Lowetide versus the Volcano

by Lowetide

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The Oilers sign Lavoie just after this was published. Twice in a mater of days the Oilers change the script moments after It publishes articles. Coincidence? Correlation?

The Great One

Jim Matheson

Edm resigns Raphael Lavoie for one year at $775,000 but two-way deal. He’s got talent, for sure (28 goals, 50 points in Bakersfield) but he’s not a fourth-line NHL player so where does he play with this Oiler team? His best NHL chance may be a waiver claim


$225,000 for playing in Bakersfield is not too shabby. I think that AHL salary has to be waiver wire protection.

The Great One

Wouldn’t any team claiming him have to have him on their NHL roster?

rich tm

Correct. If you claim him, you have to put him on your roster. But, you can subsequently waive him and send him to your AHL team, and once again, he’d have to clear to go down.

Scungilli Slushy

They must have interest still, would be a way to keep him happy until next season. He probably needs another AHL one anyway


Every team has a Lavoie-type winger in their system. There are multiple empty calorie wingers available for peanuts as UFAs right now. There is close to zero chance that he gets claimed on waivers. He needs to start using his big frame for ill intent if he hopes to have an NHL career.

Scungilli Slushy

That’s why I figure he needs more time anyways. He’s not Ovi, he needs a full resume to get promoted. And there isn’t a spot on the big team this season


I see it more as he needs to put a few goals and get rolling, as opposed to lay out a few guys.

He could do well to use his time in BAK to learn to PK, if he wants more ice time in the NHL.


When he was sent down last season, he asked to PK and Chaulk and the staff agreed. He was on the PK for a few weeks and then taken off. Chaulk said the rest of his game suffered with the extra minutes.


Sounds like a conditioning issue. Be good of him to take heed and make that a priority of his off season training. And skating; even Connor works on his skating technique every year, so nobody is immune.

Scungilli Slushy

Making it is always about working. It’s the best league in the world. Any other sport same thing. Only the exceptional players have any leeway and it’s not much. It’s the same as any top spot in anything

Scungilli Slushy

Actually do they? 6’4 over 200 first shot scorer? Not obviously a too poor skater and edgy?

Maybe some


Trades my friend this no G.M thing is awesome. I see a Hab deal before training camp

Scungilli Slushy

Nurse Lavoie Ceci for Guhle Barron and Suzuki

Crazy you know it. Can JJ do it? You know it


Lol – if Kent Hughes made that trade, the Montreal faithful would publicly crucify him (and I don’t mean in the court of public opinion … I mean like Game of Thrones style).

Scungilli Slushy

Burn him he’s a witch!!!


What does Ceci and Savoie get you on the black market?


I think they have plans for Savoie a year from now when Skinner moves on. He has played all three forward positions according to an interview he gave earlier today and is comfortable in any of them.

As to his trade value there is a video on YouTube by the beat writer for the Buffalo News claiming that in 2023 Buffalo walked away from a trade for Chychrun because Arizona wanted Savoie in return – as at least part of the package. He doesn’t say what else might have been involved if anything.


Buffalo walked away from a trade for Chychrun because Arizona wanted Savoie in return

Apropos of not much, really glad the Oilers went in the Ekholm rather than Chychrun direction at the deadline in 2023.


but, but, but, if the Oilers had acquired Chychrun, they could have traded him for Jensen to fill the RD spot……


I think that Lavoie could be a fourth-liner. He had 13 hits in 7 games with an average of 7mins/game. I do believe he’d have a lot more success on a different team as he has a bullet of a shot and was quite effective on the Condors PP but he definitely won’t see PP time with the Oilers. I really like him and I’m cheering for him. I do think he’ll have every opportunity to make the team but we’ll have to wait and see.


Included in a trade package with Ceci or Kulak.


My hope as well. Good for him, good for the team if they can find somebody that values him enough to add a little something coming back.

I just don’t see a spot for him with the Oilers and it is time for him to get a real opportunity to see what he can do with it.

The Great One

Montreal could use a big Francophone third line winger to replace 5’9″ 180 Rafael

Perhaps they would part with 6’2″ 234 RD David Savard if the Oilers sweetened a Ceci trade sufficiently.


Perhaps they would part with 6’2β€³ 234 RD David Savard if the Oilers sweetened a Ceci trade sufficiently.


