Taste The Floor

by Lowetide

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Team is well out of balance. Not by position but by chemistry.

All calm vets. They need some fire.

They don’t have enough Jam. It is not a moar bigger thing, it’s moar tougher, moar battle, moar intensity

I seen several runs at McDavid in several games. No response.

Every single team is ready for the Oilers and study how to beat them. The Oilers responded by simply trying to do more Connor and more Leon stuff.

In fact they needed to win through beefing up the bottom six, to allow top six to do their thing.

If you are getting blown out and display low enthusiasm, can you at least throw a hit? No, we don’t feel like it. Can you take a fight? No thanks. Then What’s the plan? We are waiting on Connor.

They landed on a third line that was excellent in playoffs but no chance to perform like that for 82 games.

And they completely underestimated all the physicality coming this season. Skill alone is not going to work fellas. You better find some battle, and find some battlers in a big hurry.

Lewis Grant

When McDavid was announced as Conn Smythe winner, and wasn’t there to receive the award, I immediately thought:

McDavid and the Oilers are going to pay for this in spades.

Bettman hates to be shown up.

The Perry non-goal may be the first of a few calls to go against us.


The target on the Oilers back is as big as its been since 1990. Every time you level up, the target grows.

That and the defence is as marginal as we all suspected.


Yeah, I think even if the Oilers have a 20-game losing streak to start the season, no NHL team is going to take them lightly like they did last year. Oilers have to figure out how to play hockey when the season starts.


And not rely on a coaching change to snap them out of their funk.


So that goal Corey Perry scored with the Ducks in the playoffs against the Oilers when he was holding Talbots leg was a legit goal, but the one last night is not a goal?

*puts tinfoil hat on*
“Its the Oilers vs the NHL”
*takes it off*

Oilers have been sloppy but every team has been ready to play the Oilers. Oil made the finals last year, many media figures are picking them to win the Cup. The Oil are the measure in the West.

The Jets, Hawks and Flames have been for the most part defensively sound. Oil only have 3 goals scored, but many posts have been hit and many chances were the players have just not clicked.

They will clean up the defensive side of the game.

Their game will turn around. Time of concern yes, but lighting ones hair on fire, not yet.


I remember screaming at the TV, “look at his pads” but all focus was on Nurse and if he pushed him into the net. All commentators were focused on the wrong thing.


We lost mom this summer. She was a great cook and always enjoyed the holidays. It being the first Thanksgiving without her, we feel the void in a big way.

It was almost written in stone that the Oilers would start the season this way. I am not sure there was any other way it could have gone.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Dr.Donkey

The loss of young fast skaters over the summer has been detrimental to both the offense and the defense. Those players, through creating chaos or open ice, not only enabled passes to connect because there was more room, but put the opposing team on its heels. The Oilers used to be the sort of team that could create chaos and space, whether through speed or agile puck-transporting, and then capitalize on it. I don’t think they are that team any more.

For some time now, I have wondered if there is a leadership problem on the team. The clip of McDavid yelling at his teammates in the dressing room during the Stanley Cup finals haunts me; in my view, it is a telling indicator that he lacks some of the essential qualities of leadership. Would you want to go to battle with someone who leads with tantrums and has nothing of value to say to the media after three losses in a row to start the season? The sullen bully boss is not someone I want to play for or battle with, I’ll tell you that.

Moreover, the fans deserve a leader who has something intelligent and insightful to say when things go wrong. A leader who is articulate and genuinely accountable to the fans rather than someone who speaks as if words do not matter and fans are unimportant. McDavid’s body language and facial expressions suggest he doesn’t have the right attitude to be a leader. He is sulky and his sulkiness permeates the whole team.

Who does that leave to be a leader on this team? Where is the mature leadership? There are too many belladonnas and not enough worker-bees. Management gave all the team’s young-blood energy and speed and fractiousness away for nothing, or next to nothing. And now it is harder than ever for the team’s creative players to find the space to make plays and complete passes.

cowboy bill

It’s too early in the season to make these assumptions.


Oh no, McDavid must’ve studied at the foot of Ales Hemsky’s body language coach. The end is nigh.


