Game 1, Stanley Cup Final: Oilers at Panthers

by Lowetide

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Vinny and Broberg should be fresh.

Optimism is like heroin

I know we all hate when the coach puts McDavid and Drai together. Looking at high danger chances at nst there is support for the tactic however. Thought has to be to score 1 as soon as possible then see.

Together this playoffs they generate chances at a much higher rate together.
Together they generate 39.33 scf/60 and 17.5 hdc/60. Apart is averaged to 27 scf/60 and 12 hdc/60.

Also fatigue can’t be an issue. They just had a week off and at least an extra day between every game for the finals. No reason not to load up.

Tonight we got goalied but I have more confidence about the ultimate win after this loss.


Knobs consistently runs McDraiMan after a penalty kill, depending on what the opposition’s PP lineup was. This no one really has an issue with. It’s taking advantage of what is more often then not, weaker Dmen and 3rd liners.

He has also runs McDraiMan with Bouch/EK when there is a TV time out or definitely within the last minute of a period. Both are leveraging the fact that they can empty the tank because they’ll immediately get a rest.

Optimism is like heroin

Yes that I get and I don’t think anyone has issues with those deployments. They do also go to the whip when trailing, usually by the 2nd period.

Reach Advantage

One also has to factor in the effect it has on the other lines as well.

Also is there a deteriorating affect. What I mean is, what are the numbers for their first shift together, second, third, fourth? Does it get worse the more they play together in a game? (again plus what happens to the other lines)


I was getting incorrect toi data from Natural Stat trick during the game. It was showing Ekholm as the least amount, so I thought he was injured.

Rafa Nadal

Not sure why the coaching staff didn’t give Broberg a sniff before the last 2 games of the season. He is clearly an NHL defenseman and is picking up steam.

Harpers Hair

Broberg was very, very good.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Great first game on the road.

A few adjustments to be made but Florida is beatable.


We were by far the better team

Reach Advantage

McDavid didn’t stay high as F3 on goal 1

Once again Knoblauch loads up line 1 and the game deteriorates. That’s exactly what happened last time. We were doing great until then. Panicked.

Apparently gotta shoot high on Bobrovsky

Perry stupid penalty. Some say it was weak. It was undisciplined as well.

Coffey looked pissed at someone after the second goal.

Heightened nerves can affect finishing. May have affected some of those non finishes tonight. Gotta have that Striker’s calm inside.

Ice Sage

Well to me the Oilers had a lot of try but not much danger. Fla blocked out just enough for their goalie to mop up some fairly pedestrian chances.
Fla also had the slight edge in physicality and shut down the Oilers PP.

So, good for them, the series is following the pundits’ predictions.


Well, that’s getting goalie’d.

We made two key mistakes, and they went into our net.

We’re on to Game 2.


I think Maurice HAS to be in panic mode… we dominated the best 5×5 team in the league


One previous series Oil lost game one, they bounced back and triumphed. Expect the same resilience here! Just gotta bear down on chances.

Scungilli Slushy

Panthers finished their plays to the net front

The Oilers whiffed on breaks and did not get pucks to the front to guys with space to shoot and time

This has been an issue forever. It’s why the are punks at 5v5 GF%

Also Leon with 18 million high danger turnovers. My Gord pls stop!!!!

If he doesn’t and they lose there is no way I pay him 14M or whatever



Did you even watch the game???


Normally you make good points.
Jesus read what you just posted


Shit happens on the way to glory. Tonight, Bob was that shit… he’s an f’n wall, but we were told his weakness was upstairs, did no one mention that to our shooters?!
I actually thought we played pretty well overall. Just need to get some shots higher, and create a little more chaos (including bump ‘n rub him) in front of him. He will open up.

Professor Q

I saw them trying in the late 2nd and 3rd. More blocker side shots and some 3rd and 4th liners shooting high blockers that seemed to rattle him. He barely closed his armpit on the one shot, and seemed stressed. They just need more of that next game. Just a few to start and I think they can get a groove going for a few games.


Down low the guy is impregnable, wrap-around attempts should be intended to pull him wide and create rebounds to the open side, rather than trying to sneak one by him. Keep the pressure up on him, go right at him, block his view, push defenders into him, just plain disrupt everything in front. Then finish. Seems simple enough huh!?

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

I mean if that’s all Florida has to offer that’s just peachy.

I’ll take the odds of McDrai solving goalie Bob a lot more than I’d take FLA pitching shutouts while getting outshot and outchanced 2×1.

This is the weakest defensive team they’ve played since the L.A. series.

Foege Foegele Torpe

SayIt’s So Gretz!


The forwards were a mess tonight. Knoblauch has to resist the urge to McDrai.