Adding to a player that’s a lateral move at best, and likely a step down is classic satire.

Never change.

Fuhr and Lowething in Vegreville

It’s funny how handle after handke after handle the same idiocy always shines through. It’s sofa king sad. I legit feel sorry for you.


I do see a trade with the aggressive Habs G.M. Lavoie size and shot propped up by the Mysterio G.M may be attractive. enough for a trade..

Optimism is like heroin

Was thinking about how we develop prospects in the Ahl.

One change I would like to see are adding player coaches instead of top end ahl players. For example use Ryan as a 3rd line center and coach. Put 2 guys who look to play 4th line and pk. Gives the young guys access to feedback instantly and from guys that have very recently been there and done that.


Great spot with Chaulk on OilersNow tonight. I can summarize some stuff tomorrow as I’m just listening as I walk back from a Stampede client event but one thing – management has reached out to Chaulk and company and we’re clear that Savoie is a center right now.

Expect him to start the season at Cente.

Optimism is like heroin

Hope he starts in the NHL with Holloway and Kane as his wingers.


I think the chance of that are quite slim.

Optimism is like heroin

Slim yes. On the other hand impact players spend very minimal time in the Ahl on average. And if you get bottom 6 nhl minutes with those 2 wingers he could make hay.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

I remember my β€œThe Great One”.

I ate a giant donair eight hours earlier. What a time to be alive (or be a toilet seat).


I remember my β€œThe Great One”.

This is unfortunate though I understand it’s not directed at the real Great One.

I find the current handle for the resident troll particularly galling given the local history and genuine greatness that’s being sullied.

While I realize the probelm will not go away, I don’t think this particular iteration/handle should be allowed to continue. FWIW.

Brogan Rafferty's Uncle Steve

Agreed. The post was my many beers deep brain’s attempt at a joke.


I agree on him not being allowed to use that handle.


Well he is pretty great at making us all laugh and getting eye rolls per 60.


With all these great Sather like moves it would be fitting for the club to have a tribute night for Slats and his wife now that he’s retired.


I was all for cashing in on McLeod. Never thought it would happen.

Now I’m all for cashing in Lavoie and whoever else, plus a side order of Ryan and Perry. To find the next Klim Kostin type.

Lavoie as already mentioned, is an asset that cannot be utilized in Edmonton.

And those last few roster spots need to provide balance. Who is a big under appreciated 23 year old who can skate and is fearless?


Lavoie has no trade value now. Once he clears waivers (if he can’t beat Perry out at camp for a spot), he could have similar trade value as Samorukov had – there is more value after clearing waivers as the acquiring team can put the player in AHL – Samourkov for Kostin style.

Stauff asked Chaulk tonight was Lavoie has to do to make the team out of camp and Chaulk said he needs to be elite on the walls. In the defensive zone he’s got to be able to make plays off the wall and not just chip pucks out. He’s got to show the coaches he can create some offence at 5 on 5. Chaulk talked about a 20 game stretch last season where Lavoie was only creating on the PP and that is not going to get him NHL time as he won’t play the PP on this team.

Scungilli Slushy

Except he won’t play two ways. Not an option on contenders. There are thousands of talented players, just not thousands of NHL quality players


you only have Declan, the Oilers have a bunch of guys


in practice the Oilers have many on their scouting staff; you have Declan


Every year after the draft, I go back and do a β€˜Lowetide versus the Oilers’ comparison.

Thanks, LT. As always it will be interesting to follow things forward.


Couple of points
JJ has done some great stuff. This should convince Leon to sign an extension.
Trade Ceci for a prospect to get cap compliant. I believe Adam Larsson would love to come to Edmonton at TDL or earlier.


I believe Adam Larsson would love to come to Edmonton at TDL or earlier.

Says who?

Has he magically changed his stance?



No idea how Larsson feels, but IIRC wasn’t at chunk of the decision due to his mother not wanting to have to visit where her husband died?

Perhaps a few months would be quite different from being an Oiler permanently, though of course I don’t actually know.


For a couple months and a real chance at a Stanley Cup. Just a feeling.
source … fo


Okay, so you’ve pulled this out of your thin air.

Until Adam actually mentions a change of heart, it’s probably best to operate under the assumption he’s not coming back.