Ha ha ha you’re actually upset at the best player on the planet yelling at his teammates for rolling over after Game 2 of the Finals, maybe their worst performance of the playoffs?

Get outta here.


This is a very dramatic way of putting it.

There are many different ways to lead, by example, by individual tempered conversations, by screaming and yelling. There is a time and place for all of them.

He wasn’t throwing anything at anyone, he wasn’t screaming in one persons face, he was showing his passion as the worlds best hockey player in the Stanley cup finals of a team that was not living up to its potential.

Do you think Michael Jordan, Kobe, Messier, Pronger, were smiling and having fun when they were losing? That’s just to name a couple of the more serious great captains of history.

One scene of Mcdavid yelling at the team is such a small glimpse into what he is as a captain. One time in a decade you’ve seen this and that is what you make your decision off of. Not every moment leads to an “inspiring” clip that will be used till the end of time and it shouldn’t, that would make it nothing special. He lead the team to within 1 goal of the Stanley cup and back from 0-3.

I would be more concerned if he was just sitting there silently not showing any emotion or acknowledging where they were at.

Mcdavid meets with the media constantly, he doesn’t throw anyone under the bus, he doesn’t call out anyone, he probably could at times, it’s either “I can be better” or “We need to be better”. Unfortunately we do not get to see the personality of most NHL players like you do in other sports but it is what the NHL wants as the face of its league, no emotion and just saying the least controversial thing everytime.


I didn’t watch this nor will I. Certain aspects of a team and individuals should be private. We’ve have gotten so personal that it’s becoming creepy.


Mcdaid was bringing the fire, because nobody else was.

He shouldn’t have to. He must be getting tired of the weight.

Most of the roster are calm veterans. They will play better when pushed, but take a while to get there.

They need some fire.

Lewis Grant

I think the point may be overstated….but I also worry that there are some important grains of truth there.

A related thought: on the 1980s Oilers, Gretzky had his Messier. Does McDavid have his Messier in Draisaitl? Drai is one of the Top 5 players in the league, and it’s fair to expect some shared leadership from him. Is he getting it?


The epitome of leading by example is winning the Conn Smyth in a losing effort. And trust me, you would not have wanted to be in the room when Mark Messier lost his temper and led by example. Your comments are insulting.

General McDavid

I didn’t love it as it’s not the kind of leadership I respond to either BUT they asked some of the other players about it and it appears to be a non-issue. They said it was just Connor being Connor and the standard stuff that goes on in the dressing room after a high stakes game.

The team just went to Game 7 of the final. Leadership is not in question imo.

I think you have to give McDavid some latitude to be a human being not a perfect hockey cyborg. By my eye, Connor keeps it locked down pretty tight. When guys like that blow up, it tends to be big. That’s likely better than a C that is venting his frustrations too much.

90s fan

Too be honest, McDavid reminds me of Michael Jordan.

People did not find it easy to play with Jordan because of his lofty expectations.

Phil Jackson was able to guide the ship. Kris channeled his inner Phil last year. Can he do it again?


We had a good enough team to come within one game of Stanley.Why did we just keep the same team?We could have kept everyone once the third line was resigned.Fogele,Desharnais,Holloway,Broberg,McLeod,and even Ceci could have fallen under the CAP.We lost speed with McLeod and Holloway.Holloway,Fogele,and Desharnais were the only guys who seemed to finish hits.Ceci is a bonified NHL defencemen,and would have been a great #6 RH.If Kane,Drai,Nurse,McD hadn’t been injured,we would have won Stanley.Why blow up the same team who could have won this year with no injuries.Our management seems to think the have to fix what isn’t broken.The loss of Broberg and Halloway was a big mistake,considering they were our future.Thevsame can be said about losing Lavoie for nothing.Our new shiny Jackson team has no chemistry…..our team last year had finally reached that point!They now have to start over.


I guess it’s better off to find out the team is not balanced at the beginning. Better then fluking off a few wins and thinking all is just peachy. Now is Darnell Nurse the new PK Subban?All arrows point in that direction.

General McDavid

I’m interested to see how Knoblauch handles this.

