come to our celebration! Now we are about 7500 km away from Edmonton but still celebrating! Go Oilers!


Happy anniversary!


In Holloway’s post game interview he talked about how Kane gave him a pep talk when he was sent down to the AHL.

Spector’s next piece:

“Here are 15 reasons why Evander Kane’s pep talk to Holloway is bad for the locker room”


I love the kane redemption story, how many of us were troubled young men in our 20s until we found purpose, identity, community, responsibility…. redemption!


Old pirates, yes, they rob I.


Sold I to the merchant ships

Wonder Llama

Have no fear for Vancouver energy
None of them can stop the Kane


I have Vancouver’s regular time shot totals through six games as:

1 24
2 17 (19 including OT)
3 18
4 21
5 35
6 15

Less than 22 shots per 60. 19 shots per 60 if you remove Van’s outlier best game, Game 5.

Edmonton’s regular time shot totals through six games:

1 18
2 32 (35 including OT)
3 45
4 30
5 23
6 27

29+ shots per 60. 26 shots per 60 if you remove EDM’s outlier best game, Game 3.

Shots are obviously an imperfect stat, but EDM has done a good job of carrying the play for long stretches in this series, especially after the post Game-1 adjustments.

The outlier, Game 5, was marred by McDavid’s and Draisatl’s worst performances in the ’24 playoffs to date. I doubt Van has that luxury in a Game 7.

Scungilli Slushy

They have carried play through the series. The key was stable in net, and scoring on their chances this time. You have to bury your chances, and boy did they

If they do that again things lean their way. Especially if the PP gets off the schneid


Also worth noting that, in the first game for Edmonton, they turtled and tried to close it out like they did against LA. Probably would have been on pace for 30+ shots that game the way they were playing through the first period. I hope they’ve learned that they have to put the boots to them early and then never let off for a full 60 minutes


Wondering, does the coach say – ‘pack for Dallas?’

Brashen Trell

Maybe if your name is Rick Tocchet.

I don’t think KK has time for that kind of nonsense.


We have 60 minutes and an excellent team to focus on before anyone should think about Dallas.

Last edited 4 months ago by 31saves

I don’t think he’d give the other team a quote like that to rally around.


They’ll go home for sure if they win.

Quick trip home and Game 1 of the WCF is on Thursday.


Holloway! Oilers badly need some youth to score. I thought Holloway was the best Oiler in game 5 also. Going to be a wild game 7. Feels a bit like a crossroads game. Legends will be written tomorrow night. Oilers can win this but the Canucks are going to come hard. Go Oilers.


…but the Canucks are going to come hard.

As long as they can penetrate Canucks defence, the Oilers should be able to achieve a satisfying climax.

Wonder Llama

I’ll have what you’re having.

cowboy bill

I think Knoblauch has found the players and the right combinations to defeat the Canucks.
We saw evidence of that in game six. But it will be tough to accomplish against a tough Vancouver club playing at home in front of their rabid fans. It was good that Skinner got into that game and was successful. He’s primed now for game seven. Not only that, but he will be fresher than Slivos. If it comes down to a goaltenders’ duel, I like the Oilers chances. Knoblauch will keep everything the same and Tocchet might be scrambling to figure something out. Pretty exciting stuff can’t wait for Monday. Oilers are ready for this. Take care of business.

Last edited 4 months ago by cowboy bill
Reach Advantage

All 4 top 6 wingers scored a 5v5 goal

rich tm

Last night was their best game of the series by far.

The breakouts were much more connected, enabling them to beat the 1-2-2 forecheck as they got the puck off the boards to a forward coming thru the middle. They were also able to get a forecheck going as well, turning the Vancouver defense.

And LT, you’re spot on. They backchecked hard last night and prevented several potential shots (not going to call them scoring chances).

Play that way again tomorrow – and the Oilers win. I expect both teams will come out with their best, but I’ll take the Oilers best.