I’d love to have him back. But it’s not going to happen.


It’s all a bit anecdotal at this point, but he is good friends with Arvidsson, possibly Ekholm too, left the organization on good terms, and time and winning can fix many things…


So if we need puck movers. and good guys. And people who played well to complement Nurse, would there be any desire to bring back Tyson Barrie? Still remains unsigned, and would come cheap. I like him better then Stecher as our 3 RD/7th dman. Would he come back on a 1 year, $1 million if we move Ceci? because that move makes us cap compliant. Or would this mean our PK is hurting, unless we are good with Eckholm, Nurse, Broberg and one of Bouchard or Kulak on the PK.

Better 2 PP guy. Moves the puck very well and was loved in the dressing room (and could lesson the blow of moving good guy Ceci).


I love Barrie … really good dude and the best I’ve ever seen at keeping pucks in at the blueline on the PP. I’d offer him or Justin Schultz a PTO if they are unsigned by training camp.


Funny I was looking at the unsigned D as well this morning. I don’t think Barrie can handle 2RD so even if you pick him over Stecher that doesn’t fix the issue. I had a peek at whether Justin Schultz would be an option but he’s 3rd pair now too. Dads and moms, tell your kid to shoot right and learn to love D!

I wonder if the team plan is to try and get the max return now for Ceci or Kulak – on the basis that Ceci is the preferred player dealt – make the best deal they can, get cap compliant and then fill the hole in season, at the deadline or sooner depending on cap accrual etc. If you start with Ekholm, Bouchard, Nurse, Broberg, one of Kulak or Ceci, Stetcher, Brown + the Condors pushing up that should be solid enough to get them to the break for the 4 Nations Cup. With that running to Feb. 20th and a trade deadline of Mar. 6 I suspect there will be lots of action coming out of that.


That would be a prudent course of action. I think that the last week or so has set us up for higher expectations. πŸ₯Έ

Talk Nerdy

It would be great to see more of Stetcher. We didn’t get to see allot of him, but the few games I saw he seemed to make some really good plays with the puck.

Or maybe he was just exciting to watch. Sometimes exciting isn’t necessarily a good thing…


I’ve been a Nurse fan but dealing him for a good 2RD that makes $5-$6 million makes a ton of sense this off-season. Then we could keep all the other dmen, sign the RFAs and run a 22 man roster. Maybe even room for a 4C.


Who in the league has anyone that fits that bill that they’d be willing to move for a 9.25M LHD 2nd pair.


Colton Parayko? I mean, I doubt they’d do a straight swap. There is an outside chance you could trade Nurse for Seth Jones to solve your lefty/righty issue but I really don’t see a Nurse trade anytime soon.


Shames are playing Weeger (RD) as an LD. For a price maybe they would make a swap but I think the issue is who/where would Nurse waive for. Guessing that is a small list.


My only guess is Philly but only if Ristolainen has fully recovered and capable of being a 2RD. We might have to take Petersen to make the cap work but he is gone at the end of the year. We might be able to off-load Petersen on another team but sending him down to the AHL gives us another $1.2 million of cap space over the existing situation with Nurse and Ryan on the team.

To PHI: Nurse ($9.25 mil) + Ryan ($0.9 mil) = $10.15 mil

To EDM: Ristoleinen ($5.1 mil) + Petersen ($5.0 mil) = $10.10 mil

I’ve long been a fan of Nurse but something needs to be done to take the final step and sustain the success past the impending wave of high price signings.

Last edited 2 months ago by AsiaOil

If Nurse plays with a edge and starts laying some people out he instantly becomes a fan favourite and a valuable commodity. It doesn’t look like it’s in his personality unless you rile him up like the reporters did.

Talk Nerdy

How much of Nurse’s breakdowns were due to moving from a man/man to zone defence? Or is this even a thing?


He’s been in decline ever since he signed that monster contract regardless of the coaching staff or defensive scheme.


Happy if that were an option.


Stauff has Lavoie and Bourgault as prospects 3 and 4 in the org (after Savoie and O’Riley).

Can Lavoie beat out Perry for the “heavy skilled” 12F spot?

The would save apx $400K on the cap if they did waive and assign Perry.