The Oil were in such a deep hole when he took over last season that imo he was playing with house money all season.

I like and believe in Kris. Wonder if this is one of those rare moments when his cool and calm needs to be replaced with a little fire? Are we going to get a Slats trashes the whiteboard moment?

Interesting to hear Connor suggest that the team is not practicing as well as they could be.

The Stanley hangover is real and decidedly not spectacular.

Last edited 2 hours ago by General McDavid
Scungilli Slushy

I think we mostly agree that losing Bro and Holloway was a bad thing, even if they aren’t established. In 3 games Bro is 6th in D TOI, is being sheltered, has 3 points, and not great possession stats. Seems about right. Holloway is 7th in F TOI, has one point and middle looking usage. Great possession stats, mediocre goal shares

Foegele has the most F TOI, is getting an offensive push, and has no points, mixed stats results. McLeod in 4 games is 4th in F TOI, plays a more defensive role, has one point and one hit, good possession stats

To me I can’t hang this start on losing these guys. Yes they are fast and bigger, but neither Foegele Bro or McLeod are physical. The two forwards are not great offensively, Foegele because I don’t think he thinks the game well, McLeod because he’s all perimeter, and both are streaky defensively. PK is about effort, I think Stuart will bring it around, and really the biggest issue there is goalies

I liked Holloway’s game, but as LT has pointed out it’s not clear he will produce much, and he isn’t still against softer comp. I like the players they drafted this year more than these forwards in how they play and skill sets, it’s more like what’s missing

But they are a ways out, and there aren’t any easy moves to make up front this season because of contracts. They are going to have to gut it out and decide what they want and how hard they will work for it. And it starts at the top, and behind the bench. Like he did last season push the guys playing well and fade ‘anyone’ else, use the bench

That is how the coach can promote accountability and fairness and build the group. Tocchet is merciless about it, and his team plays balls out because of it, after some unhappy campers got their ducks in a row


Skinner reminds me of the Canucks Dan Cloutier. Has good stats and a good record but struggled to make big saves at big times. The 2000’s Canucks lost many series with a good team for that reason.


Cloutier is actually a pretty good comp, nice one.

Lewis Grant

Sure, full credit to Tocchet. But how long can that last? Do teams have the energy to play balls out for 100 games a year? And do players start to tune out the coach after a while?

It works when Craig Berube comes to St. Louis halfway through 2018-19. It works in John Tortorella’s first season everywhere. But does it work in the long run?

General McDavid

I love how ‘According to Jim’s caught a stray in your autopsy LT.

Come for the meh hockey. Stay for the sh+tty sitcom shots.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Cover Up Stan has a real Chiapet energy. I cannot wait to see what he cooks up if the losses continue. What team currently has the rights to Spooner???

Last edited 3 hours ago by Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve
Scungilli Slushy

A lot of criticism of the D. Goalies and defense are at the mercy of forwards. Defense are really in no man’s land when they get inconsistent forward support and the goalies can’t make saves

Maybe the forwards are too old and slow. But Hyman Skinner and Arvi can skate. Obviously Connor can. Nuge and Drai aren’t fast without a head of steam, but that hasn’t changed. Henrique is a very smart player and has wingers that can skate

This is more a mental issue I think. Play smarter, and like losing feels like the worst thing there is. I know they do hate losing, but they need to dial that down to every skirmish and play. That is what makes Doughty so good, he’s not big and can’t skate like Makar, but he’d rather die than lose anything. Wayne was like that, I think it was Johnson who said he was the most competitive person he’d ever met or seen

They need more of that cowbell, that’s what’s missing


Agreed, the forwards have been awful esp. line 1. The D do their best but we have 2 top 4 NHL D men. We need 4 of them. Kulak is an excellent 5 imo. Nurse is a mystery right now. The rest are unproven or 6-8 Dmen. This will never fly even when the forwards wake up and start scoring which they will.