Last edited 4 months ago by rich tm
Scungilli Slushy

Speed is the way to beat those Orcs on the back end, as you said get them turning and make them skate

Very well executed game. They are a very hard team to beat when they play like that

cowboy bill

Game four was awesome too. They seem to be winning the even games. That needs to change on Monday in Vancouver. Be the first to win two in a row.


Some comments I found interesting in the postgame. Tocchet and several players as well as some media said basically that if you’d told us at the start of the year that we’d be in a Game 7 at Home in Round 2 we’d have taken that. Hmmm…. sounds to me they may be subconsciously just happy to be there. Also, mentioned by several VAN’s was to just “flush” last night’s game. While that may be true I hope the Oilers have also done that. Eyes on the prize boys.


Hopefully Oilers bring there A game Monday.


The Holloway goal reminded me of Messier skating through the Islander team in the final in 1984. We could of had this Holloway for the last 2 years if not for injury and Mr. Marinate holding him back. I foresee a future centre that plays the opposition bigs.

Scungilli Slushy

It would be ideal if he can play C as needed. Then if they load up there is still drive coming from 2C

cowboy bill

Slide Nuggy in there between Holloway & Kane. Or maybe slide Holloway between Nuggy & Kaner. Whatever works best.

Scungilli Slushy

Nuggy is having a lot of trouble playing in the top 6 as a winger, C not in the cards

He’s our Nuggy, but the numbers are saying ‘getting crushed at 5v5’ second playoffs in a row

Bruce McCurdy

Folks complain about Holloway being held back, but what about the counter theory that his most recent trip to Bakersfield was *exactly* what he needed at that point to turn his game around. He got on a nice roll in Bako & has maintained it since his return as, finally, an NHl-ready player.


In my opinion all he needed was playing time as well as rope to make mistakes during the dog days of the regular season. On the other side he definitely does look polished so who am l to say the minors didn’t help him.


So how is that on “Mr. Marinate”?

Bruce McCurdy

It’s a +1.


I’ve been in this camp. That goal, that whole play, was grand. It’s like he’s given Drai a new weapon to utilize. Hope it continues, can’t imagine why not.


Once it was clear that Holloway was a hockey player, all one had to do was commit to playing him come hell or high water, probably on the 3rd line. His offense came slow in Wisconsin. All one had to do was play him. The Oilers lengthened the process by about a year by dithering. He could have made the difference last year vs. Vegas like he is making a difference this year. Archaic asset management probably cost a Cup last year. And dithering with Broberg, if the Oilers don’t win this year, will like be the reason the Cup quest fails this year.

When he made the play last night 5 on 5, he literally released a ton of pressure off of the rest of the Oiler veteran forwards.

“a child shall lead them”.

Scungilli Slushy

Another problem to me with how they do things is always being a step behind evaluating players or deciding when they are ready, and thus in managing the cap

The reason the Oilers are as good as they are was signing Drai early and long to gain cap value, you have to do that with good players. And when their contract is coming up, you make the call and if you won’t have the cap room cash them in. Get into a position to be pro active with things not reactive. It would also give some leverage to not have to give ridiculous movement clauses, if they want that and you don’t, trade them

Piddling around with Nurse cost them big time, and it will with Bouch. Holloway hasn’t played enough and hopefully the next GM will make their call regardless and not bridge him. He’s turning 23, entering his prime. Sign him for 8 so when he starts scoring he doesn’t price himself off the team. Make the cap space. You have to know if you think he will be a key piece, make the decision. You can’t always be right, but it’s the way to go

Also I don’t buy that there wasn’t cap to get things done. You make the room to do things like that, which ensure the long term viability of the team. If you can evaluate players well it doesn’t necessarily make the team lesser

As I mentioned elsewhere today, I am pretty sure that they have to move a bigger contract after next season if they are keeping their 3 best players and want depth. That is a direct result of messing around and not signing value contracts or ones that will become such. Nurse at 6-7M vs Nurse at 9.25M, Bouch at 6-7M vs Bouch at 9M+, Holloway at 3-4M vs Holloway at 6-9M, big difference. Team altering

Harpers Hair

This. Exactly.