Chelios is a Dinosaur

I still can’t believe JJ retained most roster contributors while improving on the ones they lost and still added to the prospect pool. But not even depth prospects, a new #1 and a new #2. Finally some magic beans! If he signs Leon this summer for anything even remotely team friendly I think we got one a summer for the ages.


Seems like it will be even tougher for Lavoie to crack the line up than last year with Savoie added

He’s going to have to hope for the injury bug to bite hard this season to get a chance


I’m not sure about that – Sure, Savoie likely is given lots of opportunity at camp and in exhibition but he’s likely slated to, at least start the season, in the AHL.

Lavoie likely as well.

I think its Philp, Lavoie and Savoie that are looking to take a job from Perry and/or Derek Ryan and I would think that Philp for Ryan and Lavoie for Perry would make the most sense (either breaking camp or during the season).

cowboy bill

I would welcome a fourth line of (Holloway-Philp-Lavoie). If Bourgault is the better all-around player than substitute him in for Lavoie. They need to inject some youth into the lineup.

cowboy bill

Or maybe even Savoie on RW.


I think they need to sign Carter, and run a Savoie-Savoie-Lavoie line in the Bake.

Mayan Oil

It would drive the PBP guys nuts trying to call the play….

Fuhr and Lowething in Vegreville

The idiot savoioant line. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Imagine listening to the play by play of these three on the ice … it would sound like one player passing to himself. “Savoie … passes to Savoie … back to Lavoie … across to Savoie … behind the net to Lavoie … centres in front for Savoie … scores!”

Red wolf

If Ceci traded for picks to be cap compliant any chance JJ can get Adam Boqvist on a 1 year show me contract?


What he brings in puck movement, Boqvist lacks in physicality and durability.

To me, he’s more of a 7D than a top six.

Last edited 2 months ago by BornInAGretzkyJersey

Is Boqvist actually better than Stetcher?

We never really got to see Stetcher, but he’s carved out a pretty decent career of almost 500 games in the NHL for a guy who was never drafted.

Red wolf

Agree need to see what Stetcher brings but not sure he has 2RD potential. Boqvist was a first round pick number 8 in 2018. All this depends on him willing to come on the cheap. More competition amongst the Right shot D can’t hurt especially with his draft pedigree


Is Boqvist actually better than Stetcher?

That’s the question; personally speaking I don’t see either as a top-6.

Red wolf

He is still young and durability is an issue. Depending on his progress he might ultimately pair with Nurse who can look after the physicality part. He’s fast and has a great shot.




personally speaking

If you’re going to try to troll a guy, don’t let your best get in the way of doing better.


Hey, Lavoie actually did what makes sense. Sign a contract with an NHL AAV at league min which is below his qualifying offer – presumably there is a higher AHL salary (or guaranteed min total comp) attached.

This was offered to him last season and, against his agent’s advise, he turned it down to bet on himself – the cap can get so tight that dollars matters – this gives him a better shot at a call-up, etc.

Last edited 2 months ago by OriginalPouzar

Wonder if he’s still pissing on Woodcroft’s lawn.


Looks like the Condors are bring back the entire coaching staff (Chaulk, McCambridge and the video guy) but Sly Rodrigue who is moving on!

Todd Macallan

Oh that’s too bad about Rodrigue. I suspect a clever NHL team will soon be employing his services given his work in developing Stu as well as his son, was hoping it might be us.


It’s kind of a curious move given his son is in a very crucial part of his career. Olivier is somewhat blocked on the Oilers by Pickard and yet would appear to have a great opportunity to become the number 2 over the next 2 years.

Scungilli Slushy

Sometimes not having Dad as a coach can be a help


Chaulk it up to nepotism!

Considering the verbal about Chaulk’s preference for vets over prospects, I’d had hopes JJ was going to upgrade the minor league staff.

Maybe there will be an organizational directive to increase deployment of the prospects.

Last edited 2 months ago by BornInAGretzkyJersey

How is this current nepotism?

I think many that complain about playing vets over prospects, don’t pay close attention (or really any attention) at all to what’s going on in the farm.

They don’t see when Philp is promoted to play 1C when he’s rolling, they don’t see Tulio with top 6 minutes and PP time when he’s on a heater.


Chaulk has nothing outstanding on his resume to suggest he’s a strong candidate, or even a fit, outside of being the incumbent.