I think

McLeod Draisaitl Foegele
Kane Henrique Holloway
Janmark RyanCarrick Brown

I prefer Holloway and Kane with Draisaitl, but the need to balance out the lines is more important. So give Henrique the better wingers, and Draisaitl the “junk”.


Foegle cannot come anywhere near top 6. He has proven that time and again. Same as Nurse and Ceci should also not come anywhere near each other as a pairing.


Perry is too slow.

Scungilli Slushy

No Bob narratives pls

They didn’t take one shot that was a hard one


Hate that the narrative is going to be that their forwards shut down McDavid when it should be that Bobrovsky shut down the Oilers

Admiral Ackbar

Don’t change a gord darn thing outside of getting Nurse and Ceci to clean up the blunders….. tall order, I know. Or just sit one of them if Vinny is good to go. Their forecheck is hard and chaotic. Wild how there aren’t more jailbreaks against.


Time for Nurse Broberg and Kulak Desharnais.


Broken record since last September.


You are a charming broken record 😉


Agreed. It’s time for Ceci to take a seat.


They played really good. Liked it. Got some flashbacks to the Winnipeg series. But I’m confident they figure it out this time. Fingers crossed…


Holloway continues to impress. Carrick replaces 37, methinks.


My eyes saw Perry as less effective than Foegele


Foegele was forechecking more effectively.


I think he might replace Perry, by far, the worst forward tonight.

Scungilli Slushy

Foegele does zero with the puck. The rest looks energetic

Foege Foegele Torpe

He has the Todd Marchant wheels,
but sadly the hands to go with it


He’s a chicken with his head cut off.

Scungilli Slushy

That’s a great one

Or a high speed boat with a tiny bit rudder


A dart without feathers


Got a case of the Yakupov bees

Foege Foegele Torpe

One of the all time classics!


Now the trick is to play the same game on Monday. If they can duplicate this performance they’ll win 4 out of the next 6.


Yeah I like their chances if they bring that game every night.
Don’t know what they are going to do about Nurse and Ceci though. Don’t see how they can leave them together. Nurse did not have a good game. Bad reads on both goals.
Couple of other observations
1. Cory Perry is done. Expecting 30 yr old Perry to reappear is just foolishness.
2. Evander Kane needs to be better. Maybe it’s just the injury, but he really hasn’t been a factor in many games.


Good news is Florida looks very beatable…


Oilers played great. Shit happens.

Kane is looking too slow out there. His injury might be too much to be effective in these games.


Agree on the first part. Kane was fine. Even with his injury he is value added to this team


Why run bouch and Mcdavid half the game. Just because you deserved to win doesn’t mean you get to win. Regroup and come back in two days. 80 times out of a 100 you get a win


Nurse / Ceci

GF 0 / GA 2


Nothing to do with Nurse.

Backtrack failure by Hyman and perhaps McDavid on first GA.

Ceci and Kane on the 2nd GA.


I think the D should know how to play a 3 on 2


Disagree, as Nurse was far too wide on the first GA.

Last edited 3 months ago by oilblue99

Even on the second, he was in no-man’s land.

Bottom line, Nurse – Ceci pairing has been been caved in all playoffs. Split them up.


I agree on the forwards, I’ve posted this earlier. But, Nurse didn’t make good plays on either goals against.


Protect the middle of the ice on a 3v2. No reason for Nurse to be that wide, and no reason for Ceci to pressure Barkov and leave the middle since Barkov was on his backhand.

2nd goal Ceci got beat to puck and Nurse wasn’t ready.


That’s how I saw it too for both goals.

As for down votes (here and above) re: Nurse going too wide on the first GA, I’m stumped. How was it the right play to vacate the middle? Yes, McDavid was too low in Florida zone, and that lead to the rush. But if the D stayin the middle, it’s not a GA: Nurse stays with Barkov, there’s not much of a chance on net (McDavid was catching up, and could take Reinhar along boards; Ceci stays in middle…then no open slot for Verhaeghe, and if Verhaeghe stayed closer to blueline, Hyman was there, for any passes to a trailer from Reinhart).

if the concern was Barkov picking Nurse to give Reinhart a path to the net, mcDavid was right there (Reinhart had slowed and McDavid was gaining ground).

Maybe I’m missing something, but there’s no comments thus far, just down votes. Somebody care to explain how it was correct execution by Nurse?

I’m not hanging the game on Nurse (they were goalied, it happens). Just disagreeing with godot’s assertion that Nurse had nothing to do with either GA.


Nurse made one excellent hit on Tkachuk behind the Oiler net. But the problem is that neither Nurse nor Ceci can pass the puck out of the Oiler end, and when either one skates the puck out, the other one also gets out of position. There has to be someone who can pass well on each defensive pairing.