You’ve said a few times now that a bigger contract will have to move to retain McDavid, Draisaitl and Bouchard.

Should I assume you mean Nurse and how would you see that playing out?

Scungilli Slushy

If we’re just thinking about the cap, Nurse’s contract is not cap efficient. He’s not a 1st pair on this team, so that would be the one

What a terrible contract. I’ve made points many times about it, but one thing that I haven’t seen mentioned is the timing of when his 10 team list kicks in, June 1 2027, the summer after Connor’s new deal starts. Woof. Talk about limiting your options

Kane’s and Ek’s contracts are up when Connor’s starts, maybe that’s enough

Harpers Hair

Of course you have to replace Ekholm and with a rising cap that is likely to be in the Nurse range.

Replacing Kane should be easier but it’s not going to be free and likely won’t be cheap unless a prospect pops and is on an ELC.

Scungilli Slushy

Found a second. I took a guess at salaries of course, cap up 4% each year at 94.8M

Nuge Connor 14.5M Hyman
Holloway 3.5M Drai 13.5M Lavoie 2M

Nurse Bouch 9M
Bro 3.5M

Stu 4.5M

10 players at 70.37M with no dead cap, 24.425M to sign 13 players. I guess it’s doable. For me I’d only have 3 big contracts at some point like following June 1 2027, or before. That would get the top 3 down to 37.5% of the cap if the cap was up to 98.5M 2027-2028

I would also try to structure timing so I can get any young player I believe in at a decent cap hit and long. Might not be possible being so top heavy


I guess it’s doable.

That’s what I’ve seen when I’ve looked as well.

Lots of folks are very worried about it, but it is not likely the Oilers will be forced to trade a big contract due to the Cap.

They may do it, but with the rising cap it probably won’t be necessary.


How was he held back by the GM.

He played 51 NHL games last season and 12 in the NHL and he was on the NHL roster until the trade deadline this season.

If anything its on Woodcroft’s deployment, not “Mr. Marinate” and, of course, lots on the player himself who often did not grab the various real opportunities up the lineup provided.


Do you think Seth Jarvis who was picked just before Holloway was more N.H.L ready than Holloway? It took some growing pains but Seth is finding his rhythm and scored 33 last year and the sky’s the limit for this 22 year-old kid.


Yes, yes I do.

Holloway coming out of college with the scaphoid break that required a second surgery and a lost year of hockey was substantial.


Such a great game to watch. You want to see the powerplay get back on track, but winning by a big margin without it is also encouraging.

Glad to see that goaltending wasn’t the story one way or another. That was a team win through and through.


Totally agree with you on Holloway LT. Maybe the Oilers have found the top 6 winger they have been looking for all year. I would be comfortable starting next year with the current top 6.
If the Oilers trade Kulak or Ceci this summer to make room for Broberg they would actually have a little cap space to play with. The problem is it would only last for 1 year and then Draisaitl and Bouchard will be getting paid.
If they were to trade Ceci, buyout Campbell, sign Desharnais for 1.75 and Broberg and Holloway for 1 million each, they would have approximately 12 million left to sign 5 forwards and 1 defenseman. That should leave them enough room to get 1 top 4 dman OR 1 top 6 forward in that 5 million dollar range. The trick is to find one with 1 year left on his contract.
Or they fill in the roster with cheap depth, accumulate cap space, and go after a big time rental at the deadline.

Scungilli Slushy

They shouldn’t buy out Campbell, they need those millions

A decent NHL player on the roster has far more value than a low first rounder does

They can work extra hard finding players to stock the system with


Not sure I understand this comment. Can you explain in more detail?
I agree, they do need those extra millions. That’s why I am suggesting buying out Campbell.
I don’t understand the reference to the 1st round pick. I never suggested trading for a pick, or trading a pick.