Considering how he got the assistant coach gig in the first place… nepotism isn’t a stretch.

I’m all for it, if it works.

I just think there are likely better folks available for the role.


Chaulk had a relationship with Jay Woodcroft, no?

I don’t think there is anything pre-existing relationship with Jackson and his people that would be considered nepotism.

If anything, Jackson keeping Chaulk (or Gretzky keeping him with, Jackson’s high end approval) is the opposite of nepotism – he’s not bringing in “his people”).



On the other hand, JJ has a lot of nooks and crannies to tidy before he makes his way down to the AHL cupboards.

Chaulk, etc, are likely only there because Jackson hasn’t had time to focus at that level to the degree necessary to make high level changes.

Odds are there will be turnover in the relatively near future.

The fact that Chaulk was there in the first place was nepotism; that he remains is likely due to being the incumbent over merit.

As someone who’s watched a nearly infinite number more BAK games than I have, can you make the case for keeping the current AHL staff compared to someone who’d be more inclined/suited at developing talent for the NHL (EG your Todd Nelsons of the world)?


Wouldn’t Gretzky be responsible for making that recommendation or not?


One would think, in a perfect world.

People do strange things whilst under pressure.

Feel I should make it clear, I have no ill will for the BAK coaching staff. I just want to see this org stacked with talent top to bottom — including coaching.

I’d like to see improvements at more areas than just those in charge of developing/deploying the prospects. Skating, conditioning, player development, and goaltending are positions I’d seek to improve. For example.


I think they have done that with Kalle Larsson in player development, no?

And I guess they will be hiring a new goal tending coach. It will be interesting to see Larsson’s input as he gets settled since his title as Senior Director of Player Development implies that he will staff working for him.


Ok, so the Chaulk extension is not a nepotism hires as initially stated, its due to the fact that Jackson hasn’t had time to get a nepotism hire in place?

It is a multi-year contract so that turnover might not be scheduled for that near in the future, right?

Yes, the initial hire was based on existing relationships – kind of like the majority of the hires – doesn’t get more nepotism than Jackson hiring Knobber does it?

I defend the current staff’s deployment when its criticized by those that don’t watch or pay close enough attention to the Condors and cite incorrect facts.

Todd Nelson just won the AHL championship relying heavily on non prospects. The Oilers had seven players play in the playoffs that Chaulk coached in the AHL.


So Jeff Jackson isn’t perfect.


A few things:

β€” someone beat me to punch but maybe next year we see McD Drai and RNH centering 3 lines as a structure

β€” As great as it appears this management team has knocked it out: I worry that it ends up being an internal supplicant hire as the days go by, as opposed to an outside voice who has acumen and brings a different perspective/experience to this group.

β€” I hadn’t realized that Jackson lives in Ontario. There are many things that can be remote but being POHO isn’t one of them IMO. β€œFly in” executives rarely work out long term is my experience.

Scungilli Slushy

Agreed, have to be around the team


I thought I would never see the day. Do you mean someone from the East is actually going to move to Alberta for work.



That was classic.


β€” I get the joke : but AIMCo for instance is a big deal : they make sure everyone hires moves to Edmonton. Being POHO of NHL team more prestigious than that.

β€” Fly-in executives is a bad look in industry: β€œI’m so big time the rules are different for me”.


I think that they could do a “management by committee” approach and that would work without Jackson being in town but I would assume that they will go with an external candidate in this situation. JJ has said enough things to indicate that they will take their time but that a lot of the people they want to talk to weren’t going to be available for that pre-draft & free agency.


Nuge, Gord love him, is more valuable to the team as 1/2 LW than 3C.

I’m willing to trust JJ so far, given the results since he’s come aboard. Not exactly fair to criticize a guy for things he has yet to do.


Yeah, I think we see all sorts of permutations amongst the forwards this coming season; in game and in short spurts, but pretty sure Henrique is pencilled in as the default 3rd line centre barring injury etc.

Can’t wait to hear clarification on the Kane situation to see how that impacts the lineup.


That’s how I see things shaking out as well. Play everyone to their strengths.

I am one who values what a healthy Kane brings to the team. Pending his recovery, the timeline, and who could be available to take his place, I’d be all for trading him to improve the roster. Otherwise something creative like *cough*Tampa*cough*Vegas*cough are known to do and add more talent.