Last edited 2 hours ago by oil-in-the-blood
cowboy bill

It’s definitely between the ears. Then when two goals get called back, one kind of suspect, the other was clearly offside thanks to Arvidsson, who’s only involvement in the play was being offside. The Calgary coach was praising their video guy and the fact his team stayed out of the penalty box, it was a big part of the game. I saw Stu Skinner get slashed in the back of the leg behind his net in the trapezoid, no call. I saw McDavid being interfered with constantly. But they call interference on Hyman. To add to it the Oiler PK has been poor to start off the season OMG, it has to affect the psych. Yeah, they need to play smarter. On the other hand, maybe they’re thinking too much and just need to relax. Wasn’t that Knoblauch’s message when he took over the reins last season?


It’s sad when a friend asks you if you’re coming to town to an Oilers game and you say I don’t spend money on pre Xmas break Oilers


lol, well history says that is smart. True that! See ya at game 20

Last edited 2 hours ago by oil-in-the-blood

I got nothing. It’s beyond baffling. I suppose they’re many reasons for this start. But still baffling. I won’t even try to analyze it. Just baffling.

Lois Lowe

The Oilers are slow and are playing slow. I won’t count Broberg because he didn’t play in the regular season, but losing McLeod and Holloway has had an impact.

I like the additions the team made in the offseason, but I think they’re going to have to adjust their style of play to match what they have.

I don’t have concerns about the 1st pair, but the rest of the D is suspect, and we all knew it was heading into the season.

All of that said, the team takes their lead from McD, as they go, the team does. They both haven’t been good enough and it brings the rest of the soldiers with them. The leaders will rebound and play to their standards, but what they’ve put out as yet simply isn’t what we have come to expect from them.

I’m not one, typically, to blame the team’s best players; but it starts with them. Two seasons of putrid play to begin the campaign; whatever they’re doing isn’t good enough.

I have no doubt this team will right the ship, they’re simply too talented. But they’re flawed and it shows.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Lois Lowe

Agreed, except they scored more than anybody already.

$7.1 million for Skinner and Arvidson wasn’t necessary.

That’s a nice defenceman. Add in Ceci’s money and they’re really cooking. Would have been better off wit Broberg and Hollaway.

Old and slow may become a reality sooner than later. Alternatively it may work and they win Stanley. The piper will just be paid a little later in that case.


Agree on Skinner but the Foegele/Arvidsson swap was okay. IIRC Skinner was signed quite late on opening day of free agency and set off a chain reaction that resulted in the offer sheets. Guessing it came down to a choice to pick two of Henrique, Skinner, or McLeod. Does going Henrique/McLeod result in a dual offer sheet or just a single to Broberg or perhaps a willingness to match one. We’ll never know but I also agree the signing of Skinner was unnecessary. Let’s hope it’s not 1088 games played without a playoff game. Have a feeling it’s going to take 25-30min/game for McD, Drai, Bouch, and Ek to avoid it.


Oilers soft as butter last night. Flames ran their show. Have to find some team toughness.

cowboy bill

It looked that way. Oilers started well, then slowly the Flames took over the play and the third period especially. You’d think in the BOA the Oilers would bring a more physical style? Maybe throw a hit, or something. But no Flames out hit them 27 to 13.
I think their heads aren’t in it yet.


It’s not so much them losing Holloway and Broberg, harmony is disrupted in the way they were treated. Lavoie as well. Causes others to walk on eggshells.

Last edited 1 hour ago by lenko

This is a real stretch. I very much doubt that the entire first line and Bouch are walking on eggshells or feel disrupted because of the way you think the tweener Lavoie was mistreated.


This summer after Jeff and Stan had made all their moves while losing a lot of talented and well trained youth ,size and speed I shared a few opinions to my friend another oiler fan. 1.I believe we are now too slow, too old and too small 2. most of these new adds come from losing cultures which could be ingrained in their DNA ( do all your number folks in the new analytics department have a column for that Jack ) and 3. There was a lot of weddings and other life change activities going on with the core this summer which interrupted training and focus . We will see I said but I see Storm clouds on the horizon . Fingers crossed I am wrong on all these fronts


Losing cultures?

Played to the finals with Nashville.
Played in the post season in every year but 1.

Played a total of 30 games before coming to the Oilers.

Played in the finals 2 times in his career.