Scungilli Slushy

This is the buyout savings and cap hit
24/25 3.9M/1.1M
25/26 2.7M/2.3M
26/27 (key year) 2.4M/2.6M
27/30 1.5M these are the extra years post contract end

You are saving money on the contract cap hit but the residual cap hits are dead cap. 25/26 is Leon and Bouch new deals, Connor the year after. Next year is the last of Neal’s buyout that has lowered the cap available by 1.9M for years. 1.9M buys a pretty good NHL depth player

Being so top heavy you just can’t waste cap. It’s a depth killer and there aren’t a bunch of ELCs knocking on the door. Depth is how you win Cups. The next GM has to be very focused on cap efficiency and being able to find helpful inexpensive players

The analytics department has a huge role coming up, if they are smart enough to use them looking for good players that are undervalued or unvalued by teams. Gustav Forsling was a waiver pick up and is playing 1st pair for the Panthers, for example. Devon Toews plays first pair at the cost of two 2nd round picks. They are out there, have to value the right things (ability over size and the like) and find them

To me it is far better to use players that you need to move if possible, prospects or draft picks to get rid of the contract so the team can be as good as possible. I think that it is realistic to move Campbell clean, yes it will cost but I’m arguing it’s worth it and the right way to go, we just haven’t seen a lot of creative deal making in a while

Yes it depletes things further, but the team can be stronger in the years ahead, and that’s the most important thing. If they get busy looking for players to get outside of the draft they can restock the system. It’s getting better but not a lot of effort has been put there under Holland

Harpers Hair

The Kings may have provided a template in their actions to get rid of Cal Peterson whose cap hit was also $5 million.

“Two Kings roster players, the beleaguered Petersen and resilient defenseman Sean Walker, were shipped to Philadelphia. The Kings received two depth minor-league players, defenseman Kevin Connauton and forward Hayden Hodgson.

They also sent a 2024 second-round draft pick and prospect defenseman Helge Grans to the Flyers, who also received a conditional second-rounder and a first-round selection, originally belonging to the Kings, from Columbus.

The Kings will also retain a portion of the salary of defenseman Ivan Provorov, who will move from Philadelphia to Columbus, and included the futures as a means of shedding Petersen’s contract.”

The Kings ended up with a shorter term of pain by retaining $2 million on Provorov for two seasons.

Scungilli Slushy

Hopefully it won’t be that bad. Petersen in the A was .902 in 28GP, Campbell .918 in 33

Jack has some game left in the right scenario. San Jose has no D and no goalies and one 1st round pick in 2026 and lots of cap. Ceci and Kulak are lower cap hits and have value because they are NHL quality players playing on a contending team and Ceci is a RD. Maybe something along those lines


Interesting trade scenario.
So something like Campbell, Ceci and the 2025 first for someone like Kostin?
Does San Jose have the cap room for something like that?
And do they want to use all that cap room just to acquire a 1st rounder?
Or would they rather just tank for a couple more years, and put together some high end talent?
Ceci and maybe Campbell makes them a better team next year, but is “marginally better” what they really want?
If I was in charge, I would continue to tank and collect as much young talent as I could. I would only start adding veterans when I thought the team was ready to contend for playoffs.

Harpers Hair

San Jose has $38 million in cap space but I agree they are unlikely trade partners.

For starters, they already have two first round picks in the next two drafts and are much more likely, as you say, to just run lean until the Vlasic and Couture contracts expire.

They have a legit #1C, Will Smith, killing it (71 points in 41 games) at Boston College and of course hold the best chances of drafting Macklin Celebrini in the upcoming draft.

Much more likely they build out down the middle and add D through the draft.
They have Pittsburgh’s first pick in the upcoming draft which is full of RD prospects on most lists.

They will need to add a couple of veteran D in the interim but I can’t imagine they will need to incur any long term pain to do so.