Scungilli Slushy

It’s the same 3-4 higher TOI guys all the time. It’s the difference from scraping by and dominating


If I was them, I would be worried.
They were outclassed in every area but goalering.
If boop faulters, they are toast.
Skinner only has to be a lil bit better.
Ill take this game we played and expect to win 97 out of 100


Agreed. Lots of good signs, despite the L.

Munny 2.0

Like I said this morning, we’re fielding more talent but need to finish our chances, and take advantage of powerplays… and well execution just wasn’t there tonight. Still early, but better find that mojo before they run out of tarmac.


Looking forward to the Game 2 adjustments


Maybe score?
What else you tell them? Have fun out there?


Shoot from everywhere. Better backchecks Split 25 and 5.

SayItAin'tSo, Gretz, SayItAin'tSo!

Florida sucks.

Honestly, they play like L.A., they suck. just do the same thing on Monday.


The Oilers are the worst at 6v5.

Admiral Ackbar

When was the last time the scored on one?!


We’re at least the worst at pulling our goalie. After two terrible pulls against Dallas, who calls Skinner to the bench when Bouch picks up the puck below our own hashmark? There was an active forecheck and no guarantee that we were going to get past the centerline.


Not really much to say about that game other that the Oilers put in quite a dominating performance at 5 on 5 but a combo of Bob playing very well and the Oilers not bearing down and execting/finishing with a couple defensive miscues and the game is lost.

This game is on lack of finishing/executing and Bob, WAY more than the couple of defensive issues as, truth be told, the Panthers made materially more egregious defensive blunders leading to 5-alarm chances.

The loss suck, 100%, but he game is also encouraging knowing the Oilers can take it to this team and they goals will come – this group WILL start to finish.

P.S. Broberg is going to be a star in fairly short order!



It’s just game 1 and Florida needed their goalie to steal a win.


Broberg with almost 2 mins more TOI than Nurse


Broberg has arrived. He moves the puck extremely well. And on his off hand side.

Go back to Nurse-Kulak. Run Broberg and Vinny together.


Nurse has the lowest TOI of all dman. Maybe KK will scratch him for a game and play Vinny instead. Nurse has to figure this out.


Nurse seems oblivious to defensive details when they matter most.


As I have said, Broberg is already the third best defenseman on the team. And he is just getting started.


Bro looked silky smooth skating the puck up the ice and was quick on retrievals. Also, he’s not getting knocked around like he used to.

McD and Kane both failed to stay with their man on the GA. Kane’s mistake more egregious to my eyes, left Rodrigues all along in the kill zone. McD caught below his man in o-zone, perhaps thinking Nuge was gonna get the puck. A reasonable gamble that didn’t pay off.


Let’s break some hearts…


I don’t like how much we’re playing the top guns chasing this game


It’s absurd. Again.

Why panic to McDrai so early?

Cheshire grin on Paul Maurice

Munny 2.0

That’s funny. Just had a week off and this series is the most spread out series in the history of the game. Too many minutes is simply not a factor at this point.


McDrai doing lots of D zone defending with Barkov….

Munny 2.0

Drai schooled by the forecheck there


So who is in and who is out next game? I’d try Vinnie for Ceci, Gags for Perry.


Foegele and McLeod both butter soft


Gotta save Gagner for the home game energy.


There is absolutely no chance that Gagner is getting in without 3 forwards that can’t play due to injury.


Houston, we have a problem.


Ekholm is the last Oilers d in toi.

Admiral Ackbar

Keep playing this game. You might lose. That’s always a risk. But keep playing it. You’re the better team. Bob will break.


Right now.
Empty The Tank!!!


Is Ekholm injured?


Broberg is playing more than Nurse and Emholm at 5v5.


Makes sense, he looks good so far. You’re already down 2, it’s only game 1. If he has a growing pain type moment now’s a good time to learn when the goalie at the other end is doing the Conn Smyth thing.


He looks like Ceci when he pivots

Munny 2.0

Another early whistle on Bob scrambling to cover the puck

Munny 2.0

Excellent kill. Good to see they still got it




We have now gone a full game 4v5 and outscored our competition 1-0. That is insane.


That was a weak weak call that we would never get if we were up 2-0


The same as the call on Bennett. Interference.


The severity of the play was not comparable


Severity is irrelevant to interference.


Several Oilers had done some pick plays in the last few minutes, was probably cumulative

Admiral Ackbar

Good gord that’s a weak call… how often does that happen in a game? And in the 3rd period…

Last edited 3 months ago by Admiral Ackbar
Munny 2.0

Holloway held preventing a scoring chance but Perry gets called seconds later on interference that has been happening all game