I only watched the first 2 games, was at Sebastian Bach last night, he’s busted his ass all over the ice when I see him, 4 shots a game so far.

Came from an improving Canucks team, everything I’ve heard is he’s on the ice the longest of any player for practice, he’s a steady player when he’s on the ice.

Yes Skinner hasn’t been in the playoffs but that’s not a reason to say he has a losing attitude. Everything he’s done has shown to me that he’s doing what he can on the ice to help win.


Top 3 disappointments so far
3. Special Teams
2. Bouchard
1. Entire 1st line

I thought it was a mistake to break up the 2nd and 3rd lines, now none look like they have much chemistry.


I agree with this so far.

I feel bad for Emberson, I realize the numbers havent been there but this is far from a fair shake. I think he is a solid D and needs some time. This type of player treatment does not build confidence starting the way training camp was used.

I have been a Nurse supporter but he is a drag on partners, I feel for him but the decision making is poor. We really need Nurse to be the best Nurse he has been, I hope it happens, it doesn’t look good.

This is obvious but this D is just not good enough, similar to last year really but worse.
Lessons learned should be at the front of the line. Broberg says Hi 🙂

When the forwards perform poorly especially the leaders the D and tending definitely can’t hold up and don’t even tread water at this point.

Last edited 3 hours ago by oil-in-the-blood
cowboy bill

Stecher wasn’t anything to right home about with Kulak and Dermott wasn’t exactly anything special with Nurse. Emberson should be back. It might have been a good thing for him to have a bird’s eye view of what he needs to do to be successful with this team. I might add that Broberg hasn’t exactly been lights out for the Blues thus far either and either has Holloway. It’s early in the season, 79 games remaining. But who’s counting?


— I was relieved to see the end of the train g camp : I don’t care about the stuff they most were consumed with : who is the 7ths D, will do and so who has never been in the league replace the vet plug as the 14th D. Are we going to lose some guy to waiver. None of that stuff matters to me.

— But more importantly none of it matters to the team. I go back to the things that do:

— Will McDra show up ready game one and did they learn from last year and make changes and adapt and if so what?

— Will the coach and management look back and say : hey we’ve had to fire a lot of coaches: why aren’t we as a staff prepared for the season: what will we do to be better, what did we learn

— Why do our goalies suck to start season: why can’t they adapt and improve their approach so they don’t at start of year.

— How long of an extended training Camp will Nurse and whoever his partner is going to need? Was he rushed back (highlights I see don’t show him looking 100%)

— If we knew (well I figured it was going to be the same) that nothing was going to change that mattered a lot more than the stuff that was the focus of many.

— Oh well : in San Fran now flying back today: interesting to have Canadian Thanksgiving in the US : with her parents and grandmother who still alive.

— Ate at Harris Steakhouse last night : Joe Montana’s favorite spot : had the 49ers cut . Just an old-school American steakhouse : that serves Gibsons (you don’t have to explain) and $35 corkage fee to bring in Monster Wines.

— Waiter told us when the Broncos came in for the Super Bowl week rented the whole place out and it was interesting to see all the characters and personalities sitting down to eat.

— He made a neat observation of how the team so different get together like all to the teams to do a job on Sunday’s: yet they are all so varied

Last edited 3 hours ago by kinger_OIL

Oil gonna oil. Lordy.

Drove about 7 hrs total yesterday for visiting/family on turkey wkend.

Check scores when I got home. 1-0 oil. Flip on the game, feeling optimistic. 3-4 mins later, Perry scores, YES! 2-0 looking ok. Goal taken away, and yes I know, opinions/perceptions, BUT in mine, that was a goal everyday of the week. Few minutes later Skinner gets slashed behind the net, no call.
Look at my partner (she is a gem, puts up with a short rant) I ask her if she wants to watch something else.

Channel changed.

Love hockey, don’t love the NHL and the malarky that goes with some games.
Yes, I will be back for sure.


Good work. It’s important to know when to change the channel.

It’s a shame to change the channel and miss a magnificent comeback, but I think we’ve all gotten good at identifying a mail-it-in game by the Oilers.