All good points.
I guess it would come down to the cost to trade Campbell with no retention.
My two counterpoints would be 1. That cost is going to be dear, and 2. The Oilers have a real shortage of carrots( picks and prospects)
If they blow their trade capital on trading Campbell, what do they use to improve the team for next year?

Scungilli Slushy

It would come down to it not being really extreme, in that case it might make sense to try and play him next season and if he’s decent try to trade him then when a team gets in goalie trouble, happens every season

If they can move him clean then they will have to find low cap players to fill the roster with the extra cap. And use Lavoie if they keep him and Bro. But avoid the cap penalty of a buyout so that cap can be used every season on players

Some teams also don’t trade their first round picks. I like this approach. Trade other picks and prospects, but keep a higher pedigree prospect coming in each year

I’m sure this will be popular, but I am pretty sure after playing around with Capfriendly that after next season they are going to have to move a higher cap contract if they want to keep their 3 best players (Connor Leon Bouch) and have any kind of depth. That could bring some good assets in

cowboy bill

They have totally sorted out the top six and bottom six. Now they run with four lines like the juggernaut that they are. Can’t be thinking about next year, because that’s next year. Here we go.


Sorry Don’t understand why everyone thinks we have to buy out Campbell or give up a high draft choice to get some one to take him of our hands. mI think his time in the AHL showed he has value and maybe even tradable .A worst case scenario is see how he is next spring. Play him early and a lot and see if he has market value. If not send him to the minors again .


I think you are under estimating how much of a risk his contract is to an acquiring team. 3 more years at 5 million is a pretty big commitment for a 32 year old goalie who spent most of the year in the minors, no matter how well he played down there. I think the Oilers would have to add a pretty big carrot to move that contract.
Now they could keep him, but it would really restrict any improvements they could make to the roster next year, and they would surely have to buy him out next summer in order to sign Draisaitl and Bouchard.

Scungilli Slushy

It is but there are teams looking to acquire things to build with and have cap space. And there is also the chance Campbell is playable in a non Canadian lower intensity market. TO and Edmonton are probably the worst places for him mentally other than Montreal


Good thought experiment for sure. If Desharnais continues to succeed on the second pair with Nurse, I can’t see how he we can expect to sign him for any less than $3million. I’m not saying they should or will pay it, but a 6’7” right shot D that can be trusted to play hard minutes is an expensive player.


You may be right, but I’m not sure he has proven he can succeed on a second pair with Nurse.
I love the way he defends, but his puck skills and mobility are marginal for an NHL defenseman.
I’m not sure he’s the right partner for Nurse. Would prefer a better puck mover in that spot.

Scungilli Slushy

I love Vinny’s story but his skill and skating ability are an issue for a team like the Oilers. Agree he’s not 2nd pair able, and for me Bro needs a better partner or he will not be able to do what he can and develop like he could

I don’t think it’s possible anymore to carry/hide a player for use on special teams. They have to be good at all phases for their place on the depth chart


Every Stanley Cup winning team has big physical d-men like Deharnais.It is a no brainer that they have to keep him.


Deharnais continues to play 3rd pairing minutes at 5 on 5 (along with high PK minutes), even after the pairing change. He played 13 minutes at 5 on 5 last night, less than both Bouchard and Ceci.

I think Vinny is an impactful Oiler in his role and his PK work is highly valuable.

At the same time, $1.75MM – $2MM per is the max this organization can go.

If he wants to leave the Oilers to find an extra $500K per year, that is his choice but the Oilers cannot over pay their bottom of the roster players for term that eats in to the 2025/26 cap when Drai and Bouchard’s extensions kick in.


I’m sometimes shocked when you speak with such authority about things you have zero control over.

I imagine Oilers make decisions without consulting the fan base. (Even if the fan base is correct)


I posted some facts about his deployment and then an opinion.

Is it necessary to put “in my opinion” prior to ever sentence posted that is not providing a fact?