My understanding is he doesn’t want to take his kids out of their current school. HIs wife probably has a big say in things as well, and well … happy wife, happy life.

I’m OK with this arrangement for now … Jackson and his team of AGMs are killing it.

cowboy bill


Are they really any better with Nuge playing 3c instead of Henrique? Infact Henrique might be the better option @ 3c.

And IMO Keith Gretzky has been plying his trade for long enough in Bakersfield to finally make the jump up to the big club to work with Jeff Jackson.

Last edited 2 months ago by cowboy bill

β€” Halloway played a lot on that 2nd line last year non?


Henrique-Nuge-Brown : that’s a Swiss Army knife deadly option 3rd line IMO.

β€” The first line best in hockey. The 2nd line best 2nd line in hockey. The third line best 3rd line in hockey : at least that’s defensible position.

β€” The Kane Savoie come back and mix and match.

cowboy bill

In the playoffs. But with the acquisitions of Skinner and Arvidsson the top six is all but set & that would include Skinner, McDavid, Hyman, Nuge, Leon & Arvidsson. Can’t see Holloway anywhere but the fourth line because they kind of like the Janmark-Henrique-Brown third line. Is it all set in stone? I don’t know. Holloway may even take over the departed Ryan MacLeod role and he wasn’t in sight in the top 9 either.


That third line was great in the playoffs and no doubt they’ll see time together but I don’t think its an untouchable line and actually think there will be a material step back during portions of the regular season. There is obvious chemistry there but their success was highly contingent on “playoff style hockey”, 100% battle for every puck, pressing at every bobble, etc., etc. Its a style that I don’t think any player/line can play night in and night out for an 82 game grind.

100% Holloway could see some time on Henrique’s left wing and, heck, I could see Arvidsson on the right wing for stretches too.

Skinner needs to play top 6 but Arvidsson can play a 3rd line game as well.


I believe that being CEO of Hockey Ops can be done remotely but its the GM role that needs to be local – at least in my opinion.


And that’s probably why they want a GM. That being said, I kind of like the current set up.

Scungilli Slushy

Anxiously awaiting the defense deal. I’ve always been not patient waiting for moves to be made, but now Action Jackson has made it worse. A good thing


Jackson isn’t finished yet it’s been decades since we’ve seen creativity and instant wins. After game 7 soul crushing defeat I thought I needed a break from the Oilers all Summer. Jackson instead pulled me right back in starting with the team friendly contacts to Arvidsson-Skinner-Henrique while at the same time stocking the bare cupboards with legit talent faster than I ever imagined. If Jackson can sign Leon and parlay Ceci plus this team with a green light will roll over anyone in their way.

Scungilli Slushy

I would have been challenged if they kept KH. This is what I/many have been waiting for


So, turns out that drum you’ve been banging on all this time was actually in the realm of possibility.

I’ve been a mostly silent supporter of your posts. Didn’t expect the answer to come from JJ in the POHO post, but here we are; I’ll take it. Have cautiously high hopes for the GM hire as a result.

Todd Macallan

A propos LT’s Athletic article today, as per the Oilers official twitter they have re-signed Lavoie to a 1yr/2 way deal for 775k.

Pulling for the young man with the sideburns (despite him in actual fact having zero sideburns).


Has anyone seen the movie ‘Inside Out 2’ ? I love this one. Yes tears were shed.


Watched it in its opening weekend. I loved it too! Great to see another well-made film with hockey as a theme.


is it better than the first? cause that one was great


I can’t remember all the details of the first one, but this one is well worth the price of admission. I don’t have kids but it brought back lots of memories.

Dee Dee

Wouldn’t you be back to normal after going Inside Out twice?


You wouldn’t not be.


oh goodness you’re right. i’m not sure i was normal to start tho πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


It is outstanding. We went as a family. My two young daughters loved, the oldest started playing hockey this year and the hockey component only enhanced the focus on the movie. When we got home my oldest daughter went to practice basketball all by herself. They also saw all the commercials during the playoffs and well advertising really works on kids. The anxiety character really hit home with my wife. We will be watching this movie as a family yearly, especially as puberty hits, for reminders (both kids and parents).