Gretzky and Messier had bad games but Connor and Leon have been MIA for 3 games. This Oiler team is going through the motions if we lose the next game Bowman needs to shake this group up.

Scungilli Slushy

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Have a great Turkey day all!

cowboy bill

I was happy with Prime Rib at the Keg.


“Be kind to all, especially yourself.”

LT, truer words have never been spoken.

I have not posted much this season. And the start has not exactly inspired me to do so. My poor kids are besides themselves and wonder why I am not more upset. Then they point out, “You had your cups, we’ve had nothing!” I get it.

Oh well, at least it may keep the price on McDavid down!

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

I am actually thankful for last season as it broke me as a fan. I no longer stress about the Oilers missteps. Just laugh. And then enjoy the dramatic turnaround.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

Would you rather be a fan of Edmonton or Toronto? I’ll take a team that can’t start over a team that can’t finish every day.


I’m with you Bro…

Happy Thanksgiving All!

Lewis Grant

Agreed. That loss to San Jose last year to make it 2-9-1 just took away all the expectations, and helped me to remember that we’re cheering for laundry.

Haven’t stopped being a fan, I just take it a little more easily now.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Uncle Steve’s Early Season Observations:

-McD teams are pretty consistently under prepared to start seasons/series.

-Dermott on the second pair is so funny. Everyone talking about how Emberson is an upgrade on Ceci. The guy is already a healthy scratch replaced by an offhanded PTO.


Could it be that Ceci is not as bad as many claimed? Impossible!

Chelios is a Dinosaur

When I watched Ceci last year I kept waiting for some trash defenceman to show up and he kept making simple, drama-free plays with the puck.


The bad player makes 9 mil +

Chelios is a Dinosaur

The mistakes we see in these first three games were baked in weeks ago, clearly the team doesn’t know how to hold a training camp.

Last year I thought they would turn it around without a coaching change but I did submit that the start was an indication they screwed up training camp and firing the coach was accountability toward that mistake. Ok, so maybe its not coaching, but the leadership core. They need to hold themselves accountable and it can start on Tuesday against Philly.


Be kind to all, especially yourself.

Best words to live by…nuff said.

Happy Thanksgiving all.

Go Oilers.


Anyone think McDavid has lost a step? Thought this last season, but wrote it off to injury issues. He just doesn’t seem to have that explosiveness where he just takes off past and around and through the opposition. Maybe teams have just learned how to defend him better over time

It’s early and I hope I’m wrong. Typically McDavid will only have one or two game stretches of lackluster play before he rights the ship and goes on a 2 or 3 week tear. Hopefully we’re on the verge of one of those now


He ain’t old, but he’s no spring chicken neither 😉


When the Oilers were being introduced for the first game and as the players were being called they jogged out over a rubber mat and then hit the ice .When McDavid was introduced he did not jog he was actually very slow and looked like he was being very careful not to catch his blades on the rubber. He was almost traveling sideways over the rubber mat. I remember saying hmmm that did not look normal. But Hopefully it is nothing .

Last edited 3 hours ago by bcoil

No, he just knows they have to be able to win games 2-1.


Can’t remember him accomplishing anything doing his 1 on 3-4 sorties this year.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

Rinsing out my opinions from this time last year.

1_ Talent doesn’t evaporate; 2_ This is who they are, don’t get lost in the numbers, hockey is between the ears; 3_ Small sample size, actually! Three game losing streaks happen to every team all the time, calm down; 4_ Losing streaks happen because teams are playing bad not because they necessarily are bad.

On 2, especially, I am fascinated. Both by what we feel entitled toward as fans and by what the team leadership seemingly also feels entitled toward. To me, I almost don’t mind following a team of such wild highs and meh lows. Its more human. You learn more about yourself. You need to set your imagination for more possibilities. And, probably, faith, at least, in history: projecting this team especially via big data is unreliable. What’s George Mumford’s Advice/60?

Guarantee people disagree with my patience. Last year I took a ton of heat for giving them too much rope. Every time, I was told to look at how they are playing: Lazy! Disconnected! Listless! No jam! Lottery!… I held to my belief that they would turn it around and I was right.