I imagine the Oilers made decisions on their lineup last night without consulting the fan base but yet there were dozens of comments discussing the same……

What an odd post.


Kudos to KK for finally removing Perry from the lineup. The Oilers as a whole look significantly faster without him.


Yeah he’s done.

Jethro Tull

Kris Kristofferson? Well, he did write the song…


KK Downing

Woodguy v2.0

Don’t forget Glen Tipton


I’m not sure that Carrick over Perry or Ryan elevated to 3rd line over Perry makes the team faster but Ryan has a history of success with McLeod and Foegele and it made that line better last night and Carrick, a guy I have been hard on in recent weeks, made a positive impact last night.

The Oilers, as a group, set the pace of play last night and were much crisper and more connected than the prior game – they played faster for sure.


As president of the Holloway fan club I approve LTs message.
Got a Hyman lite

Scungilli Slushy

I’m not so sure about lite

He probably won’t score 50, but he is a more rounded player than Zach

If he can stay healthy could have quite the impact


He probably won’t score 50 but, at Holloway’s age, Hyman was a 10 point player in the NCAA……..


I know there has been a lot of talk about Bouchard vs Dobson. But the bigger thing that should be discussed is everybody else that didn’t draft Hughes, Bouch or Dobson coming out of the draft after drafting 4-17going wait you guys got a franchise D? All I got is this lousy Zadina


Last night = 5-1 5×5 goals for versus against.

In the small sample that is the playoffs, going plus 4 in that metric really swings the fancies in your direction.


The team heard HHs complaints

cowboy bill

They may have been listening to Tocchet too.


The goal from Holloway was spectacular – the speed and power and finish but, along the way, he outbattled Pettersson, got Hughes turned the wrong way and burn him to the inside, blew past Hronek and then buried it.

More than anything for me with Holloway is his play with the puck in the offensive zone. The game is clearly slowing down for him as he’s holding on to the puck and looking to make plays with it. He’s not just using that motor to create chaos and turnovers for his linemates but he’s making plays with the puck, finding space, etc.

A ways to go, and consistency is the next step, but he’s arriving in real effing time!

Brashen Trell

Ya. Everyone loves it when Holloway scores. Beauty!


Did everyone notice the awesome defensive play that Bouchard made on the shift that he scored his goal? Did everyone see the battle with JT Miller in front of the net? Did everyone see his trash talk on the ice (plus the clips on Oilers plus of his on-ice trash talk)?

The player is no longer poor defensively (and, actually, plus defensive player).

The player is not soft.

The player does have emotion in his game.

4-0 goals at 5 on 5

11 shot attempts

Ekholm played 6 and half minutes less than Bouch (and 7 minutes less at 5 on 5) – he is so much more than his partner and other players he’s on the ice with.

Top 10 2-way d-man in the NHL, on his way to top 5.

Scungilli Slushy

I’ll agree when he gets the huge mistakes out of his game

He’s made big strides, but that brain freeze in game 5 was a killer, can’t happen

I was saying a while back that Bouch was already better than Barrie with many red thumbs down and points based arguments against, so it’s not like I am not a huge fan of Dad and his immense skill. And the beautiful accurate rockets of his 3 deadly shot types


The mistake “can’t happen”, I agree, however, at the same time, when was the last big mistake like that?

Seriously, was it a month ago? Two months ago.

Does any d-man not make a big mistake like that every couple of months?

It wasn’t a giveaway, but the soon to be Norris Trophy winner Quinn Hughes got walked by a player that was in the AHL earlier this year for a huge goal against.