Again, they will turn it around. Hell, I will go out on a limb: To my eye they have been trending in the right direction each game now and if they beat the Flyers, the Oilers don’t lose three in a row again this year.

But as I said last year, the Oilers are to Hockey as Disco is to music. And I didn’t just mean the pace and fun at which they play when they are flying, I extend this to the necessary duality of electrifying highs and nauseating lows. McDavid is late to the party. But who shows up to Studio 54 right when it opens? Lame tourists, that’s who. Taste the dance floor, everyone.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Chelios is a Dinosaur

Spot on.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

100%. Game one goal two I said “I have seen this movie before” and changed the channel.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

I think it is because none of the stars enjoy the defensive side. It is always a chore. In contrast with players like Toews and Kopitar, who enjoy beating opponents up and down the ice.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

I do think they need to bolster their D but we talk about the defence not standing up whenever it’s the forward group not coming back and letting them step into that gap. This team has a decent defensive structure in the middle of the ice provided the forwards are doing their job. McDavid’s line has been the worst offenders so far.

And while not in an ideal manner, technically the French won WW2!

Scungilli Slushy

Well put. I commented that it’s the top players that are failing. Connor, Leon and Bouch are the three top players, Ekholm for a while more, and until the first three start focusing on winning every shift by playing with more brains and less trying for amazing plays this won’t change

Every top player that gets to where they want to go ultimately seems to have had this decision to make. They also seem to have decided before a decade in the league. There is also that to my eye many of the eastern teams play a more playoff style all season, many teams in the west seem to play a more offensive fancier game, and try to tighten up at playoffs. But that can only work if you are getting plus saves

I’m not sure our guys are going to change. That is fine, but it puts the ball in Bowman’s court. It means he has to find the next Ekholm for Bouch, the Kurri for McDavid, the Anderson for Drai. I like that they added more ability in the top 6, and I think it will get better as it goes, but I don’t think the balance is quite right yet

No GM is perfect, and despite the criticisms Bowman has walked through this with the Hawks one way or another, finding the pieces to build a three Cup team. These trade proof long contracts are a problem, we knew it would be, and now I think it’s making it hard to do the moves that need to be done, loving the players in question or not. No team should lock in any but the absolute top players if possible so there is the needed flexibility. Godspeed Oilers management

cowboy bill

They looked bored with the preseason, now they look bored with the regular season.
The problem is they have to earn the right to play in the playoffs. Sooner or later, they’ve got to make the playoffs.

Scungilli Slushy

Connor reminds me of a person on the spectrum. He is brilliant in what drives him, but he can get stuck right there, hyper focused and sometimes not finding a new way when they limit his preferred things. He’s not a patient type, and despite the talk he loses focus on some of the details, especially if he gets frustrated. His brilliance usually over comes these things, not so far, and not always in key playoff games. Sometimes patience and trickery are the answer, as opposed to bull force onslaughts

I’m not sure what Leon’s deal is, but he’s also stubborn as a mule, and wants to try to force his will on situations, even when they aren’t working. He will try them again. The problem is taking high risk unnecessary plays out of their game and looking for other options is what needs to happen. Live to battle another play

So the coaches’ dilemma is how do they guide the team to where they want it? So far no one has figured it out with this group. I think TOI is the way, if a line is doing the right things, play them more. If you get behind, stick to the plan, don’t load up the top line if it’s not there that game

The time to do it is now. If they keep doing this and lose a bunch more games, options go away like last season. Playing cold, tired or hurt players more than others, even if they are more talented, we have seen isn’t the answer. Even world top players need a kick in the hockey pants at times, they are also human


I may just come back at game 20 and see where they are! lol.
The pucks will start going in but this is a flawed team. They can win but definitely are a yo yo. They have 1 solid pairing on D. They need at least 2. Nurse is not a 2nd pairing D anymore, I am not trolling, I am a supporter but he just isn’t.


Happy Thanksgiving LT and all

from the platoon in BV.


I hate to say this, but a team is not a team, when teammates are told to sit at the end of the bench while our stars are overworked trying to get back into the game. Yes, some players are better than others, but not when they are exhausted. Perhaps a road trip will help.

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