Scungilli Slushy

To me the top D don’t do things like that virtually at all. Every player gets beat at times, but that was a different thing. Some players make very few mistakes ever, especially in big moments, that’s what makes them top players

Bouch was looking up ice and forgot to make the play at hand first. He didn’t see the guy chasing him around the net or the guy right in front of him until it was too late, and it cost a goal that deflated the team at a key time. It didn’t lose the game, but it sent it in that direction

I think with the growth we’ve seen this season from Bouch it was a lesson he will learn from, but for me not quite there yet. And he may never get past those moments, some don’t, but I hope so


I agree that Hughes mistake was different than the Bouchard game-5 mistake. I don’t think I agree that the top d-men don’t make egregious mistakes like that a few times per year. I’ve seen Doughty do it. Lets also not forget the minutes Bouch is playing and the amount of time the puck is on his stick.

We’ll see how he looks in October/November – his current trend is to start a season as a VERY high event player both ways.

For the last while, he has not been a high even player defensively and, if he can got that type of mistake down to once a month or so – wow!

Brashen Trell

Totally. The only thing stopping this team from being a dynasty is the salary cap.


Nuge was awesome on the PK last night in particular on the 5 on 3 and this included a couple of big faceoff wins. 3 points at 5 on 5 is gravy to his elite special teams impact.

I know that was put out there last night (first from DevilsLettuce) but the only players with more points in the playoffs than Nuge:


That’s it – that’s the list.

Brashen Trell

God Bless RNH!


Ekholm didn’t play in the last 8-9 minutes of the game last night and his shifts per period went from like 10 to 6 to 3 (or something like that).

Now, I presume him not playing late was simply a function of the him being ill and the game being essentially over and not a function of something physical that happened but something to monitor I think.

cowboy bill

He was already resting up for game seven at that time.


Presumably but you never know.

Scungilli Slushy

That was a very satisfying game. They are so good when everyone is on the same page

Also so glad for Stu. Can’t wait for tomorrow

cowboy bill

Won’t be hard for the Oilers to get up for this one.


Well at least we’re scoring goals at 5v5! 🙃

Strange series.

cowboy bill

It will be interesting to see the script for next game. Maybe special teams will jump back into the forefront.


And at least two Canadian franchises raked in their moola too one could note. Also, the rivalry has ramped up for the future entertainment.


Dylan’s Creek.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

I was in high school by 97 so 80s Oilers were a living memory though only just so that Cujo/Marchant OT is my gold standard for game 7s. Very different feel that team to this one. They were never expected to win the series, everything was house money.

And tomorrow might be the biggest game of my adult life. I only really care about the Oilers, I don’t really get too excited for international hockey so Oilers supersedes any Olympics… and the Flames series never pushed to this level of intensity. 2006 was like 1997: House money and totally unexpected. The Canucks however, beating them in their barn and just ending this pipe dream for them is a different feeling. But a loss is going to sting worse than any other non Stanley ending. Cannot let Van take this. And when they don’t, I’ll have a new #1.


I’m right there with ya maybe a couple of years younger..I remember being allowed to stay up and being super excited when the oilers won the last Stanley in 90 like being a rookie on the team just thinking that it would be like this everyear ! Add to the fact that we were living in Calgary at the time and my old man allowed me to wear my oilers jersey to school for the whole next week…i wonder why I didn’t have many friends.

97 the Todd Marchant goal I remember the post season holding up honk for oilers signs on st.albert trail after and before the games. Still young but i understood that this didn’t happen all that often.

The 06 run was historic for me in terms of truly getting to live the highs and low of a season/long playoff run as a young adult. Lost a lot of brain cells that summer and at least one of my eyebrows on Whyte avenue…

Then the DOD came I don’t even want to go there.

But because of it I’ve really enjoyed these last few seasons and as adult now. Reading the Stat lines 2nd guessing the coaching decision finding this great place (Thanks Lowtide) and complaining about late night start times…

Anyway I agree with you Win or lose game 7 tommorow just has a different feel for it then the last few seasons. Things are going to change next season regardless of which way the game goes. Although I believe the the changing will be two different types of changes based off of the results tommorow.

GO OIL GO !!!!!

Last edited 4 months ago by Farris
cowboy bill

I guess that means I’m a Dinosaur like Chelios.